To The Death

Lennox Park hates her life. She wants to end it, but when her siblings invite her on vacation with them, she decides that maybe all she needs is some relaxation, and looks forward to getting out of town.

Zachary Baker is almost equally displeased with his existence. He derives pleasure only from sex, avoids those who care about him most, and is livid when his band-mates literally drag him out of the house.

Both end up far from home, expecting nothing but misery. At first, it seems their predictions are correct. But things are surprisingly relaxing, and they, along with everyone else, settle into comfort and enjoy the vacation.

At least until people start disappearing.
  1. Breaking The News...And Possibly Zacky's Skull.
    In which Lennox discovers that her parents are assholes, and Zacky loses consciousness
  2. A Change of Plans and Attitude
    In which Zacky gets angry, and Robyn becomes a rabid fangirl
  3. Welcome To NRF-Now Let's Swim Naked!
    In which Lennox is uncomfortable, and Zacky is observed
  4. Yes, Zacky Really Is As Annoying As He Looks
    In which Lennox is disgusted by Zacky, and confused by some footprints
  5. Attacks, Each of a Different Nature
    In which Zacky tricks Lennox into a conversation, and Lennox obtains an unexpected souvenir
  6. Too Much Fresh Air Makes You Crazy, Apparently
    In which Lennox recounts her frightening encounter, is ridiculed, and starts to doubt her sanity
  7. Monkey Business
    In which a tree becomes Lennox’s enemy, and Zacky joins the sanity-doubting parade