Secret Love Affair

Thames Up Close and Personal

I am babysitting today. My dad is too busy with work to take Adrien to the zoo, movies, and a boat ride on Thames. So as I sat in the recording studio, watching Adrien's shoulders slowly drop, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

So I offer to take him around town.

I wouldn't be doing this if we didn't have the same blood.

Its usually hard keeping a young teenage boy in check but with my army of three other girls, today shouldn’t be that bad.

"Hey do we have to go to the zoo?" Adrien asks me in the hotel room. He keeps changing the channel on the TV. There wasn't much to see.

I snatched the clicker away, "I thought you liked the zoo."

"Yeah...when I was ten."

"Well we don't have to. You're not a little kid anymore I guess." I say.

"Do you want to go to the skate shop down the street instead?" Lena asks.

Good Idea! No sarcasm.

"Yeah! That'd be awesome!" Adrien said getting up. "Let’s go!"

"Hold on. Let me grab my purse." Lena, Mina, Arabella and I said all at once.

"Girls," he mumbled.

"Boys," We mumbled back.

The skate shop was pretty cool. Loud Sum41 music was playing and I was just in amazement at all the cool designs on the boards.

I walked around with Adrien while Lena checked out the tee shirt rack.

Arabella and Mina sat in a corner.

"These are awesome!" Adrien said. He had this look in his eye that meant he wanted a new board.

"No Adrien." I said.

"Oh c'mon! Please!" He begged.

"No. It’s too much money! I'm not mom or dad you know."

Unlike some heiresses, I try to save the company money.




"For the love of Hollywood no!" I said walking away.

"I'll tell mom about how you borrowed that dress that some hot actress was going wear to a party. Remember how it got a little torn at the side?"

Oh no he didn't!

Innocent bystanders: you are now going witness a sibling argument.

"First of all, Hilary liked that rip at the side! And if you say a word to mom or anyone else about that dress I'll tell mom where you really were last summer."

"Oh really? Where was I?" Adrien said thinking I didn't know.

Last summer, Adrien went to Canada to hang with friends my mom doesn't know about. These were friends that our mother would not approve of.

"You were in Canada, drinking away when mom really thought you were at a friend's house in Seattle for a week."

Adrien's eyes got big and he began stuttering, "I-you-so-I-"

"Didn't know I had power like a spoiled rich girl eh?" I smirked.

Of course, Adrien didn't know that I knew. I didn't trust him at the time so I sent some people to hang around Adrien in an invisible manner.

"Mom will never believe that."

"I have pictures. Case closed. No!"

When we threaten each other, mom is always in the death sentence. Our mother could get pretty scary at times. Our dad is easy on us so we never worry about him.


"Dress stealer." Adrien mumbled as we stood in line at the movies.

"Underage drinker." I snapped back.

"You are too."

"Not when I was 12."

"Both of you stop that now!" Arabella snapped. "If one more negative word comes out of either of your mouths we're leaving to go check out a ballet school."

That’s when Arabella became motherly again.

She would make a good mother.

A nice Stepford wife indeed.

"Cool! Girls in tights and spandex!" Adrien's eyes lit up.

I hit his head.

Rude boy

The movie we're watching was Blades of glory.

Absolutely hilarious, although Arabella had to separate Adrien and me because we kept on bickering.

"I'll tell mom you made out with that young photographer while you were at that photo shoot." Adrien whispered to me.

"I'll tell mom that you stole her car one night without a license and went driving around with your friends to Sacramento." I shot back deadly.

I don't know how Adrien new about that photo shoot.

Yeah I made out with this twenty year old photographer last year. I made top 50 heiresses. I liked the dude because he looked like Jude Law. He liked me because I had a lot of cash.
It wasn't that heartbreaking because he was thick in the skull anyway and I called it off two days later.

Adrien threw popcorn at me. I threw some back.

Yeah I know we're acting very childish. I don't know why I ever felt sorry for my pig of a brother.

"That’s it! You-" Arabella pointed to me, "Sit over there! You-" Arabella pointed to Adrien, "-sit on the other side of Lena!"

"Fine!" we both hissed at the same time. I huffed and puffed with my arms crossed the whole time.

Adrien stuck his tongue out at me. I gave him the finger.

"Adrien don't do that, you're going to fall." I said. We were on Arabella's uncle's boat. Mina knows how to drive one so we were sailing around the Thames River.

"No I'm not. See." Adrien said holding on to the edge and putting half of his body over it."

"But one jerk of the boat and you will." I said, "And I'm not getting the blame if you fall."

"That’s what they always say! That you're not going to fall." I said walking away to sit next to Arabella.

"Hey." she said reading a vogue magazine.

"Hey. Adrien's being stubborn again." I said plopping down on a white leather seat.
A soft breeze came by.

"You guys act the same." Arabella said smiling at me.

"No we don't!" I said shocked.

"Yes you do. Both of you are stubborn and hate admitting that you're wrong."

"Whatever, we're completely different."

"And how’s that?" Arabella asks me. She sips her fancy juice drink.

I take a sip of my rockstar energy drink.

"I'm a girl....and he's a dog." I said simply.

Arabella laughs but was interrupted when we heard a splash and Mina screaming.

"What’s going on?" Arabella asked.

"Adrien fell over!" Mina said panicking.

"WHAT?" I scream and run over to the edge.

We heard a seconds splash and saw Lena swimming somewhere.

I saw Adrien floating in the water a little ways away, looking dazed and confused.

"Oh My God! Mina turn the boat around!" I screamed beginning to freak out. We were going at a fast speed but it felt so slow. I saw Lena reach Adrien.

Lena was a life guard for a couple years at the her community pool back in high school.

She told us that one time around July, she saw this twelve year old boy almost drown. So she jumped in to save him.

He wasn't breathing so Lena did CPR. It turned out that the boy was breathing. He was just faking so he could kiss her.

Lena got so pissed off that she smacked him so hard that the boy didn't need sunburn to get red.

I would've done the same thing but I'd be bored out of my mind just sitting there watching little kids pee in the baby pool.

Arabella and I fell on the floor of the boat as Mina made a sharp turn.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god! My parents are going kill me!" I said breathing fast. I began stumbling across the boat, basically pulling my hair out.

Arabella stopped me, "Stop freaking out! He knows how to swim!"

"Yeah but he fucking fell overboard! While the boat was going at a fast speed!"

"Don't worry! Lena's got him."

"He freaking fell off the boat!" I said ignoring Arabella.

"Calm down!"


How can she tell me to calm down when my little brother just fell off a boat?! My mom would kill both of us! She'd kill me because I wasn't watching and she'd kill Adrien for not obeying me! If Arabella had a little sister and she fell, she would be freaking out too so don't anyone tell me to calm down!


Yes I'm having a meltdown.

Yes I should be slapped.

Yes someone should duct tape my mouth so I could shut up.

We pulled up in front of a contently floating Lena and Adrien.

I scrambled to help Adrien while Mina and Arabella helped Lena.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked putting my palms on Adrien's face and squishing his cheeks.

I looked him up and down looking for cuts and bruises.

"I'mph phine!" He mumbled because his cheeks were squished.

He looked like a fish.

"Okay...good." I begin to calm down as Arabella got him a towel.

After five minutes, I caught my breath. Then, I hit his head.

"OW! What was that for?" he said covering his head.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I said towering over him.

"I'm sorry! You don't have to hit me!" Adrien said.

"Boy, you better be glad I'm not mom or I'll whack you with an over-sized handbag the size of china!"

"Oh you-" Adrien said. The last part of his sentence was over-ruled by the horn of a ship.
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Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated. Hugs are loved.