Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

All I Want.

[Corey's POV]

All I want is a place to call my own, to mend the
hearts of everyone who feels alone whoa you know to
keep your hopes up high and your head down low.

My phone sang "All I Want" by A Day To Remember, signaling it was time to get up and get ready to go see my mom and dad. I fumbled to find my phone, remembering it was charging on Danny's side of the bed. My head pounded as I sat up.

I climbed onto Danny, reaching for my phone. He moaned once I turned off the alarm.

"Good morning hangover-boy." I whispered, knowing his head hurt just as bad.

"Good morning. Wanna get me coffee and a couple of pain killers, please?" He asked softly.

"Of course." I replied quietly, kissing his forehead before getting off of his stomach and calling room service for two large coffees.

As I waited for the cooffee, I pulled the Aleve bottle out of my purse.

I popped two of the pills and swallowed them down with some water. Then I carried two to Danny and giggled softly as he struggled to sit up.

"No laughing." He smirked.

"I can't help it." I giggled more as I took in his appearance.

He looks like he didn't feel like a million bucks. His eyes are surrounded by dark circles and are slightly bloodshot. His hair's a mess, sticking up in a billion different directions, and he still has alcohol breath.

But he still looks absolutely adorable.

He took a breath, ready to say something, but was interrupted by a light rap on our door.

"Room service." A young, male voice called.

I told Danny to hold onto his thought and opened the door.

Chuckling at the 20-year-olds expression when he saw how I looked. Zebra print underwear and a baggy t-shirt weren't something he was used to I'm assuming.

"Heh. Sorry. Thank you." I blushed, taking the tray of coffee out of his hands.

"N-no problem. Enjoy." He stammered, peeling his eyes away and turning on his heel, rushing to continue his rounds.

I shut the door with my hip and walked over to the bed. Danny's head was leaning back against the headboard, his eyes closed.

"Coffee, baby." I whispered, smiling as his eyes opened slightly.

"Yummy." He replied, his voice slightly hoarse.

We sipped the steaming coffee, letting it run through our bodies.

25 minutes later I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

Danny mustered up the energy and climbed into the shower after I walked out into the bedroom.

I stared at my suitcase, piecing outfits together to see what I wanted to wear.

I eventually decided on a white sundress, strappy sandals, and my pearl necklace my great-grandma gave me for my 16th birthday.

Today was going to be a good day. I could tell.

An hour later Danny and I were walking out the door.

He was dressed in a white v-neck and denim skinny jeans. His outfit completed with black Vans.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked, opening the front door to my parents outrageously large house, Danny following close behind.

"Corey?" My mom asked, appearing in the foyer where we were standing. "Corey!"

I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Oh Lord how I've missed you! Look at you! You look beautiful! Oh! And who is this handsome young man?" My mom babbled.

"Mom, this is Danny. My boyfriend." I smiled at Danny. He quickly smiled back at me, then at my mom, pulling her into a hug.

"It's nice to meet you son." My mom smiled.

"Pleasure's all mine." Danny said, his obtained English accent barely peeking through his natural Californian accent.

"Well come in! I just made a batch of double chocolate chip cookies and a pitcher of Lemon Iced Tea!" My mom said, walking out of the foyer to the kitchen.

I didn't follow. I just stared after her.

"Cor? You okay?" Danny looked at me.

"Um. Yea." I said, still staring at the spot where my mom disappeared around the corner.

"You sure?" He double-checked.

"Yea. It's just my mom doesn't make cookies and tea unless she's got bad news, is upset, or both." I stated.

"I'm sure she just made them to be nice. C'mon. We don't want to keep her waiting." Danny said, grabbing my hand and intertwining our finrgers to pull me into the kitchen.

We sat at the counter and I picked at a cookie.

All I can think about is the fact that the last time mom made cookies and tea was to tell me I was moving schools. Halfway across the world. And the time before that she made cookies and tea when she broke the news my great-grandma had passed away two days after my 16th birthday. What's wrong now?

