Secret Love Affair

Surfer Babe

The other day, Tom had invited us to the beach to hang out in the sun today. It was actually a nice day today so we decided to go. For the first time, it wasn't overcast.

"Bloody hell I'm fat!" Arabella screamed in the mirror. I came in and observed her thin body. I thought about being a smart Alec and saying that if she was fat, then I was a whopping elephant but I just remained silent instead. I'm guessing what she saw in the mirror was different from what I saw. She probably saw a cow. I saw a corpse. I pinched her little tummy fat.

"OW!" Arabella said slapping my hand away. I got nothing of fat when I pinched her. I sighed and just walked away, shaking my head. I had more important matters, like what swimsuit I should wear to impress Dougie.

I sighed again and looked in my luggage. Only one swimsuit lay at the bottom. So many choices eh? I smiled and took out my green halter bikini and my white board shorts with the cool billabong brand design on it. I was going to surf.

"Hey Mina! Are you going to surf?" I ask mina who was painting her toe nails hot pink.

"Uh...yeah. But I can't find my board shorts." Mina said.

"They're in the bottom drawer!" Arabella said from the bathroom. Mina went to a drawer and took out a pair of black board shorts.

"Never mind." Mina smiled. Mina has been surfing since she was a child. Her uncle lives in Hawaii and he said that he wasn't an uncle to any kid unless they knew how to surf.

I quickly changed and observed the room. It looked like a hurricane had hit it with full force. Lena's tube sock was hanging limp on top of a lamp shade. Speaking of Lena, where is she? I felt a soft breeze hit my skin. I look at the balcony and see that the sliding door was open. As I'm about to close it, I find Lena sitting in a chair, eating a box of chocolates.
"Lena?" Lena looked at me with wide eyes. Her mouth is stuffed with chocolate. "Lena! You're not supposed to be eating chocolate!" I whispered, snatching the half empty box away.

"I know...but it’s so good!" she said.

"You little cheater!" I said putting the box out of Lena's reach for she tried taking it back. Lena had made a bet with Arabella that she wouldn't eat chocolate for two days because she's been eating it nonstop. They made the bet this morning over breakfast.

"Oh c'mon Lara!" Lena pleaded quietly. "Don't tell me you've never cheated in a bet or promise."

I thought about it for a second. The only bet I've ever cheated in was when my cousin said that our grandma wouldn’t lose her fake teeth while cleaning them. I said that she would lose them. Winner gets 50 bucks. I was 12 and I wanted those fifty dollars, so I stole nana's teeth while she wasn't looking and hid them in her sewing kit. And at the moment, I'm cheating in my promise to Arabella as you should know. "Lena...I have never cheated."

Yeah yeah- so I lied! Sue me!

"You forgot that time last year about the bet with the frat boy at that party."

"That doesn't count. He was drunk."

"Okay so you’re miss goody goody! Please let me have just one more?" Lena was on her knees. It was funny.

Ha...her lip is quivering. I wonder how much it would hurt to get a lip piercing... I let her suffer a bit more when I took a piece from the box and ate it slowly.


Then, as I'm slowly handing Lena the chocolates, Arabella and Mina walk in on the scene. They look at Lena, then me, then the chocolate in the middle. A piece of chocolate was hanging off of Lena's lip. I heard a siren off in the distance. Since Lena can be so slow with the reflexes sometimes, she shoved the chocolate box back in my arms after Arabella and Mina had seen us for at least one minute.

"Lara! You’re not supposed to give her chocolate!" Mina said laughing.

"I wasn't." I said grabbing a chocolate piece and stuffing it in my mouth. I let Arabella observe me. I could feel the sugar simmering in my blood, getting ready to boil.

"She's a double agent!" Arabella said. I don't know where she got that from but I played along.

"Oh! Do I get a pretty badge with that?" I say with a French accent.

"That sounded wrong." Mina and Lena said at the same time.

I shrugged and grabbed another chocolate, "Yes it did. So how about a whip to punish?" I asked as everyone fell to the floor laughing.

"Lara sit down!" Arabella said while we were on the train. McFLY and their manager were with us too. We were going to Fistral Beach in Newquay. I hear that’s where all the surf happens. Heck yes!

"I am sitting!" I say plopping my butt on Arabella.

"Not on me!" she said.

