Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

First Off, I'm Not Your "Babe".

[Corey's POV]

We cleaned the house and gathered up all of our things, preparing to head back to Brighton. I really don't want to go back to school. But it's my last year as a high school student, then I'm out of here, out of my parent's hair, and a free chica!

"Ready princess?" Danny asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Mhm." I replied, smiling when Danny kissed my cheek softly.

"Well we should hit the road. I have to get my schedule still." He said, taking the duffle bag out of my hand.

"You haven't gotten your schedule yet?" I asked, surprised he's put it off.

"Nope. Well, I did, but a lot of it was wrong, so they changed it. I've been putting off getting my new one because I didn't want to think about going back to school." He replied, chuckling while throwing the duffle into the backseat of the car.

"Makes sense." I mumbled, climbing in the passenger seat after Danny opened the door for me.

We got back to Brighton around one. We stopped at Carlos' Sandwich Shop and split a fresh turkey sandwich.

When we got back to the school I went upstairs and started a load of laundry before unpacking the rest of our things while Danny picked up his schedule.

"Wrist cutter!"

"Shut up!"


"Oh my God. Shut the fuck up!"

"Emo bitch!"

"Damn righ, cock sucker!"

Oh God...that voice...Danny...shit!

I ran out of the room to find someone pinning Danny up against the wall, his fist ready to make contact with Danny's perfect face. The door to our room slammed behind me.

"Get the FUCK off of him!" I yelled.

The jock looked at me, let go of Danny, and walked towards me. He looks like he's got a stick up his ass...

" 'Aye mates! We got ourselves a little emo slut!" The jock said. I'm renaming him 'The Cock', since 'The Jock' is going to make his ego go sky high.

"Well, I'm emo, yes. Slutty? Eh, maybe. But only Danny would know that." I said, not letting his words hurt me.

"Why would he know? You blowin' him babe?" He asked.

"First, I'm not your 'babe'. Secondly, I'm not only blowing him, I'm fucking his brains out. So if you hear a little 'somethin somethin' tonight, it's not your boyfriend jacking off to your picture." I replied, unsure if the comeback was good.

The "oo's" from everyone watching told me it was a beast of a comeback.

"Whatever, slut." The Cock said, face turning red. He turned and walking into his room, slamming his door.

Some random guy walked up to me and high-fived me, "That was awesome! You're good in my book. Catch ya later gator!"

"Bye?" I replied, blushing.

Danny walked up to me and pulled me into our room.

"You didn't have to do that." He said, looking at his feet.

"Didn't have to do what? Stand up for my boyfriend so he didn't get the shit beat out of him? Actually, I did have to do that." I replied, placing my hand on his cheek, hoping to get him to look at me.

He did before saying, "Thank you. If they do that anymore, you can break up with me. I don't want to be the reason you're beaten down and tormented. I don't want to be the reason you're unhappy."

"Danny. You're the reason I AM happy." I said, looking into his eyes. I was satisfied when a look of relief flew into his eyes.

"Okay." He said.

"Danny. I love you." I smiled, kissing his lips softly.

Breaking the kiss to kiss my nose and rest his forehead on mine, Danny whispered, "I love you too princess."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if any of the remarks made in this chapter offended any of you. I've been called some things like this, so I understand if you get offended, and I'm sorry if you do.. >.<