"Corey, your father should be here in about 15 minutes. He mentioned he can't stay long. He has a, um, a meeting tomorrow and has to catch the plane this evening." My mom said, examining her fresh manicure.

"Oh. Okay. At least I'll get to see him." I said.

Ever since I can remember, I've been a daddy's girl. Sure, I love my mom, and I confided in her in plenty of things. But my dad was my go to guy.

Mom let out what seemed like a forced laugh and replied, "Yea."

I managed to swallow a sip of tea before turning to Danny and asking, "Wanna tour of the house?"

He nodded and we headed through the house.

I showed him the inground pool and Jacuzzi out in the large backyard, first.

I smiled as memories of cookouts, parties, and hangouts with family flooded my mind.

I laced my fingers between Danny's and led him back inside.

We started in the basement. The first room was still full of games. Pinball, Pool, Air Hockey, Fooseball, and an old PacMan game my uncle gave my dad for his 40th birthday. The next room was out home theater. Big screen TV, vintage popcorn maker, and big, comfy, lazy boy chairs.

The main level had the basics: a bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room. Nothing fancy other than the largeness of each room.

The second floor contained the master bedroom and bathroom, a library, and a den. The library was filled with law books and others. Both the library and the den had been transformed into one big office for my mom and dad.

The third floor is technically the attic. But it's all mine.

I grinned as I walked into my room. In the back corner is my large bathroom. Next to that, my large closet. The rest of the attic was open.

When I was fifteen, I discovered hardcore, in-your-face music. Asking Alexandria, Norma Jean, and A Day To Remember had stepped into my life and have not left since. Anyway, that was also when my uncle gave me my sound system. And I discovered the volume and bass buttons... My parent's were sick of hearing Danny Worsnop and Jeremy McKinnon screaming. So they installed soundproof pads under my black carpet and teal colored walls.

It made life a lot easier, and I could blast all the music I wanted to.

Anywho, my floor's are still covered in black carpet, and my walls are still teal with stripes and checkers on them. My king size bed still sits in the middle of the back wall, facing the huge window in the front of the house. Pictures of family, past pets, old friends line my walls and cover my three bookshelves. My black iMac sits on my huge black desk.

"It's just the way I remember it." I say out loud.

"It's amazing. The whole house is." Danny says.

"Honestly, I can't wait to come back home."

"I don't blame you. This place is spectacular. You have awesome friends. Your mom is sweet, too." Danny said, "I don't know what I'm gonna do after senior year's over."

"You're going to come live with me." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Really?" He asked, turning towards me.

"Yea." I smiled, pulling the bottom of his shirt to move him closer so I could kiss him.

Just as our lips touched, my mom yelled up the stairs through my open door, "Corey! Your father's here!"

I pulled away and grinned, "You ready?"

Danny sighed and nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be."

I pulled him out of my room and down the stairs, laughing when he tripped.

We walked intot he kitchen where my mom and dad were standing.

Not saying a single word.

"There's my baby girl." My dad walked toward me, opening his arms for a hug.

"Hi Daddy." I smiled into his light blue button-up shirt.

"Dad, this is Danny. My boyfriend." I smiled, seeing my dad's look of approval as Danny returned his firm handshake.

I glanced at my mom, doing a double-take once I noticed the pained, sad look on her face.

Once I noticed that, I notices a lot. Her hair lost its shine, her face now sports a few wrinkles, her eyes look tired. She made those cookies and tea for a reason, and I'm going to find out why.

"Dad, take Danny out to see the rides? I haven't gotten to that part of the tour yet. That way you can get some man bonding in." I said, keeping my eyes on my mom.

"Sounds like a plan. Follow me, son." My dad said, turning to go to the garage.

Danny quickly kissed my cheek, before turning to follow my dad outside.

I sat on a barstool at the counter. The barstool I declared mine when I was 5.