"Oh. Okay!" I said jumping to another seat. Instead of Lena eating all the chocolate, I ended up eating it all. I was so hyper and sugared-up that it made the squirrel thing on Hoodwinked look calm.

"Calm down! You're too hyper!" Mina said.

"What are you talking about?" I ask yanking the iPod ear plug out of Arabella's ear and swinging it around, "I'm not Hyper! I'm calm!" I said ignoring Arabella's protests, "Calm calm calm! OH MY GOD!"

"What?" Harry asked.

"..." I blinked twice, "A BIRD!" I laughed, falling on the floor. Arabella rolled her eyes and buried her nose in a magazine. So did Mina. Lena and Danny were having a friendly conversation. I snorted while I was still giggling. I had goose bumps and I kept fidgeting with the table lock. I giggled as it made squeaky noises. I laughed to myself as I pulled the table up and down up and down. 5 pounds of sugar running through your veins is not good. I wanted to be entertained. Dougie and Tom were sitting near me. Tom was on his cell phone. Richard was on his too.

I looked over to my left and looked at Dougie. I caught his attention and when he looked at me, I looked away. I saw Dougie turn away again. I smiled to myself and looked at Dougie again only to turn away when he looked at me. I did this ten times.

I took a seat facing Dougie and smiled, "Hey."


"Whats up?"



"Guess what."

"What?" I ask. Dougie looked straight into my eyes and I looked back, smiling. Tom was too busy on the phone to notice. Actions speak louder than words.

I paddled out with Mina into the cool water. The surf was good. Adrenaline had replaced my hyperness long ago. We have been surfing for a couple hours now and I still wasn't tired. All thanks to Rockstar energy drinks.

"Wanna take this one?!" I asked Mina over the crowd and beach noise.

Mina was much more experienced than I. She observed the growing wave, "Yeah. Its perfect!"

"Sweet!" I said paddling out more. I've been surfing since I was 15. I learned when my mom and I went to Hawaii. I've been hooked ever since.

I looked back at the beach. Lena and Danny were unusually friendly with each other. I saw people far away taking pictures of him. I saw Arabella smile approvingly at them. A small surge of jealousy ran through me. Its so not fair that Lena can date Danny when they're not even dating and I can't date Dougie when we secretly are. I don't get it. Danny acts just as crazy as Dougie.

"Hey you coming?" Mina asked.

"Yeah." I turn around and paddle next to mina. I set myself as the wave came. And with no hesitation, I easily stood up, balanced, and glided.

I felt the exhilaration and adrenaline. The noise of the wave was so loud. This wave was the biggest so far. I loved it. I saw the blur of Mina and her green board pass me by as I did sharp turns. Then, just as the wave was ending, I lost balance and fell.

I tumbled underneath the wave for about ten seconds as I tried finding the surface. I wasn't scared. I've done that a thousand times. I popped up with my board, smiling. I saw Arabella and Lena look at Mina and I, making sure we popped up alright.

Mina paddled by, "you okay?"

"Yeah. That was awesome!" I laughed getting back on my board. At least I didn't smash my head on a rock this time.

"I'm starved. Want to eat?"

"Yeah sure." I said. Mina and I swam back to shore and Tom and Dougie came over to hand us towels. "You girls were wicked out there." Tom smiled.

"Thanks!" Mina and I said together. I looked over at Mina. She had a scratch on her arm. She must've fallen over again a while back. Tom and Arabella escorted Mina to get some heavy band aids when Mina protested she didn't need one.

"If Kate Moss can come back perfect after 20 something days of rehab then I can handle a little blood!" She yelled. I smiled at Dougie as he looked at me. I admired his tattoo.

A while later, as the sun was setting; we all went to the pizza/pub place that was located on the beach. It was party time. And Danny and Harry convinced Richard that they wouldn't get in trouble. I was in a white tank top and shorts. I had a beer in hand and Arabella and I were dancing on tables.

Arabella was a little bit more tipsy when I was not. It was a wild place and no one really cared nor noticed. I was having a wonderful time, just partying with friends. The room was dark with everyone glowing with glow sticks and such like that.

"Lets dance!" I said to Dougie over the music. Lena, Arabella, Tom, Harry, and Danny went off to a bonfire right outside. Mina found a cute Australian to hang with. I was surprised that Dougie didn't object. Instead, he took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. Techno club music pounded my ears and the vibrations of beats could be felt on my feet. I felt Dougie's chest on my back as we held hands, following the beat. He was a good dancer. I could feel his breath on my neck. It was a crowded bar that was quickly turning into a club.

