Status: Active<3

No Strings Attached

I'll make a bet that says we don't leave this place as friends;

The sun was slowly setting behind Hogwarts. Brielle stared at the time for a long time, not wanting to move from where she was. She knew she had to, it was time to meet Draco for the match. There was about half an hour until the game and she wanted good seats to watch Fred out on the field, however stupid that was for her.

She knew watching him would make her confused even more than she was now between the two of them. She sighed, closing her eyes before getting up and leaving the common room all together. When she left the portrait hole, she smiled back to Fat Lady in the picture behind her. “Good night,” she said to be polite. She got a half nod back as the Fat Lady went back to her daily moving around.

Moving slowly across the grass near the pitch, she spotted that familiar stance of Draco Malfoy waiting for her. She smiled to herself as he turned around to look at her. She watched his eyes relax at the sight of her, like he was truly happy she was with him.

If only he knew the truth.

Once Brielle got close enough, she couldn’t help but hug him. She pressed herself against him and he pulled her close. His head rested on the top of hers, his eyes closing for a moment.

“Shall we go inside?” he asked, letting her go. She looked to the ground and nodded. Her feet shuffled behind him as she followed to their spot right in the middle of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw sections. Draco didn’t want to be seen rooting for the enemy, he was definitely too cool for that.

Brielle looked up at him as he smiled at her, truly smiled at her. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the Gryffindor team coming out onto the field, rather, flying out onto the field to get warmed up before the game started. She smiled when she saw Fred flying near her.

“So, who do you think will win?” she asked him, trying to make conversation. She didn’t want him to find out about anything, she just wanted this to go smoothly.

“Gryffindor, for sure,” Draco said with a smirk.

“Are you lying to me?”

“Most definitely. I can’t be seen hoping for Gryffindor to win,” he said, teasingly. She smiled at him then. She remembered why she bothered giving him a chance again.

“Why would you even come to an opposing team’s quidditch match?” Brielle asked him, placing a hand on her hip. He slipped his arm through the hole in her arched arm, pulling her closer. It made her catch her breath and let her body go limp against his touch.

“To see the competition,” he said. He leaned in close to her ear then to whisper, “why else would a Slytherin want to go to a school event otherwise?” He kissed her cheek when he pulled himself back to look at her.

“Hm, I don’t know. Maybe because there’s a cute girl in another house that you just can’t live without.” She smirked at him as he watched the game begin after the whistle blew. Brielle’s eyes shot to Fred in a heartbeat as he flew around the stadium with his beater stick in his hand. He watched his brother hit the bludger to him and he hit it against a Ravenclaw. Brielle bit her lip to keep from screaming in joy at him as to not offend Draco, or give him a clue.

“I don’t know about that one. I just know there might be just a cute girl, not in any specific house or group. Just a girl who seems different.” That made her head snap to him.

“What do you mean, different?”

“Just different. I don’t think you’d cheat on me because I’m in an enemy house, or in any way. And you’re too sweet, that doesn’t come very often to me.”

She smiled at him, leaning into him slightly. He looked to the game for a moment, smirking when he saw something he liked. He kept his eyes on his target, leaning into her and pressing his lips to hers. When he closed his eyes and got into the kiss, he felt her arms around his neck. He smiled into the kiss before all the two heard was gasping.

Brielle’s eyes shot open and she pulled back, looking at the field. She tried desperately to find Fred flying around the pitch, but she didn’t. She saw Harry instead, who just pointed to the ground. Her eyes darted to the ground as she saw a non-moving Fred Weasley a few feet from his broom.

She hopped the barrier keeping her from the field, since the game since stopped playing. She ran to his side, cradling his body against hers. He wasn’t breathing. She needed him to breath.

“Please, Fred. You imbecile. Breathe, please. I need you,” she whispered into his ear. She felt tears stinging her eyes as she rocked back and forth with him. She looked up, her eyes shining from water in them, to try to find Draco in the stands.

When she found him, he shrugged his shoulders, playing it off as cool. She knew it meant something to him that she did this. Draco should know that Fred is her best friend. It’s been like that since they were little. When she watched him fade into the crowd, who moved forward against the barrier, she looked back down to Fred.

“Please, Fred,” she whispered again, before she felt warm lips pressed against hers and his hand in her hair. When they pulled back, she glared.

“That wasn’t funny,” she said.

“I thought it was hilarious,” Fred Weasley said with a giant smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can I just say I feel absolutely terrible for not updating this in months? I feel so so bad. And I'm so sorry. And I keep getting readers, which makes me really happy, but old readers have waited so long. I have a reason though (don't I always? :P) But, this is different. I just got to college back in August for my band camp, so it was all hectic then and I had no free time, and then once school started I just got so busy with everything. But, I sat myself down and wrote. I feel especially bad because I updated my other two stories before this one. :(

But, I just got a new friend request because of how she liked my stories, so that made me update quicker. I'll definitely try to update more frequently, because I love you all. <3

Anyway, question of the chapter, What did you think of Fred's anywhere/anytime at the end of this? ;)

Thank you so much for being so loyal to me and being patient with my writing of these chapters. Comments are always appriciated. :)

~ Kristyn