Status: Active<3

No Strings Attached

You talk a good game, but girl, you've been played;

Brielle was on her side in Fred’s bed. She felt his lips kiss her shoulder blade. He lay behind her, his arm around her waist. She never would have thought this could happen, not with her best friend anyway.

She let out a sigh as she watched the stars twinkle in the night sky. Buckbeak, or rather Witherwings now, flew around, very carefree and happy.

“What are you thinking about?” Fred whispered in her ear. Brielle rolled onto her back, her eyes facing him.

“This is so surreal. Honestly, when you met me, did you ever think this would happen?” she asked. Her eyes gleamed in the moonlight; she looked so sad.

“Not in the least. Then again, I met you a while ago, we were still young.”

“But, we are still young. We’re idiotic teenagers with unrealistic dreams.”

Fred looked at her and chuckled. “You mean unrealistic dreams like me and you?”

Brielle’s gaze dropped from his eyes and she smiled. “I guess you could say that. I never would have imagined this happening.”

“Did you want it to happen? Are you happy?”

“Well, I don’t regret it. I suppose I am happy. You’re my best mate and I trust you not to hurt me. Are you?”

“Of course I am,” he said.

“But, what if something bad happened and we get mad at each other?” Brielle asked. She always seemed to think of the worst situation.

Fred leaned his head closer to her, kissing her lightly. “But, what if something good happens?”

Brielle’s eyes met his. “Why would you think that way? This is innocent fun, nothing serious.”

Fred smiled at her, trailing kisses along her jaw line. “You have such pretty eyes,” he said, kissing her lips. She melted in his grip, kissing him back.

Between kisses, she muttered, “I should go back to my dorm. Morning will come soon.”

“Stay here.”

“That’ll be awkward.” She broke apart, slipping out of his bed. Fred pouted at her; she just smiled. “Good night.” She blew him a kiss before walking out.


“We have a problem,” Brielle said the next day on her way to Potions class.

“What sort of ‘problem’?” Aria asked. Aria was her best mate since their first year. She told her everything, why should this be any different?

“Uhm, guy issues,” she said. They entered the dungeon, Draco Malfoy soon following. The two girls sat behind Draco and another Slytherin girl.

“Care to talk about it?” Aria asked. Brielle groaned as her head hit her hands. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“No, it’s not. I just don’t know how to explain it.”

“Well, try.” Aria never trusted talking about personal things with Malfoy around, but this is needed.

“I kinda sorta have a ‘fling’ going on with a guy here,” she said. Fred and George walked in then and sat in the back, talking to themselves about who knows what.

“With who?” the other asked. Bri glanced back at the two boys and she nodded. “I think I know who… What kinda fling?”

Brielle looked back at Aria and sighed. Professor Snape walked in then, his greasy hair falling into his cruel looking face. He droned a page number for the class to turn to.

“It’s more of a complicated no strings attached relationship,” she said.

“Have you gone on a date with said boy?”

“It’s not like that,” Brielle started. “It’s just a…I don’t know…benefits thing.”

Draco turned around, his usual smirk playing at his lips. “Maybe you should have a real man who takes you on dates before he screws you,” he sneered.

“Yeah, like who?” Brielle retorted, her face attempting to look mean. “You?”

“Maybe. I mean, I’d treat a girl like you well,” he said, his smirk still playing at his lips. His platinum blonde hair falling into his eyes.

“I doubt it.”

“Fine, doubt it. But, the offer still stands. Tomorrow at Hogsmeade.” Draco turned around hen to pay attention to Snape.

I don’t trust him,” Aria whispered.

Brielle looked back at Fred with sad eyes. “I don’t either, but it couldn’t hurt to experiment.” She looked back to the front, zoning out of the lesson on anti-poison potions.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a while since I posted this story, and I'm sorry! I haven't been writing for any of my other stories either, don't worry. But, now I'm back in action, and I promise it won't take me this long to post a chapter.

As long as I get comments and feedback. :D So, what did you guys think of this scandalous chapter? <3 What do you think will/should happen next?
