Status: Active! Second chapter is up :D


Chapter 1

Gabrielle was back where she belonged. No, not in the empty school parking lot. No, not next to Danny’s ’08 Toyota. In Danny’s arms, that’s where she belonged. She smiled at him adoringly before resting her lips back on his again for a lustful kiss. His hands were around her waist, going lower, and Gabrielle’s were tangled in his hair, never wanting to move from that spot. She just wished she could just be with Danny, forever.
“Those pictures you gave me were very nice, babe.” He mumbled against her skin as he began to kiss her neck, pressing her against the hood of his car. “You know I love it when you do stuff like that for me.” Slowly, he tugged the collar of her t-shirt down, exposing her neck.
“That’s the plan.” Gabrielle replied with a weak laugh as she pushed him away, gently. Why did he have to bring those up?! She winced to herself and moved away, towards the car door. The desire to dig her nails into her arms again rose up to the surface, killing any amount of how it had subsided as the day went on. Danny frowned at her in irritation.
“What’s the problem?”
“Nothing. It’s just…I’m cold, and I’d rather do this in the car or something. I don’t want us to get in trouble…” Gabrielle trailed off, although she had finished her statement, really, and looked at him pleadingly. Honestly, at this point, all Gabrielle really wanted to do was just go home. Danny’s mentioning of the horrible, shameful thing she did had ruined any positive feelings she had gotten thus far. Now, she just wanted to be alone. Which sucked, because she usually cherished all the time she spent with Danny- and her negative feelings were spoiling time they could be happy together.
For a few seconds, Danny narrowed his hazel eyes and just looked at her. He was looking at her in that way of his that made it seem as if anything she did or said that did not agree with him was wrong, and she should take it back instantly. Gabrielle was about to do just that right before he let out a patronizing laugh and unlocked the car door.
“Fine.” He answered simply, and went around to his side of the car and opened the door and got in.
Gabrielle, after hesitating for a moment, got in the car and sat down in the passenger’s seat, gazing at her boyfriend worriedly. In the same way he had given her one of his trademark “I want it MY way” stares, he had given her the trademark “I want it MY way” “fine”. So simple, and so easy to make girls like Gabrielle retract any sort of decision they had made- it was something about the way he said it – the air of finality that went with it, perhaps? That threat of him not wanting to say anything else to her? Or, was it the way he said it so calmly, you knew he wouldn’t get excited or angry, just passively express discontent with you?
Danny started up his car and pulled out of the school driveway, now not speaking to her. Gabrielle continued to look at him and pursed her lips, now willing herself not to cry. It was so easy to piss off Danny, to do something wrong, to make him constantly threaten their relationship. In not wanting to stand outside and make out with him in the school parking lot like some- her mind wandered back to the words on the chalkboard and she shuddered –Like some whore. That’s what whores did.
As Gabrielle looked at Danny, she wondered to herself, as she often did, why she strove to make him happy constantly, but the reasons came to her within an instant.
For one thing, the reason was as clear as day, as visible as Danny himself- because it was Danny himself- or at least his looks. Danny was, really and truly, gorgeous. His jet-black hair was always perfectly done in that slightly-tousled way that made him look like he put no energy into his hair, it just looked great, his clothes always fit his toned body close enough so you could see how fit he was, but not to the point they were embarrassingly tight. And facially, he was just perfect. Really, like a Greek statue with a teenage boy’s clothes on. Every time Gabrielle looked at him, she knew she would most likely never find someone as attractive as he ever again. She just wasn’t pretty enough.
She smiled ruefully to herself as she thought these thoughts now, and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He turned to her briefly and arched an eyebrow before returning his gaze to the road.
“Am I to take that as an apology?” He sighed, coming to a stoplight.
“Of course baby, I’m sorry for pushing you away.” Gabrielle conceded, as she always did.
“So you should be.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there's the second chapter, I hope you like it :)
Again, please comment and subscribe <3