Secret Love Affair

Nice Unexpectancy on a Plane

"Fact: Yoplait yogurt makes you lose weight."

"You mean helps."

"Whatever. That’s what I meant." I said walking with my three best friends. We were at JFK international airport in New York City, heading towards gate thirteen, flying to London. We were actually on time so we just hung around, carrying some of our bags, and waiting for our flight which takes off in two long hours.

"Fact: Lena is so worried about being late that we're just sitting here like a gaggle of ducks waiting to be shot down by a hunter." Mina said taking lip gloss out of my purse and putting some on. I laughed. It was true. Last night, Lena went on and on talking about the possibilities of traffic and long securities lines.

"Oh shut up! You're just irritated because you wouldn't listen to none of us about not wearing three inch heels!" Lena shot back laughing.

"True!" I said smiling at a young, cute guy passing by.

"Fashionista!" Lena taunted with a Spanish accent she had learned back in 9th grade. I laughed some more and looked at Arabella. She had on this pout formed on her lips which means that she's irritated for some reason that I thought was just totally over dramatic.

She's been quiet all morning. And when she wasn't, she'd start cursing in this thick British accent. This has been going on all morning. I had asked a gazillion times what was wrong but she just shrugged and kept keeping to herself.

I walked over to her on that flat long strip of an escalator and gave her a puppy dog face. I swear, whenever I pull off the puppy dog face, no one can turn me down on some offer or be mad at me. Arabella is really vulnerable to this and I never let her forget it. She tried ignoring my gaze.

Ha her eyes are twitching...

Before she could give in and tell me her problem, she crossed her legs while standing up. "Fact: I need a toilet!" she said running with her Prada bag bouncing over her shoulder.
I giggled, knowing that I won, and followed her. Lena followed with Mina who was TRYING to run because of her heels.

"You guys!" she whined, "Wait up! I can't run in these heels!"

"Your problem!" I yelled over my shoulder, following Arabella to the nearest restroom.


I sat on the bathroom counter, applying clear lip gloss to my lips. We were waiting for Arabella to finish peeing, which, if you must know, takes a very long time.

"Anyone hungry?" Mina asked fixing her newly died light brownish in a way hair. That girl! She changes her hair color like every freaking month! Last month, it had blue and pink highlights.

I looked in the mirror. I had one chunk of blue highlight in my hair. I only wanted one. Just because I can. I had on this cool colorful bright tee shirt I had bought in Japan last year on my senior spring break. It was worth the big cash, even though I couldn't buy lunch that day. My jeans were a little ripped on the thigh part with a couple holes I made on accident while camping. My old converse shoes looked cute even though It had all this graffiti and mud partially covering it. I didn't look like a typical heiress like Paris or one of those girls. I never really stood out and caught the public's eye. Thank god... And I've always wondered why I never really got along with those high-end super rich girls...

"Yeah, I'm starved!" Lena said biting her black painted nails. I nodded, stomach grumbling.

"" Arabella said. I looked at the little girl staring at the bathroom stall Arabella was in. She left quickly to her mommy.

"What?" I asked. "Anyone have a tampon?" We all laughed, letting our laughter bounce off the walls. Arabella didn't laugh with us.

"Honestly!" She whined. I could hear her pointy flats make tap noises as she whined.

"You know we love you!" I said taking a tampon out of Lena's purse. Lena had everything a girl needed. From tampons to pads to chocolate to a thousand hair elastic. Oh and show polisher for mina.

"So tell us what is going on." I said sipping my Pepsi and sitting down next to Arabella. She put down her magazine and looked at me. She sighed.

"Yay! Story time!" Lena said sitting down next to mina. I got comfy and folded my legs beneath me as I sat in my germ city seat.

"You know how I tried changing our flight?" She asked. I nodded. "The reason why is because my cousin just happens to be taking the same flight.

"So." I said not catching on about her cousin. She had a billion cousins! How was I supposed to know all of them?

"My cousin! The one I hate!"

"Dougie?" Mina asked. Arabella nodded, frowning.

"So the rest of the band will be with him?" Lena squealed.

Arabella rolled her eyes and nodded. Mina and Lena shrieked and squealed in excitement. "McFLY!" they whispered, giggling. I smiled too but it wasn't that big of a deal. I mean, they are a great X10 band, but they just didn't have that effect on me. They did but that was like a long time ago.

"But it is DOUGIE POYNTER! My cousin! That I loathe!!!" she said.

"Hun! It’s alright!" I said patting her back as she covered her face, frustrated.

"No its not! We're going to be bickering during the whole flight!"

"They're on first class with us?" I asked. Arabella nodded.
"Don't worry. You'll be okay." I said side hugging her.

"But promise me! All three of you! That none of you will fall for Dougie and date him. He's no good!"

"C'mon Arabella! Nothing is going to happen. Besides, who would want to date us? We're like the ugliest girls ever!" I said jokingly.

"Isn't Dougie a little shy?" Lena asked.

