My Life as Their Child

My Name Is Emma.

My name is Emma.I live in Orlando, Florida. Today is my birthday! Mommy gave me this diary today, because I am 5 today. Mommy says her and Daddy are very proud of me and even though I'm the youngest, they still love me the same as Soph and Kurt.

Soph and Kurt are what Mommy and Daddy say are twins. They have the same birthday. I listened in Mommy's diary that she had them when she was 23. She was married to Daddy for 5 years. I came a little later, but Daddy says the time was perfect.

Mommy is helping me write this, because even though I am 5, my words come out better then my spellings. Mommy says they will come soon because I'm bright just like her. When I grow up I want to be just like Mommy. Daddy loves her allot. They sometimes kiss and me and Sophie laugh while Kurt makes faces. Kurt is silly.

Kurt is my big brother. Hes 7. He and my Daddy spend allot of time together, because he's a boy and so is Daddy. Kurt likes to play the xbox with Daddy, but only sometimes beats him. Kurt and Sophie do allot of things together too. Thats why I'm so close to Mommy, because she loves me and doesnt like to see me cry. Mommy and I do all sorts of stuff together, and sometimes she takes me to work at the Zoo with her. Since we moved to Florida when I was born, Mommy got a job at Seaworld and Daddy takes us there sometimes when Mommy is working so we can see her.

Daddy takes very good care of Mommy. Sometimes when Mommy is tired he makes dinner or helps her. Daddy looks at Mommy wierd sometimes. Like Mommy is chocolate or something. Mommy just laughs.

Mommy also writes. She is a good author and has even written Me and Sophie and Kurt a book. She wrote one for Daddy too, but its mostly all poems and mushy stuff. Icky stuff that Mommy says I'll understand someday. She says she hopes that day doesn't come too soon.

My Name is Emma, and I am 5 today. Today was the best day ever.