Status: Active<3

No Strings Attached

This is a war, this is a heart, these are the strings you'll pull;

Honeydukes seemed so large to Brielle when she walked toward it. She was supposedly meeting Draco there. What in the world did she even expect out of this date? Something to just get back at Fred for? Or did she actually believe he could be a better time in the long run?

She never expected her life to be so dramatic.

A small sigh escaped her lips as she got closer. The destined meeting place was more crowded than usual. She scanned the area looking for Draco, but her eyes did find Fred. That did not seem like the best thing to happen.

"Waiting for me?" She heard a smooth voice say from behind. She turned around and smiled for some reason. Draco stood there, his hair perfectly straight and oddly white-blonde, his silver-grey eyes boring into hers, and he just stares at her. In his hands, Brielle noticed, was a blood red rose.

She took the rose as he handed it to her. She brought the rose to her nose to smell it.

Draco walked further into Honeydukes, Brielle following suit.

"I would've never thought this was your scene," she said with a small laugh.

"What scene? The sweets scene?" He asked, his smirk turning into a smile. She noticed his smile, his perfect smile.

"Well, yeah. To be honest, you seem a bit high maintenance."

"Can I tell you a secret?" He said, getting in real close to her, his lips touching her ear. She nodded, her lips parted slightly."I love sweets."

Brielle looked at him then. He nodded, something to say he was telling the truth. She smiled and looked away from him.

"And, I am not high maintenance," Draco added.

"You kind of are."

"Oh yeah, how?" He playfully pushed her shoulder. She did it back to him. Her thoughts raced for a little bit as she thought about it all. How could she explain that? She picked up a chocolate frog to prolong her answer.

"Well," she started. "You just are."

Draco chuckled. "That's not really telling me anything."

Brielle chanced a look at him, her bright blue eyes meeting his. "I don't know how to explain it, you just are. I mean, having other people you boss around? Being a jerk to people. Having all new -"

"Am I being a jerk right now?" Draco cut in. He grabbed his own chocolate frog, never taking his eyes off hers.

She tries looking away, but his hand cupped her cheek. "Am I?" He repeated.

"I suppose not," she said. "Wait, why are you being nice to me? I'm a Gryffindor."

"So? I can be a nice person."

"Since when?"

"Since I'm not being rude to you."

She thought for a moment. He had her there. "Why? Is this a say to get back at Fred? Or... or... I don't know. Is this a game? To see if I fall for you or something? Why?" Brielle asked. Her voice seemed panicked. He tried to soothe her, he pulled her body closer to his and stroked her hair.

"No, nothing like that. Is it so bad that I was curious?"

"About what?"

"About you, everything about you, Brielle," he said. "Look, let me get you that and we'll get out of here." She nodded as he slipped the chocolate out of her hand to pay for it.

He came back a few minutes later, leading her out of Honeydukes. His hand lay on the small of her back, leading her into The Three Broomsticks. The pair sat down at a small table and Draco gave Brielle her chocolate frog.

"You said you would show me a good time. How were you planning to do that?" She asked, opening her chocolate.

"By sweeping you off your feet," he said, smirking. She quirked an eyebrow as he said this.

"I don't think it's working," she said. He ate his chocolate frog then, not answering her right away.

"Just you wait," he whispered.

About a half hour later, Draco pulled her out of the bar. She never believed he could actually be a sweet and nice person. In that half hour, he had her laughing and smiling so much, conversation flowing easily between them.

"C'mon, you're so slow," he teased.

"You're pulling me! Where are you taking me anyway?" Brielle asked.

"You'll see, just close your eyes." She did as she was told and shut her eyes. He lead her a little way more before he told her to open them again.

As she opened them, she saw a broom slightly aloft from the ground.

"Oh no. You've got to be kidding me. I've never been on a broom," she said.

"Are you ready to get swept off your feet?" He smirked.

"I'm not a big fan of having my feet leave the ground," she said.

"Do you trust me?"

"This is the first time I'm even out with you."

"Then trust me this once. I won't let you get hurt." Draco swung his leg over the broom, holding his hand out to her. She took it, swinging her own leg over the broom behind him. He pushed off the ground, the broom getting higher and higher.

Brielle shrieked, her hands grasped tightly around his waist. He chuckled lightly as they swerved in between buildings. The wind rushed through her hair and a smile played at her lips as they just kept going through the air.

"Having fun?" Draco asked as he zoomed through the air and up through the clouds.

"Most definitely," Brielle said. He landed softly on the ground in front of Honeydukes. Her arms were still around his waist . He looked behind to her and she got a good profile view of him. She smiled.

"What?" He asked, smirking. He got off the broom then, lifting her off after. He set her down on the ground and stared at something behind her.

"I think you just swept me off my feet," she whispered into his ear as she leaned in close to him.

"I told you I would," he whispered back. He leaned down to her height, his eyes still locked on something behind her. He smirked before he kissed her cheek.

In an instant, Brielle saw that red hair out of nowhere and the next thing she knew Draco was on the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
So so so, what do you guys think of Draco's date? :) I was very pleased with this after quite a bit of writer's block with it, but now it's flowing. Now, I just have to think of what to write for next chapter. lol

Subscribing and commenting make me happy. :D Please tell me how you guys like it. Even, keep me entertained. Answer a question. What was your favorite line Draco said to Brielle? :)
