Secret Love Affair

An Offer That Stops the Departing

I wasn't mad at Adrien anymore. Our fights only last a couple hours anyway.

And he was leaving today so I had to be nice to him.

My dad and I were going see that he gets in the airport alright so I was sitting with Adrien by these large windows while our dad got him a ticket....

In first class...

Spoiled thing...

"Do you have money with you?" I ask getting my wallet out.

"Yes Lara. Dad gave me a hundred dollars and then 50 pounds."

"Okay good." I said putting away my wallet. I've always given him money whenever he traveled along.

"Hey Lara?"

"Yeah?" I say blowing a big bubble out of my bubble gum.

"How come you and Dougie won't tell anyone?"

My bubble suddenly pops and sticks to my nose. It took me a while to get it back in my mouth. "What are you talking about?" I ask completely shocked.

"I heard Dougie talking to you about how you guys wished that you two could go public like normal people but can't." He looked at me innocently. I stared back at him.

"Listen Adrien, I don't know why you were sneaking around the recording studio after hours but you can't tell anyone. Please." I said turning to him.

"Why not?" He asked. He wasn't threatening to tell. He sounded curious.

This was a rare moment.

"It’s complicated. We're not allowed."

" it dad?"

"No. Arabella. she forbids it and she made me promise to not date him."

"That sucks."

"I know...but you must not tell anyone or ANYTHING!" I warned. I said "ANYTHING" because I know my little brother. He'll figure out a way around any road block. Anything = tape recorder or journal, etc.

"Okay. I promise." he said going back to playing with his game boy.

I nodded in approval.

Adrien looked up from his game boy screen, "So do you think there's a chance of me ever getting with Arabella?" he piped up.

I looked at him and burst out laughing, "In your dreams."

Its the end of week two of our three weeks. One more week and we leave. I'm dreading that day we go back home. Because that means that I wouldn't see Dougie anymore. I had gotten really close to him and my phone bill maxed past Mina's $500 bill.

What’s going happen when I leave?

Will he move on?

Will we keep it a long distance thing?

I sat next to Mina who was reading a magazine. My legs were up to my chest and I held myself together with my arms. I stared at one spot on the carpet.

My mind was so occupied with what-ifs.

My stomach growled.

"Hungry?" Mina asked.

I nod silently, not looking at her but at the soft carpet floor.

I'm hungry alright. Hungry for Dougie that is.

Arabella was in the bathroom doing her hair. She had locked it so she could have some space. And I had to pee.
Being hungry and having to pee does not mix well.

Lena threw me a granola bar. It hit my head and fell to my knees by my chin.

"Did you know that the more fit someone is the better one will do with school work." Mina said reading.

"Oh no. Teen vogue is telling her what do." Lena said. First Elle girl told her what to do. Then it was Cosmo girl. And now its teen vogue. Whats next? Cosmopolitan and its "Ten new sex positions" thats on every cover of the magazine it prints out?

"Well duh! Thats because they don't have to worry about their love handles rolling out of their shirt while taking a test next to someone they like!" I said to mina.

Lena laughed and then snorted. Mina squinted her eyes and glared at me. She poked her lips out. I wanted to put my finger against them and make her lips go 'bubble-bubble- blub blub blub.

I got up ten minutes later from my seat and pounded on the bathroom door.

"Hurry up in there!" I said.

"One minute!"

"Arabella I got to pee!"

"Almost done!"

No! I had to go now! A girl like me can't hold it in that long. Must I retell the story about the zoo and the monkey and how I had to wait while my teacher watched the monkey moon the zoo keeper again?

"Arabella, you better let me in or I'll knock this door down at the count of three!"

I heard Arabella snort.

You think I won't do it? Fine!


"Two!" I backed up.

"Three!" I run at the door and at the same time, Arabella opens the door. Instead of hitting the door, I hit the bathroom wall.

I find myself laying on the bathroom floor. I could see Arabella laughing her head off upside down from my Point of view.

"Are you okay?" she laughed.

"No! My head hurts!"

Arabella and I left Mina and Lena at the underground to go to Piccadilly Circus to go shopping while we checked out this prestigious ballet company.

Arabella is with the School of American Ballet which is the academy of the New York City Ballet.

She wants to tour with them one day.

"Why are we going to check out London's academy when you're already a part of New York’s?" I ask walking with Arabella.

"Because Madame Anastasia invited me to get a tour." she said happily.