"Still! Just promise me. He could hurt you." she said looking at all of us in the eye.

We nodded. I still didn't see what the big deal was. We did our stupid 'secret' handshake which sealed our promise. When we made promises to each other, we kept them. Or at least tried to keep them. That’s how strong our friendship was. As we sat there, passerbys ran past us, late for plane or trying to get to their destination. They wouldn't have been able to tell that we were all best friends. We were so different in a way. Mina was so in love with fashion. It was written all over herself. She had that Asian punk vibe going on. Lena looked like a typical American girl next door. Tee shirt from Aeropostale, Jeans from Abercrombie & Fitch, Flip flops from Wal-mart. IPod always in her hand, cell phone in the other. But she also carried a digital camera and video camera with her. A true film student. Arabella seemed and looked very sophisticated. She looked like she had money, always dressed nice and proper. Smart and a good student. A parent pleaser. Mature. I was...just I'm down-to-earth and have fun with life. No one could tell I was an heiress to two big multi-million dollar companies. I was a chameleon. Very diverse in everything- music, culture, fashion, movies, name it.

I looked around. No sign of McFLY yet. Unless they had already gotten on the plane first just because their status.

"First class. Please come aboard." A lady said on the intercom. I got up, bum fallen asleep. And went with my three best friends, getting excited because we were going to London together.

YAY YAY YAY!!! London!!!

"I call window!" Arabella said beating me to a nice comfy seat by the small window.

"Damn! I wanted the window!" I said putting a duffle bag in that overhead compartment.

"Well you could get it next time!" Arabella said smiling.

"HA! That’s what you said last time about that time when we were on the subway and we both wanted that seat by that cute German guy!!!" I said throwing a pillow at Mina for she threw one at me. Arabella gave me a dorky smile and stuck her tongue out at me. She seemed much more happier now that she had eaten a part of a huge chocolate bar earlier. She began eating the other half.

"I thought you were a ballet dancer?" A nice male voice said with an English accent two seats back. We all turned around. And the first thing I see it this really cute guy smiling.

Arabella cursed under her breath. "Dougie." she said nodding curtly showing signs of wanted to murder then and there.

"Arabella." he said looking like he knew that she was getting annoyed.

"Oi! Doug! Look what Harry did to the toilet!" Danny Jones said coming out of nowhere. He saw us and stopped. "Ah Dougie! Why didn't you tell me we had close company with us! We've could've looked a bit better." Danny said pointing to his clothes. I didn't see what the problem was with his clothes. He looked just fine to me. But I bet Arabella and Mina was disagree with me.

Tom Fletcher and Harry Judd came out of the bathroom area. "Arabella! Lovely to see you!" Tom said.

"Likewise." she said. I stood there looking dumb while Lena and Mina were whispering to Arabella. She rolled her eyes. They were most likely talking about McFLY. I came back to reality after looking at Dougie messing around with his friends. They didn't notice me. That was good because then they wouldn't see the drool on my face as I looked at Dougie. I mean, who wouldn't drool? He was gorgeous!

I began to put away Mina and Lena's bags since I had nothing else to do. As I stretched to reach the overhead compartment, my bare skin was visible.

"Is that a bellybutton ring!?!" Lena as she saw my tummy. I looked down at a sitting, shocked Lena.

"Yeah! Isn't it awesome!?" I asked smiling lifting up my shirt a bit more to show off my bellybutton ring.

"You should see her tattoo on her lower back!" Arabella said turning me around so everyone (as in Lena, Mina and McFLY) could see my lower back.

"Cool!" Lena said and snapped my bra strap.

"Ow!" I laughed and rubbed my shoulder blade, "It is cool!" I said proudly. It was a Chinese symbol for happiness. Someone coughed to interrupt our little skin show.

"Are these your friends Arabella?" Harry Judd asked twirling drum sticks in his hand.

"Oh! Ladies, this is Tom, Harry, Danny, and...Dougie." She said giving Dougie a dirty look. He returned it at once.

I was still showing my tattoo and belly button ring to mina and Lena when she introduced us.

"Hi!" I said hastily pulling down my shirt so it covered all my skin, blushing in the process. I decided to be polite and hug them all because that’s what Arabella did (except she didn’t hug her cousin). I thought Dougie was so cute! No wait- hot! He just seemed so perfect in his features! He also smelled good when I hugged him. I noticed that he was quiet and I wanted to talk to him but I knew Arabella would get mad.

"So you're Lara Keating?" Danny asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Wait. Darren Keating's daughter?" Harry asked. I nodded.

"Cool!" Tom said. McFLY was signed to Universal-Island records. My dad is head of that, remember? He's been living in London since the divorce. And he went to London like 3 times a month before the divorce. And I never really bothered to visit at work while McFLY or any other band was around. And if I did visit him, I was only around for like five minutes not really looking in the recording center. I like McFLY but like before, I wasn't some crazed fan. And as for Dougie Poynter- I thought he was cute when I saw him in some British pop magazine. But for some reason now, he was looking really cute! Gorgeous actually.

