Status: Unactive-not really planning to finish BUT if I maybe get a comment or two I might. Mostly I just have no muse.

Being a Fairy, Doesn't Make This a Fairy Tale


Long ago, in a time before man, before dinosaurs, when the world was water, plants and sky there was a flower. If you had seen this flower in today time you would have called it a Rose. But this was not a rose, this was the flower. It was never called anything because there was nothing around to call it something. But the kingdom it produced called it the flower.
This flower was red and tightly bounded, with a long stem without thorns. It had a smell no other flower could ever, then and now, produce. Now, the flower was one, only one. Nothing knew how it came, when it came, or how it had grown.
From the sky then, a single speck of light, not dust, not ash, but light fell from the sky and was blown into the flower.
Nothing happened for a while, the sun set, and then rose but nothing happened for a few months until the flower began to shake and tremble until they gave way, showing a tiny little fairy with red rose petals on her back as wings.
At first it looked in awe at the huge world surrounding her, and then began to wail. She cried and cried and cried, she was alone. Nothing knew what caused this but more light specks, much more than had flown into the flower, came from the sky and created a blinding light.
The little fairy stopped crying because before her stood another fairy, but because he didn’t grow from a flower he was wingless, but powerful. He spoke to the little fairy. “Do not fret young fea. I am here to help you.” He said, picking up the young fairy and wrapping her sides with her little wings to keep her warm.
“The sun has almost set. We must go.” With that the wingless fairy, later known as a sprite, waved his arm and cast a wind that carried them to a knothole in a tree. As they flew little specks of light dropped onto the flowers beneath them.
In the little hollow the sprite took the dead leaves and made a small bed for the little fairy. This is how the kingdom began.
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This is gonna be a little story on the side of my other ones probably, since I already knew practically EXACTLY what will happen (I like to just GO on things).
