Love Don't Cost A Thing

Casanova & Ice Queen

I felt sunlight on my cheek.

I moaned and randomly put my hand on the night table next to the bed. I took my phone and looked at the time.

8:34 a.m.


The job interview was in about twenty five minutes, and I was going to be late, and I just knew it.

I pulled out a bat-sleeved dress and quickly took a pair of black high heels. Considering I didn't have any time to put on my make up, I took the eyeliner and applied it while I was running downstairs.


''Don't have time. Need. Job!''

I couldn't answer Marie, I just ran out the door.

Zacky Baker


Hangover last night, what can I say.

I strolled out the bed and went downstairs to find the house half recked. Not to mention that it had puke all over the place, so I couldn't even stand in the living room cause of the disgusting smell.

''Dude... This is a total wreck'', Matt said during breakfast.

''I hear ya, we're going to need to hire a cleaning crew, I'm not planing to clean all this by myself'', Johnny pouted and took a bite of his pancake.

Brian rolled his eyes and laughed, ''oh Christ, that's such a shame, you know, me and Zack over here really wanted to see you all get like a French maid, with that vacuum cleaner and black pump heels. You know it gets us horny'', and he laughed.

''Ha, ha, very funny'', Johnny mumbled and gave Brian that I'll kill you look.

I sighed and took a cigarette.

''What's with you dude, you've been acting rather strange these days'', Brian punched me softly on the arm.

I rolled my eyes, and bit my left lip ring, saying ''naah, nothing, I'm just tired''.

At that point, Matt laughed and sat back like in old western movies.

''I know'', he pointed his finger at me, ''I know what's bugging him. I know it'', he nodded.

I raised one eyebrow and looked at him, ''know what?''

He got up on his feet and started walking around the table looking straight at me with a huge grin on his face.

''Zack's in a bad mood because of a girl!''

And he hit me.

She was pretty, beautiful and different, but I only saw her once.

''I only saw her once'', I pouted.

Brian and Johnny laughed. '' Yes, yes my love and monkeys fly''

''Ooh look, a flying squirrel!'', Johnny was mesmerized by the rodent while looking trough the window.

''Dude, we live in L.A., you can't see a squirrel on Beverly Hills'', Matt groaned.

The conversation was starting to reach the peak of stupidity.

''I'm out. Be back later'', and I took the car for a spin.

Brooke Swarovski





''I got it, I got my first job in Los Angeles!''

''No way!''

''Way, very very, all the way!''

''Brooke, you'll need to put the old collection in the boxes and put the new ones out on the shelves'', my first ever boss, Steve Dawson said. He was in his mid forties, hair in place, dark brown, had light blue eyes and was in pretty good shape for his age.

Suddenly, both mine and Marie's face expressions changed.

''Looks like we won't be at the same part of the store'', she said.

I yawned and shook my head, ''never mind it, we'll have plenty of time to talk about your prettiness at home'', I couldn't stop with the sarcasm, but lucky me, Marie was immune to all sorts of offenses. Now I knew why people loved her so much. I didn't even spend two days with her, but she was already acting like we've been best friends, sisters or something since the beginning of time. Actually since birth.

Right at that point, she had to do some schedule with other packages and stuff that were coming to Hot Topic next month.

I yawned and went to do what my boss told me.

It was all new to me, and different. Back at home, I was pampered just like a true star, a pure royalist. They'd bow at my finger snap, yes I did live in a hotel, but after all, what's the point of all if you can't live your life and you're not appreciated for who you are?

Looking back at the last couple of years, I spent them a bit too much on the edge. But last of all, I quit smoking pot, but couldn't give up on cigarettes. I stopped to argue with people, but couldn't stop being ironic and sarcastic. Charlie always told me to keep my mouth quiet sometimes instead of making an even worse situation that it was. Or that one day someone will savagely beat me up and throw me in some old abandoned alley. Good old Charlie. I smiled to myself while thinking of him and the shocks he went trough with me. Both him and the rest of the staff at the Plaza back there... But not my relatives, not at all.

I wasn't even in my usual uniform considering it was my first day and Steve didn't know was he going to hire me or not. But anyhow, half an hour later Shirley came to help me. She was a nice girl, a few years older than me, around twenty three I think. She was a bit chubby and had big brown puffy hair. But above all, she was an awesome girl. That was my first thought of her.

''Just ask me around if you need any help, I know how it is to be new and not to know anyone and stuff, so feel free!'', she chuckled in her melodic voice.

I nodded and smiled a bit, ''thanks, Shirley'' and took a shirt from the box. It was yellow, size M, with Cobra Starship written on it. For guys, of course.

Just as I was about to put it on the shelf with the fest of the clothes, someone poked me on the shoulder.

''Umm, excuse me miss...''

I turned around to see Zacky with sunglasses on him, dressed yet again in black, but he had a white shirt (that was an improvement).


Every single girl in the store turned around to us with eyes wide open. In a microsecond, Zack took me and ran into the cabin with his hand on my mouth.

''Are you insane?! It's my first day here, you could get me fired, and I even haven't worked for an hour here!'', I dramatized quietly, with all the faces and waving hands in that small space.

He rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pockets, ''listen, that's not my intention. I wanted to buy a shirt that was not black, maybe yellow or stuff, I'm getting tired of the blackness in my life'', he mumbled.

''From black to yellow? Where is this world coming to'', I pouted sarcastically, ''and besides, why are we hiding in-''

''I hate to interrupt'' Shirley said from the other side, ''...but Steve gets mad when he sees that we're not unpacking the new arrivals. So I advise you to go on a break, now'', she pulled the curtain away and pulled us out the cabin. We both fell out, I tripped a bit considering I was wearing high heels, while Zack elegantly stepped out the cabin.

''Geez, dude it's your first day, you should know you can't just-''

''But I didn't'', I cut her off and added, ''he dropped by to buy a yellow shirt'' and pointed with my thumb at Zack.

In a moment, Shirley's jaw fell to the floor. Literally no, but she was sort of stunned by him while I was cold as ice. Zack kept smiling at her in a seductive way. I facepalmed myself and muttered idiot under my breath.

''Okay Casanova, go pay for that and I'll see you-''

'' Starbucks, I'll be waiting for you there'', Zack winked and went away.

All I could picture was Shirley's expression when she saw Zack.

I laughed and punched her on the arm and added, ''someone's having the hots for Zack, huh?''

She looked at me and then raised her eyebrows, ''well who wouldn't? Oh wait, you're Ice Queen, no one can have your heart.''

I didn't understand a words she said. I knew it meant something, but I was too damn stupid to figure out what.

She noticed I was confused, so she added ''you don't know who he is? Oh God, Brooke, he's waiting for you, go I'll cover for you'', and once again she shoved me out the store.

I came into Starbucks and saw Zacky at on table next to the window.

I couldn't stop the feeling that something was going to happen, but I didn't just know what.
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Okay, part three! Comment&subscribe, send ideas, and etc.

I'd advise you to listen to the song above while reading this part (;