“So why were you in the city?" Arabella asked as I took a seat and got comfy. I took out my iPod and thought about Dougie, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. He seemed so quiet!

"We were visiting some friends in LA and then flew up to New York for a couple days."

"We're still trying to get popular here in America." Danny said.

"You guys aren't popular yet?" Mina asked shocked. Danny shook his head.

"You will be." I said blocking my face with my hands as Lena tried taking a picture of me.

"Lena, stop!" I said laughing.

"C'mon! We need pictures to show your future boyfriend!" she said.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I said laughing. Still hiding my face.

"Oh but you will, Love! We're going to be in London for three weeks! There's bound to be a guy there for you! Besides, you're hot!" Arabella teased.

"Whatever! As I recall, you got at least a dozen numbers last weekend." I said.

"Yeah! And she just threw them away! I wanted them." Mina said.

"Heartbreaker!" Danny cheered. I laughed and looked at Dougie. He smiled quietly. I smiled back.

"No no! Dougie don’t pull off that silent cute smile crap on my friends! They're off limits to you!!!" Arabella snapped at Dougie.

"What? I wasn't doing anything! You're going mad." he said.





"Stop it you two!" Lena said. Everyone looked at her. She quickly went back to trying to take pictures of me, for she feared Arabella might snap at her next.

and we go zoom zoom zoom! Zoom zoom...

After one movie of Jim Carey in Fun with Dick and Jane, a nice lunch, a two hour nap, playing all 400 songs on my iPod, I surfed the net on my laptop. There weren’t that many people on first class. Just the band, my friends and I, and some business man sitting way up front. Coach was packed but it was nice and open where I was. I was extremely bored! I needed to be entertained. Harry was watching a DVD on my DVD player, Tom was sleeping, Arabella was sleeping, and Danny was flirting with Mina and Lena who were both giggling a little too much. Dougie was just looking out the window. I wanted to hang out with him. Get to know him. I was allowed to do that. I'm not going to make out with him or anything on the plane.


I looked at Arabella. She was a deep sleeper. I got up and walked over to Dougie. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hi." he smiled back. He was waiting for me to say something and I just stood there next to an empty seat. Wondering if I should take the seat or go back to mine and slap myself.

"Can I sit here?"

"Yeah sure." he said I took a seat feeling very awkward.

"I know it’s none of my business, but why do you and Arabella fight?" I didn't want to ask but that was the only thing I knew about him. Apart from the fact that he's in a band and plays bass.

"It was back to when we were kids. I don't really remember but I think I made fun of her scar on her foot that looked like a camel."

"Oh yeah! Her camel scar! I've always made fun of her about that." I laughed looking at Arabella who was still sleeping.

"But I think it’s also because we're just so different. She's so glam and all that shi.t and I’m just punk. We never agree."

"Really? She and I are like totally opposite in a way but we're attached at the hip."

"Or it could've been the fact that I put my pet lizard in her hair...yeah that was it. Along with our differences." Dougie said.

I laughed. He seemed to be getting used to me, talking more. Dougie and I talked about music and why I was heading to London. I was having a three week vacation. Plus I was going to visit my dad. It was the end of march. I should've been at school but Arabella, Lena, Mina and I decided to take a year off and have fun. Then go back to college after a year.

"So you breeded lizards?" I asked giggling.

"Yeah." Dougie said smiling.

"Cool!" I said.

"Really?" He asked amazed at me.

"Yeah its -"

"Lara! It he brainwashing you!?" Arabella said.

"" I mumbled, "I'm not allowed to have that much contact with you."

"That sucks." Dougie whispered. "I know. But I don't listen to her sometimes. Talk to you later." I said smiling and going back to my seat.

Dougie's POV

I watched Lara leave. Her tattoo was visible. I like it. Along with her body.

Tom took a seat next to me. "You fancy her?" Tom asked.

"She's fit. Yeah. Very cute." I said watching her laugh with Arabella.

"Make a move." Tom said simply.

"What if she thinks it's stupid and not like me?" I asked nervously.

"She probably does fancy you, Doug. She seems like the type to go against her parents’ wishes."

"What about friends wishes?"

"Talking about Arabella?"

"Yeah. She made all her friends promise not to date me and then she told me to not make a move on her friends."


"I know. You’ve been drinking beer?" I asked him.

"Yeah." Tom said smiling in a dorky way.

"Give me some."



"I want some." Lara said taking the beer bottle and chugging the whole thing. My jaw slightly dropped at her drinking talent.

"Thanks." she said giving tom back the empty bottle. She winked at me and walked to Danny, Lena and mina, adding some hip to her walk.

It turned me on.

Tom nudged me, "Dude, go for her! She's fit!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. This is an old story actually. I just finished the series about a month ago and I they're all posted on quizilla. Now I'm posting them here. I hope SLA become as popular here as it was on the other site.