

-- 2 Years Later –
It was probably four in the morning when Vic finally heard the sound of his band mates come into the tour bus. The next day was they had off so they had really taken advantage of that fact that there was no bus call. Vic rolled around in his bunk, trying to remain quiet. The sound of two giggling girls came right past him along with hushing sounds from Mike and Jaime. Vic rolled his eyes, those girls would only thrill them for an hour. They would be long gone by the time the sun came up.
“In here.” He heard his brother whisper.
Mike had always been a ladies man, that was Vic’s way of putting it. Most people would just call him a man whore. He told the girl he was with every night that he would call them the next morning. When morning arrived he would put the scrap of paper into a large vase without calling. Every now and then when he got bored he would dig his hand into the vase and pick out a scrap. The lucky girl that called on that night would come willingly and excited that he had called her back… even if it was months later.
Their mother would be so disappointed if she knew what was really going on, she raised them to be gentlemen and treat women correctly. Apparently, only Vic listened to her lectures. But Vic couldn’t blame Mike, he was young and he had to admit that he was fairly handsome. Mike had something about him, confidence, swagger, quickness.
“Yeah, I’ll call you…” Vic heard Mike say. He looked at his watch, it was 5:23 am.
She giggled again, “I’ll be waiting.”
Vic rolled his eyes, there had only been one girl to call Mike out. She knew all his dirty tricks and spat the same fire out that she received.
-- 23 months ago –
Hilary stood at the door way with her arms crossed around her chest, she raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at Mike as a redhead made her was out of the tour bus.
Mike laughed once the girl left, “Hilary! What’s up girl!” he walked over to her squeezing her body in an embrace.
She pushed him off, “Michael Christopher Fuentes! That’s the fourth girl this week! Have you no self respect?” her green eyes dug into him.
Vic watched from the front lounge as she tore his brother apart. Mike chuckled a little and shrugged, “I do. That’s why I bring them. I have to make myself happy.”
Vic laughed setting his guitar down and coming to Hilary’s side, “Come on Hil.”
“No.” she stood firm, “One day you’ll realize that what you’re doing is sick. If you don’t respect yourself at least respect them.” Her pale finger bounced off the center of Mike’s naked chest, “Everyone one of them has a father! What would you do if you had a daughter and she was being used like a damn Kleenex?”
Mike’s eyes became sad, “Why is this affecting you so much?”
“Because.” She stood as tall as she could, only getting to the height of Mike’s chest, “I’m a girl too.”
“I think we should leave.” Vic grabbed her hand and led her out of the bus, “You know he’s not going to stop right? That’s part of his identity. I don’t think he’ll ever settle down completely.”
Hilary grunted wrapping her white scarf tighter around her neck, “Well one day there’s going to be a girl to do the same to him. Just watch. She’ll be walking spunk.” She nodded to herself.
Vic shook his head laughing, “Until that day comes along…”
Hilary stopped in her tracks and grabbed both of Vic’s hands, “I’m glad youre not that way Vic, please don’t ever change… even when I’m gone.” Her green eyes filled with tears.
Vic panicked and embraced her tightly as she dug her wet face in his neck.
“I’m scared Vic… I don’t want to leave your side.”
Vic clenched his jaw, fighting back the tears coming. He had to be strong for her, there was no other option, “I know you’re scared Hilary… But I’m here with you, I’ll always be here.”
“You’re right.” She cleaned her face with her scarf, “I’m being selfish.”
“You’re not being selfish,” Vic laughed continuing to walk, “You’re being the same ‘ol worried Hilary. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
Hilary sighed, “Can you chase away the darkness?”
“I always will.” Vic smiled, “I could install a nightlight and everything.”
Hilary laughed sweetly, covering her mouth with her free hand, “There are no nightlights in people’s souls.”
“There are!” Vic argued, “Wouldn’t you consider Love to be a light.”
“I guess so, pizza would make an even brighter light though.” Hilary smiled pointing at a pizza shop across the street, “I swear I’m always so damn hungry.”
-- Present –
Vic woke up to the sound of screaming guys.
They were chanting curse words along with insults towards each other. Vic made his way off of his bunk and into the direction the sounds were coming from. The back room was full with all three guys playing video games against each other. Vic shook his head, he was never one to play video games, they were boring and pointless. And in all honesty he would rather go out and play soccer instead of having a little figure play it for him on the screen.
“Morning Princess Victoria.” Jaime smiled looking away from the television.
“Morning.” He chuckled, “You guys have fun last night?”
“Tons.” Mike smirked keeping his eyes on the screen, “We missed you though, the bar was pretty full of hot girls last night.”
Vic shook his head, “Wasn’t feeling it.”
Tony looked up at Vic, “What’s on the agenda today?”
“I’m going to write for the new album…I have a little inspiration, you guys could do whatever you guys want. Bus call is at 11 tonight so, just make sure you’re back by then.” Vic told the three of them seriously, “We have Phoenix tomorrow, so that should be fun.” He noticed that his bandmates weren’t listening to him anymore. Their attention was returned to the game they were playing, “See you guys later then.”
“See ya!” the guys said without moving
Vic sighed once he reached his bunk, writing was something he did alone, far away from any distractions. He grabbed his blue notebook and a pen and made his way across the bus. He told the bus driver he would be out and left.
He began walking to wherever his feet would take him, finally reaching a park. It was too early for children to be out playing, it was perfect. He took a seat on the farthest bench he found and opened his notebook.
‘I’d do anything to hold your hand.’ He scribbled on the blank page.