Even If No One Believes Us


Periods are the shit. For real, you can totally go around being, like, all “What did you say? I will kill you!” and then smile sweetly and be all, “Oh, I’m just on my period!” then smile like they totally wiped your ass for you.

Wait, what?

I yawned and stood up from my bed, looking at the blood mess on my new bed and sighed, grumbling about and pulling the sheets off furiously.

Then, when your trying to clean up the mess your vagina decided to make against your will, someone decides that they want to take you shopping for new school clothes and that they have to leave right that very moment because they have to pick up your school schedule because they love to switch your school in the middle of the year during spring break because parents just love ruining your life. I quickly pulled on a pair of pants and a clean pair of panties after doing the necessary things to plug my vaginal bleeding up and opened my bedroom door, not bothering to brush my hair or re-apply the make-up that had ran down my cheeks all last night. I saw no need for it, my eyes were still red around the edges and I already looked horrible.

I did however plan on apologizing to Ryan if I saw him today, and as my mom started the car and began driving, I couldn’t help but to hope that I wouldn’t have to apologize with my mom around.

I was almost positive that Ryan hadn’t told her what type of diary entry he had read or even why I had viciously attacked him. I knew that if I saw Ryan with my mother, she would pry and whine about how she wants to know why I had hurt Ryan who she thought was my friend.

As we drove around, my cheek was pressed gently into the glass of the window and I watched the scene around me. I watched the people fly by and the houses all blend into one color and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the place.

Nothing was said about the fight that happened between Ryan and I the night before as my mother and I drove in the car and as we pulled into the mall’s parking lot nothing prepared me to see Ryan’s mothers car there as well.

I groaned a bit and slid out of the car, following my mother silently into the mall and to the nearest clothing store, running straight into the one person I had just previously been hoping not to talk to.
