Status: Active<3

No Strings Attached

Call it what you want, I've spent too long under your thumb, And now the clouds have had their say;

Defense Against The Dark Arts was so boring with Umbridge in the room. Honestly, Brielle couldn’t even keep her eyes open long enough for Miss. Pretty In Pink to assign the textbook pages. Unlike Snape who just shouts out a number, Umbridge takes her sweet time in pronouncing out every syllable of every number in the page. It got quite annoying.

Her eyes fluttered closed for a minute, letting the droning voice go on and on when she got a tap on the back, like what happened a few days ago from Fred. Her eyes flew open, expecting another one on one session with her benefits boy. She looked to the floor, to see where the paper dropped, but nothing was on the ground. She looked upset, but turned around and noticed a small bird floating above her desk. She grabbed at it, a smile on her face and her eyes looking hopeful.

She bit her lip when she opened it. Frowning, she read on, not recognizing the hand writing.

’Quidditch Pitch, tonight for the Gryffinfor/Ravenclaw game. Come with me.’ was all it said. Brielle stared around the room with a quirk in her eyebrow, trying to find the silly person who even thought about writing this to her, but then she remembered her conversation from the day before with Draco.

She spotted him sitting a few seats behind her and to the left. He has this smirk on his lips and a glint in his eyes, a very flirtatious look. He pulled his hand through his platinum hair before Brielle could even manage a slight nod to him. He nodded in satisfaction, thinking she was all his again.

In the corner of her eye, she saw the two red headed twins shake their heads in dismay.


As the class ended and Brielle was heading out the door, Fred grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the crowd. She saw him smirk at her as if saying, ‘it’s on again.’ She, however, only slipped her hand with a knowing look. They were not back to that state yet.

He still decided to walk in front of her because he knew she would follow. She always did when she knew what was going to happen. He walked into an empty classroom, one that hasn’t been used in years, in a corridor that almost seemed abandoned. Of course Fred would pull her into there. She smiled seductively as she dropped her books to the ground, getting his attention.

When he looked over at her, Fred couldn’t help but grab her and kiss her. It was almost as if he was hungry for her. It didn’t take long before clothes were shed and Fred was only in his boxers while she was down to her bra and skirt. Brielle pushed him on top of a desk, kissing down his chest when she heard his breathing increase. She smiled and kissed back up, refusing to go any further, yet. She looked at him with a smirk and he pouted at her.

Fred’s hands roamed down her almost bare back, pulling her uniform skirt down her legs and then off completely. His hands roamed back up her legs and her panties and rested on the small of her back, pulling her closer, if that was possible.

“Let me take you out,” Fred said between kisses. Brielle stopped her kissing then and stared at him incredulously.

“What did you just say?” she asked.

“Uhm, I said. Nothing?” He tried.

“It wasn’t nothing. I heard a very distinct date being asked,” Brielle asked, slowly getting off of him. She grabbed her skirt and put it back on, and her button down white shirt.

“No, it was nothing.”


“Because,” Fred said, not sure of an answer at the moment. He talked to his brother the other night, and the thought just popped up in conversation.

“That’s not exactly how this works,” she said, for the umpteenth time.

“Just one date. Let me show you, please,” he said, sitting up from the desk. “Tonight.”

“Tonight I’m with Draco.”

“Oi. How is that going, by the way?” he asked, not really interested.

“It’s going.” Brielle said, keeping it short.

“Then this Friday,” he said.

“That’s Valentine’s Day.”

“Might as well do it up special,” he said with a sheepish grin.

Brielle looked at him as if he was crazy. “Fine. One date. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t. We go back to what we’ve been doing.”



“I hope you know, this date is not going anywhere,” Aria said to Brielle as they sat in the common room. It was insane to even agree to going on a date with him, but it’s too late to turn back.

“I know.”

“It’s going to ruin this whole no strings attached now. I hope you know, that’s done,” she said, not hearing her best friend’s agreement.

“I know.”

“I mean, he obviously fell for you,” she said.

“I know.”

“I mean, this was just a bad idea to begin with,” Aria said, finally looking at Brielle.

“Aria, I know. And what if he’s not the only one with feelings?” Brielle asked, looking away.

Her friend’s face lit up. “No, no way.”


“Then go for it!”

“I can’t, what about Draco?” Brielle asked. She sighed, resting her head on the back of the couch. What was she even thinking? Before this, she was a little nerd in her common room with a good book. Now look at her, dating one guy and hooking up with another. It couldn’t be much better than that. Until Fred Weasley had to go and look at her all funny and start having feelings.

“Just, see how it all plays out. Please?” Aria asked. “All he asked for was one date.” Brielle nodded to her, eventually laying her head down on Aria’s lap.

She was so confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I thought this was a long enough wait for you guys. :D I think it's only been a week, but hey. It's a good start. :) I hope you love it. Feedback and comments are always appriciated.

Question of the chapter: What did you think of Fred asking her out? :D

And, well. I have a story going, another HP story, written with one of my good friends, Christine, her mibba is chrissie.marie, and I guess you could say I'm whoring it out. But, we need more readers on that one. It's a George fanfic, not Fred, but hey, George needs some lovin' too. :P <---- That's the link right to the story. :)
