Status: Unactive-not really planning to finish BUT if I maybe get a comment or two I might. Mostly I just have no muse.

Being a Fairy, Doesn't Make This a Fairy Tale

First Flight

I opened my eyes to see Ezra sitting legs-out from our knothole. I climbed out of my bed and walked over to see him. On my feet were things Ezra had fashioned, they kept them safe from cuts. Ezra called them shoes. I also wore a dress of flower petals that kept me warm after my wings grew out and couldn’t be my blanket.
I often wondered why Ezra didn’t have wings like me; he always changed the subject after that. I sat beside Ezra, my wings brushing his shoulder.
“What’s the matter?” I asked. Ezra was so much bigger than me; he had broad shoulders and jet-black hair. His eyes were like emeralds though. They showed his true side, he was very kind and soft. He had taken care of me since I was a baby.
“Nothing Rose.” He sighed. “You just need to go to sleep.”
“But Ezra, I am not tired. I want you to teach me to fly, like you promised!”
“Rose!” He moaned, “I told you I would when you are ready. Right now your wings are still shrivelled a little. If you try to fly you will fall or worse, make it so they will never grow in. You will need them for your entire life, Rose!” he stressed. Ezra always seemed stressed.
“But Ezra, look!” I took my right wing and bended it to show it to him. “This wrinkle is almost out! I know I can have one quick lesson!” I begged. See, when fairies are born their wings are exactly like the flower they came from, after their first month after birth the wings shrivel to help it become a true wing, like a caterpillar living in a cocoon to create their wings. Then over time they start to become smooth and strong so they are genuine wings, this takes from 4-9 months. After they are smooth and wrinkle free the fairy can fly.
Ezra wringed his hands, “No, Rose, Go to sleep.” I knew that he was right. I just really wanted to learn how to fly! Ezra had told me he was not a fairy, but a sprite, a wind sprite. He could create wind currents strong enough to carry himself anywhere! He was quite good at it too. He could fly, why couldn’t I?


A few months passed, and my wings were finally strong enough to fly. They were very pretty too. At first he taught me to hover, than move around on wing, and then finally we stood together at the edge of the knothole. He laid his hand on my shoulder and told me that I had done well. He began to cry, I didn’t understand WHY he was crying. He rubbed his eyes, “Go now, my little Fea.” He said, and I smiled.
“I will be back soon! I’m just going to fly up to the top of the tree and back! I will be back before you know it!” I promised him. At this he just cried more, again, this confused me, but I crouched, and then jumped, at first I fell a little but then I flapped my wings, at first hovering, then going up. I saw the tree was huge, long branches stuck out awkwardly from the trunk with think leaves. I flew higher and higher until I reached the top, resting on the highest leaf. I could see far and wide! From below I could see the flower garden where Ezra said he found me, and then I could see dark forest, then mountains, Ezra had described the entire world to me, he said before he came here, he had lived in the sky with the light. I never understood why he said light, instead of sun or moon or stars or anything else in the sky.
But from here, in the flower garden, I could see little specks of light. I wondered what they were, so I jumped then softly flew down the tree, all the way to the ground, landing on a grass blade.
All I heard was laughing, giggling... That was strange. I didn’t know there were others... I jump-hovered until I came upon some flattened grass where three other fairies ! I decided to watch them.
There were two girl fairies, like me, and one boy, Ezra said they were called pixies. One of the girls was a Pink fairy and the other was black. The Boy was silver.
“Noah! Come on’, catch me!” said the pink fairy.
The silver fairy named Noah smiled, flying after the pink fairy. They weren’t as good as fliers as her, so they must still be learning.
“Ava! This is childish! We need to practice, not play.” said the black one.
“Emma! We are practicing!” Ava giggled, “Just relax!”
“Wait!” said Noah. “I think I see something!” he exclaimed, then looked at me! I slid down the blade of grass and hid at the base of another.
“What?!” said Ava with disbelief. “I don’t see anything.”
“Your just seeing things Noah.” said Emma. “We should get back to our sprites.”
I wait for a long time before I realized I was alone. So I jumped and was off back home. I flew into the knothole, landing with perfection on the rim. “Ezra? Ezra I had the most wonderful time!” I called, but he wasn’t there! I blinked, and then sighed. He probably went to find me, I was gone so long! So I crawled into bed and curled into a ball, hoping when I awoke Ezra would be back.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit longer ;)

Hope you like it :) Comment if you want more!