"Danny seems nice." Mom said, pouring a small glass of tea and drinking it down.

"He is. I'm finally happy." I said.

"I can tell." She replied, rinsing the cup out and sticking it in the top shelf of the dishwasher.

"Tell me what's wrong." I stated.

"Nothing's wrong." She said.

"Yes there is." I replied.

"Honey, there's nothing wrong." She tried to convince me.

"Mom. I'm your daughted. I'm programmed to know when something's wrong. I can tell." I explained.

She sighed.

"Mom, just tell me what's going on." I said quietly, climbing down from the barstool.

She sighed again and turned to face the kitchen window, looking at the three-car garage my dad and Danny were standing at.

Then I saw it. Dad's wedding ring was gone.

"Mom?" I said, shakily.

She sniffled before saying, "He cheated. The bastard cheated."

"Oh my God." I whispered, "When?"

"Two weeks ago. He said he was leaving on a trip and he had to get his stuff together at work so he'd be there late." She replied, a tear falling.


Another tear. I hugged her.

"Chloe." Another tear. I tensed.

"The blonde bimbo secretary?" I asked, anger building up.

She nodded, beginning to sob.

She's broken. My mother is broken.

I let go, clenched my teeth and turned on my heel/

This motherfucker has a fucking monsoon headed his way.

Throwing open the side door that led outside to the garage, I walked out the door, slamming it behind me.

Trying not to run and tackle the man who is supposed to be my father, I walked towards him as calmly as I can...which isn't calm at all.

Halfway between the house and the garage, he saw me.

"Hey babygirl." He said.

"Don't you fucking dare babygirl me. Fucking sick bastard." I said.

Danny's eyes popped.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, twisting his face to make him look confused, but the look never reached his eyes which scream he knew what I was talking about.

"Chloe? Really dad ?" I sneered. "She's young enough to be my damn sister. Plus she's fucked every damn person in the city. Now she's fucked. And so are you. I. Fucking. Hate . You." I said, beyond pissed off.

"It was a simple mistake." He tried, walking toward me.

"Don't. Come. Near me." I stated.

He stopped, "Look, Corey. I was half-drunk."

"Which also means you were [i[half sober. You could've made the right decision. You could've kept your wife, your home. Your daughter. But you didn't make the right choice. You lost it all." I declared.

"If your mom wa--"

"Don't you dare blame her. She had nothing to do with this." I said, my finger stabbing the air at him.

"But, Corey." He said, taking a step towards me.

"Come any closer and I will not hesitate to hurt you." I stated through clenched teeth.

He took a step closer, doubting me and my threat.

So I turned that threat into a promise.

I sent a right hook into his jaw. He grunted with the impact and stumbled backwards, holding his face.

"Leave. Now. And I never want to see you. Goodbye." I said, turning and walking back ito the house. I could hear Danny jogging behind me, trrying to catch up.

"I love you mom. You'll be okay." I said, giving my mom a quick hug and climbing the stairs, ready to retreat to my room.

As I walked up the stairs, my mom asked Danny something.

Unable to hear what was said, I continued walking into my room. I left the door open so Danny knew it was okay for him to come in, and I plopped backward onto my bed.

Danny walked in and closed the thick door, locking it.

He sat next to me on my bed.

I put my fist in front of his face. Confusion swept over him.

"Kiss it. It hurts." I whined.

Danny chuckled and kissed my fist.

"Promise me you won't cheat on me? That if you don't want to be with me, you'll tell me straigh up instead of going behind my back." I asked, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I won't cheat on you Corey. Nor do I ever want to leave you. Ever. Especially with that right hook you got."

I giggled, "Promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooooo, I don't own anyone or any thing famous in this chapter. I'd like to though...but I don't.

And I'm sorry it's so dang long...

Next chapter coming after this one is submitted.

I love you alllllll.
Even you silent readers who you know want to comment and subscribe(;