This is the first time I've ever gotten close to Dougie in public. I don't quite remember but I ended up kissing him. I didn't care if anyone saw. Well...I did but I don't want to ruin the effect.

"Are you drunk?" Dougie asked me.

"No!" I laugh.

"Well because you're kissing me in public." Dougie said.

"Oh. You don't want me to kiss you? Fine." I say and begin to walk away. Of course I was joking. Dougie grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He kissed me in front of everybody. And can't you believe it? Nobody noticed. Well...I bet somebody did but there is a huge chance that they were too drunk to actually notice who Dougie was.

"Come on. Lets go to the bonfire." Dougie says. I nod.

As we're walking on the beach to the huge bonfire, I head to the bathroom because I drank too much soda. I let Dougie go on ahead to the fire.

I look at myself in the mirror, letting my toes massage into the sand that was blown in. It smelled like ocean in here. I noticed how messed up my hair was. I wore minimal makeup because of the surfing. I looked a tad bit pale because of the dying light that kept buzzing and attracting bugs on the ceiling. I'm observing the rest of my features just when the door bangs open then shut quickly with Dougie in the bathroom.

"Dougie? What are you doing in here?" I asked shocked.

"Loads of paparazzi just chased me!" He said laughing.

"Well why'd you go in here?" I asked pushing the soap dispenser button a thousand times because it was running low. Don't you hate it when that happens? I give up and get out my hand wipes I carry with me everywhere.

"Cos I knew they wouldn't look in here." He smiled dorky. I snorted and sat on the dry part of the counter. "Whats so funny?" Dougie asked coming over to me.

"Dougie, you're in McFLY. You're a boy. You're Dougie Poynter. This is the first place they'll look!" I laughed.

"Shit." Dougie mumbled.

"Yup." I briefly kissed him, "And you better leave."

"Do I have to?" He asked smiling. His eyes twinkled.

"In a bathroom? Dougie no way!" I said smiling.

"Fine fine." Dougie kissed me again, "I'm going to head out through the window."

"Okay." I laughed as I watched Dougie try climbing through the window. I watched in amusement as I saw his boxers that had stars on it.

"Cute boxers." I said looking out the window as Dougie fell in the bushes cursing. It took awhile for him to get up. I slouched, leaning over the side, laughing. "Dork." He kissed me and ran off.

I laughed to myself as I walked out of the bathroom.

Dougie is one-of-a-kind.

As I'm walking alone in the sand, stepping on shells on accident in the process, about twenty photographers ran up to me. People screamed my name and flashes appeared in front of my eyes. I was completely taken aback by the scene.

"What the-" I began to say as cameras got in my face. I wasn't enjoying the nice cool sand between my toes now that everyone was stepping on them. The last time paparazzi crowded around me was last year when I went to TomKats wedding. I was followed getting on the plane, off the plane, going to the hotel, running errands, everything. It is always around this time of year too when they follow me everywhere. I didn't see what was so fascinating about me. I actually ate like normal girls, I barely go to any fashion show or premieres, I don't go on shopping sprees unless it is in December, and I don't go to clubs every night. I go to clubs once a week thank you! What? I'm an heiress. I can't help but party.

Instead of heading to the bonfire, I headed to the pub because they aren't allowed in there.

"Lara Keating!"


"How do you feel that you made top five heiresses again?"

Did I beat allegra versace?

"What is your connection with McFLY? Dating one of them?"

"No. I'm just friends with them." I briefly say and continue walking to the pub.

Richard was apparently sent to ward off the cameras because he was at the pub entrance pulling me in as he stopped the cameras and told them I'm not up for questioning at this time.

So professional...

I like attention but I hate it when I get cameras up in my face when I'm not on a red carpet. I like my space thankyou!

"Lara Keating is famous once again." Arabella smiled handing me a drink.

"Whatever. They do it because you're hot."

"No. It is just paparazzi season. It is almost summer and they're bored."

"Plus Lindsay Lohan has been quiet lately." Arabella said.

"Arabella, you just hate her because she dissed your new Louis Vuitton bag!"
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Thanks for reading! Comments welcome. Makes you want to go to the beach today eh?