Status: Active<3

No Strings Attached

So, let's get it straight, Without a thought I will take, I'll take it all away;

Brielle sat in her Transfiguration class the next day, listening to the spell being repeated over and over again. Her eyes rolled for a moment. She played with her wand in the motion of the spell, bored with it already. She sighed as she felt a small hit to the back of her head. She turned around, glared at who was behind her and turned back. She quirked an eyebrow then, realizing what had in fact hit her. A small paper airplane was in front of her, magically floating in the air. She gently grabbed it, having it open by itself.

’Meet me in our spot outside by the tree.’ was all it said. She knew who it was. Fred. Now was her time to say her apology, even though she was very persistent in not apologizing usually. She raised her hand and asked to leave. She was quickly granted her request and she rushed out of the room, feeling someone’s eyes on her as she left.

In a moment’s notice, she was racing outside and to their special spot. She looked around for a moment, waiting to spot that fiery red hair of his. She leaned herself against the tree trunk when she couldn’t find him around. Why would he be hiding when he was the one who wanted her out there? She sighed, waiting for him.

“Fred?” she called when she heard a small rustle of leaves. She smirked, if only because she knew what would have happened before she said for everything to stop with him. Maybe she was wrong to have it end like that. She looked up into the sky, staring at the clouds moving swiftly with the winds. She felt a warm hand against her waist. When she looked down to see who it was, lips crashed to hers and she relaxed into the grip. She knew that kiss. She kissed back, her hand placed gently on his neck almost pulling him closer.

When she pulled back, she asked, “What was that for?”

Fred smiled his crooked smile at her. He ran a hand through his hair sheepishly. “Well, for one. I didn’t want this to end. I mean, it’s not fair to us if this ends out of nowhere. The only way we promised to stop was if one liked the other. Unless you’re trying to tell me something?” He smirked, trying to get his answer out of her. He wouldn’t mind if she did…

Brielle sort of ‘psh’ed at him, like he was crazy. He pulled her closer, and her heart skipped a beat. He kissed her gently, as if teasing. “Good,” he whispered into her ear before nipping at it gently. “Can we revise our promise?” She nodded as he said, “Wherever, whenever, and whatever. If I want you in the hallway, I’ll take you, alright?”

“Alright,” she choked out. “Now, why did you want me out here for real?”

“Because I wanted to say I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude on your date, even if it was with some horrid white ferret of a Slytherin,” Fred said. He looked to the ground then before Brielle pulled his chin up. She kissed his lips, the corner of his mouth, his jaw, and his lips again.

“Don’t be sorry. I should be sorry. I know you were just trying to protect me. And I appreciate it, I really do. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.”

“George talked to you, didn’t he?” Fred sighed.

Brielle nodded with a small smile. “But, it’s alright, really. I pretty much knew everything he told me.”

Fred looked at her skeptically. “What exactly did he tell you, Bri?” he asked. He knew his twin wouldn’t tell her about his little…crush…on her, but still.

“That you were a mess and that you need me,” she teased.

“I do not need you,” he said, defensively. Brielle kissed his neck gently, She moved up to his lips, kissing him roughly, sort of. Her hands went to the back of his shirt, lifting it enough for her hands to caress his bare back. She pulled back.

“What was that?” she asked with a smirk.

“I don’t need you?” Fred made it a question this time. She kissed him again. He pushed her against the tree trunk, his body pushing against her then. She sighed against his lips for a moment. She pulled back, smirking. “Alright, I think I need you,” he said finally, trying to kiss her again.

“Ah, no, I have to go back to class,” she said, smirking. She won and he knew it.

“Fine,” he pouted.

“So, should I be afraid of this ‘wherever, whatever’ thing going on?” Brielle asked as he took her hand, leading her back into the castle.

“You’ll find out,” Fred said with a smirk, kissing her forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, can I just say I'm super duper sorry for not updating this is like, forever? I believe it was two months. I know, it was getting good, but I had a lot of stuff to do. Prom, graduation, college stuff. I was a senior back in June, so. I'm sorry. <3 I love you all for reading and loving it. I promise, never again will I take this long to post a new chapter. And to make it up to you, I'll get on writing a new chapter today. :D

Alright, my next concern. Only one person commented on the last chapter. What was that about? It surely did not motivate me to write at all. Even though, I do adore who commented. But anyway, please comment and make me happy with your ideas? <3

And lastly, my question of the chapter. What do you think Fred's plan is with his 'wherever, whatever' ideas. Where would he want everything to happen? Choose three or more places. :)

Love always,