Status: Unactive-not really planning to finish BUT if I maybe get a comment or two I might. Mostly I just have no muse.

Being a Fairy, Doesn't Make This a Fairy Tale

Their First Flight

I don’t know if it was my half-dead wing or continuingly going unconscious but my entire body ached. My eyes fluttered opened to hear Maria and Noah speaking together outside. They were talking quietly, or was it arguing, I couldn’t tell. I rubbed my forehead, and then sat up in the bed. My wing was hurting again; I still didn’t even know what was wrong with it.
“Rose? Are you awake?” I heard a voice outside say, it was Noah.
“Yes.” I moaned. Noah came in, followed closely by Maria. “What happened?”
“Vera changed the wind currents and pushed you into rock. You landed on your wing and hit your head.” Noah said.
“Oh, Okay. That makes sense.” I said softly.
“Okay then.” I muttered; I had no idea what he was talking about. All I remember was flying down from the daisy.
“Does it hurt again, Rose?” Maria asked, passing Noah and going to my wing.
“Yes.” I said, but turned back to Noah. “How did I get here?”
“I brought you here, Maria, she is a healing sprite.” He said, “I knew she would know what to do.”
“Thanks Noah, you saved my life.” I smiled and he smiled back.
“Wasn’t nothing.” He replied modestly.
Just then I saw that Maria had unwrapped my wing; there was a huge rip from the top to the middle of the wing. I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth and started to cry.
Maria patted my shoulder. “Shh, It is okay. You are going to recover.” Then when back to wrapping it up. “I am going to put a lighter wrap on so Noah can show you around the village.” She said with determination.


When my wrap was finished me and Noah took a walk around the village. It was quite small; there were 10 fairy kids and 10 sprite kids, each had a guardian, all the guardians were sprites though.
He told me that the village was created by the guardians who had come from the sky to take care of the little babies that had been born from the ground.
“They won’t tell us exactly how they came, but nevertheless, we owe them our lives.” He smiled and we held hands. I liked Noah, he would a good friend.
“Same with my guardian, Ezra, I miss him so much. He was very secretive.” I sighed at the thought of him. I missed him so much; hopefully I could make it to the knothole and tell him what happened soon.
“Rose, I wanted to apologize. I can’t help but feel that your accident is my fault. If I had been up there with you maybe you wouldn’t have spiralled down like that...”
“Noah, it is not your fault.” I told him, “And if it was you repaid that to me when you brought me to safety.”
We spent much of the day just walking around, talking. He showed me where to find berries and had a lovely time.
When we returned he helped me start on creating a hut out of grass blades. It was a lot of work and we weren’t finished by the time the sun set and night fell upon us, so I was allowed to stay with him and Maria for the night.


Time passed, my wing began to heal and my hut was finished. I began to notice that the other guardians were looking at me oddly and whispering around me. At first I assumed it was because I had no guardian, or because I hadn’t been born to the village. I soon learned wrong.
After the month mark of joining the village it was time for the village’s first flight. Apparently they were all born at the same time, or around it, so they all did it at the same time. I decided to watch with the guardians. They said that after a fairies’ first flight they were considered adults. So I watched as they all lifted off, they raced around, and then I couldn’t see them.
When they finally came back they looked around in confusion. I looked around to see the village empty. All the guardians had disappeared, only one stood there, his broad shoulders and jet-black hair were very recognizable. “Ezra!” I gasped, running to him. He held his hand up, “Rose, you have a destiny greater than any other fairy. You are the first fairy of the world; you will know what to do.”
“Ezra, where were you?” I asked.
“Rose, you don’t need me anymore. So I had to leave, that is where all the guardians must go, we must return to the sky, where we came from.”
“Rose! Who are you talking to?” called Noah, I turned to him.
“I...” When I turned back he was gone.


The Guardians never returned, I didn’t tell Noah about my encounter with Ezra. He was too sad, missing Maria. I missed her too, she was kind, but not only that, without her my wing was hurting so much I couldn’t leave bed.
Noah came to visit me sometimes, and bring me food, but it wasn’t the same he was never really with me, his eyes were always clouded with grief.
Mostly I thought, I thought about what Ezra had told me, what I should do about it. But truthfully, I didn’t want to lead the fairies. Perhaps that made me a leader... I don’t know...
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Okay, the story is slow, yes. I guess I just need inspiration :/ Comment :)