Status: Unactive-not really planning to finish BUT if I maybe get a comment or two I might. Mostly I just have no muse.

Being a Fairy, Doesn't Make This a Fairy Tale


When I opened my eyes Ezra still wasn’t there. I sighed; maybe he got angry at me and left? No... Well... This was just so confusing. I began to feel hungry, I rubbed my stomach. Ezra always got a berry to feed me, but there was nothing here.
I decided to find a berry bush on my own, but it was harder than I thought. For hours I flew around, but I couldn’t find any berries. It started to get dark and cold so I landed on a daisy to rest. I sat down and hugged my knees, scared and hungry.
Suddenly the daisy shook a little I looked to see none other than Noah. He narrowed his eyes at me. “Who are you?” he asked, his hair was a silverish blonde and nearly matched his dragonfly shaped wings. He looked at me with confusion.
“Who are you?” I asked in return.
“Oh, but I asked you first!” he remarked, sitting down beside me.
“You’re the one that snuck up on me!” I said stubbornly.
“Well, I’m Noah, and you are not a part of the village.”
“What village?” I asked, confused.
“The Fea village, not far from here, all the Feas from the entire world live there, so what are you?”
“I’m a Fea!” I protested, “That is what you call fairies and sprites, right!”
“Well, yes.” He said, “But all of the Feas live there, and you don’t.”
“I live in a tree with my guardian, Ezra.” I protested, “He always called me his little Fea. That makes me Fea enough!”
“Never mind that then, just tell me your name.”
“Rose.” I told him.
“That’s a very pretty name.”
“Thanks...” I blushed, Noah was quite handsome, and he only seemed about a month younger than me, in fairy years that’s only about three years.
“You’re welcome, so... Tell me why you’re here, and not in your tree with your guardian?” he asked.
“Well yesterday, I went on my first flight but when I came back he was gone. He didn’t come back and I was starving. So I went out to find food, but I can’t find anything.” I moaned as my stomach turned inside of me.
“Oh, really? Come to the village! Our hut has plenty of food, the village has a huge wall of raspberry!” he said excitedly.
“Thank you!” I said, “Please, show me the way.” I asked, and he slid off the daisy and onto a grass blade, I looked at him like he was insane.
“Come ‘on! It’s easy!” He called.
“No thanks; I am going to stick to flying, thank you very much!” I said, then elegantly jumped from the daisy and flew down, but I suddenly felt a strong wind and was blown to the side, landing in the dirt on my side, my head hitting a pebble and everything went black.


I woke to the sound of arguing and pain, I moaned, turning over in the dirt. The voices didn’t make any sense.
“Vera! What in the flower did you do?!” A male voice said.
“You were flirting with her, she liked it! Did you not tell her you have mate?” said a girl voice.
“I was not flirting with her!” The male voice said angrily. “And it is planned mate!” I moaned to the arguing voices, rolling my head.
“Look, she’s alive, go flirt with her!” the Vera voice said with a sting.
Then I fell back into unconsciousness.


When I finally came to I was in bed, but it wasn’t of old, crumpled leaves, it was with a soft white tissue. I moaned, opening my eyes, there was a little ball of light hanging on the ceiling casting a soft light in the darkness. I seemed to be in some sort of room made of woven grass.
I sat up, but winced, it was coming from my wing! I saw that the side of it was wrapped in white tissue, I could see fairy dust woven with it, but it was a strange green, unlike the multi-coloured dust I gave off.
“Don’t get up!” said a kind, female voice from the other side of the room. She had been sitting on a pebble across the hut. “My name is Maria, I am Noah’s guardian. He brought you in a terrible state, but I did my best. Does it hurt?” she asked. I liked her already, she was very pretty, but the best word to describe her with was long. She had long fingers, long legs and a long, skinny head.
“Yes.” I said. “My wing, it hurts.” I said, pointing to it. “What... what happened?” I asked.
“I’m not sure; Noah said something about Vera using her wind to smash you into a rock, but Vera is nice enough, I don’t believe she would do such a thing...” she shook her head, but then rushed over to me. “You say your wing still hurts?” she asked.
“Yes...” I mumbled.
Then, instead of replying she placed her hand on my wing. Slowly the pain began to numb. “How about now?” she asked.
“Great!” I said, “I am a little hungry though.” I added.
“Okay, but then you need rest. That wing cannot be moved for a while yet.” She warned, and then went outside of the hut through a door, coming back within moments carrying some of a bright red berry. “This should fill you.” She said, and then handed it to me. The berry was sweet and delicious.
She smiled when I sighed after it was gone, “Lye down.” She told me, and I obeyed, then she placed her hand on my forehead and everything went sleepy...
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, if you want more, comment!