"How do you know Madame Anastasia?"

"She's my old ballet instructor. Before I moved to San Francisco."

"Oh." was all I said.

When we go there, I saw that the building was five stories and large. When we walked inside, the smell of lavender met us.

There were tall, Skinny elegant beautiful girls around in their dancewear. I felt like a midget compared to them.
When we were on the fifth floor, a tall lady with a strict presence came gliding along. She was not smiling until she reached us.

"Arabella darling!"

"Madame Anastasia!" they air kissed each other’s cheeks.

I stood next to Arabella feeling so short.

Maybe I should’ve worn a nice shirt or something....

"Madame, this is my best friend Lara. She's Donna Karan's daughter." Arabella said.

Madame Anastasia looked at me. She slightly smiled and then started talking to Arabella again.

It was unusual for Arabella to tell someone that I was made of money. She usually said that it was no bodies business. I don't like telling people that I got a hundred dollar allowance every day.

I also felt so self-conscious because I'm like 5 foot 4 and Arabella, along with everyone else in the room, is 5 foot 8 or 9.

I've never noticed how short I was compared to Arabella. I was small and petite. Not at all poised. Arabella was thin, tall, and elegant. I began to wonder how we ever became best friends.


Well anyways, I left to go look at trophies and pictures while Arabella and her old dance instructor caught up on things.

I ate dinner with my dad that night. He said he had to talk 'business' with me. Whatever that means.

"Gosh dad everything is so expensive!" I said looking at the menu.

We were at a French restaurant with that lead singer from U2 sitting about 2 tables away from us.

"Its not that expensive!" He laughed, sipping his glass of very expensive champagne.

"You're right. 50 pounds for an appetizer is nothing." I smiled.

My dad laughed, "I still wonder why you haven't turned out like Allegra Versace."

"Well you see dad, I actually like to eat." I laughed.

"Right you are. So how do like London so far?" he asked.

"I love it. I could live here." I said.

"Really because that is what I wanted to talk to you about." he said looking down at his menu and reading it.
I looked at him over my menu. I was dressed up nicely for the first time in a month and I was wearing these fancy chandelier earrings. I felt them dangle.

I really did look like an heiress at the moment.

"You've always had an interest in music more than fashion. Always behind the booth since you were five. Instead of sitting in the front row next to Janice Dickinson during a fashion show, you were bothering the DJ backstage," he said, "And I thought that maybe you should really learn how to produce a CD album and run a major music company so when it’s your time, you can inherit and take over."

I looked at him in awe.

*It couldn't be*

I let his words hang in my head for a minute longer.

"I understand if you don't want to." my dad added quickly.

"NO! no uh- you really mean it?" I ask. Excitement was running through my veins.

"Yes Lara I do mean it. Working with Universal-Island would also help you land a career as an MTV TRL host." he smiled, eyes twinkling.

"Dad! Of course I would do it!" I said smiling.

"You would?"

"Yes! Of course!" I said.

There are so many reasons to live here!

1) I can still see Dougie.
2) I get to work with renowned producers along with my dad.
3) Its freaking London!

Although I wouldn't see Lena, Mina, or Arabella that much. But that is why they call it planes, status and money. Ha-ha.

"Wonderful. I already have one of my condos that you can have."

Yes my dad has like 5 homes.
A huge house in Surrey.
Two large times ten flats in London
A huge house in the Bahamas
And a mansion in Miami.

"But do you think mom is okay with this?" I ask.

"Lara, you're an adult now. You've been acting like one since you were 14. You drink right in front of me at movie premiers. Your mother is completely okay with it. You decide your decisions." he smiled.

"Oh I'm so excited!" I said smiling unable to control a squeal.

I've never felt this happy before in my life!

"So its only for the rest of spring and summer? Because I have to go back to school this fall."

"Of course." my dads said, “and let’s not make any announcements to anyone until next week before you leave."

"I agree." I said sipping my drink. Last time I told my friends that I was going on a getaway to Hawaii with my then boyfriend Michael and his family, they convinced me not to go because of finals.

Well....finals ended up being moved up 3 weeks later and our spring break took place instead.

So I ended up depressed on a couch with ice cream while Michael was in Hawaii.

I don't want them convincing me to not stay and ruin everything that is in the palm of my hand.
Oh I'm so excited!

Dougie and I still get to be together! But I won't tell him yet either. It’s going to be a surprise!
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