Secret Love Affair

Take the Date or Start Suspicion

I brought the girls to the recording studio today. We've been here for almost three weeks and they've only been in the studio once.

"I'm so full!" I groan, lying on the black leather couch. My arms were for some reason stuck to parts of couch. It felt sticky.

"Well duh. You ate like five club sandwiches!" Lena said moving my legs so she could sit down.

I so did not eat 5!

It was 6!

Mina came walking in the room, trying to finish her pizza.

She looked full too because she was slouching. I wouldn't be surprised if she undid her pants so her tummy could breathe.


"After this bite, I'll never eat again!" Mina said over-dramatically.

"Okay! I'll take that other slice then..." Tom said.

"Back off!" Mina snapped snatching the other slice.

"Okay then!" Tom pulled his arm back quickly. I laughed as Mina acted greedy.

"I'm full too." Lena said.

"Lena, a Caesar salad and water doesn't count for this." Danny smiled.

I laughed as Lena crossed her arms. However I saw a small hint of a smile wanting to form on her lips. She so does like him. She didn't really show it around the guys but she talks about him nonstop at the hotel. Its kind of annoying really...

And we can all tell that Danny likes her back. But Tom once told me that Danny doesn't want to get caught up in something right now- especially right before tour.

"Where are the two snapping ones?" Harry asked referring to Dougie and Arabella. He was reading a magazine that I was on along with 50 other heiresses. Everybody made such a big deal on who is the richest, prettiest, brattiest, most spoiled and most likely to be sent to jail for 45 days.


"They had gotten in another row down in the lobby." I said casually.

"Should we send anyone down before Arabella starts to take off her earrings and use her heels as a weapon?" Lena asked.

"No need." Arabella struts in, hoop earrings bouncing around.

"Quick! Check if her shoes have blood on them!" I screamed.

"Oh shut up! I didn't kill him." Arabella said sitting next to Tom.

"But you scratched me with your fake claws!" Dougie said walking in next. He took a seat next to me.

"Get away from her!" Arabella demanded to Dougie.

"What? I'm just sitting here!" Dougie said trying to act innocent.

He should just cut the innocent crap. It doesn't work for him and recently, innocence hasn't been on my side either.
"I know you fancy a date with one of these girls and I do NOT want that." She said pulling Dougie out of his seat.

"That's a load of bollocks! I don't fancy a date with any of them."

"Are you saying we're ugly?" Mina asked.

"No! You ladies are very attractive but I only see you all as friends." He said.

I snort on the inside.

"Dougie, every friend I bring home, you want to shag!"

"Bullshit Arabella!" Dougie said to her.

I snort on the inside again.

Everyone was watching them, looking back and forth from one to the other like in a tennis match.

"Oh yeah? You sweep Megan off her feet and then turn her down the next day!" Arabella screamed.

I was suddenly interested in their conversation. I know I usually don't care about previous girls that Dougie had hooked up with but for some reason, I was now.

As I was about to talk, Dougie interrupted and continued standing up for himself.

After a while, everyone else in the room was bored. Danny was trying to sleep.

"I had my reasons!" Dougie said.

"What were they?" she asked.

"None of your god damn business!"

"If it involves my friends it IS my business." Arabella got up in his face.

"Who's Megan?" I ask smiling. They both looked at me. They were both standing, up in each other's faces.

Now let's say there's a camera here; on one side of Dougie and Arabella. I was on the other side, facing the said 'to be there' camera.

I looked at them innocently.

"No one. Just drop it." Dougie said sitting down. This must be some important girl if he doesn't want to tell me.

Then again, not many guys want to tell their current flame about their past flames eh?

I shrug, still curious and sit down next to Arabella. I let Dougie have my seat since I don't want him dead.

As I sit back down somewhere else and listen to Tom showing off his new lyrics, I avoid Arabella's gaze. She was staring at me in an odd way. Her eye was twitching again.

I wondered what I did wrong. I play with my fingers.

Arabella still sat there, looking at me, observing me and my weird self. It kind of freaked me out.

She's not looking at me. Why would she look at me? She's not looking at me… What am I thinking? She is looking at me!

I slowly avert my gaze on Arabella.

Crap! She's looking at me!

I quickly drop the glance.

Damn am I in trouble?

One by one, everyone noticed Arabella's state of posture and my shifting of the body every ten seconds.

After two minutes, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Arabella, take a picture. It would last longer."

That broke the ice and Arabella finally spoke, "Hey Lara." she smiled and got closer to me. She put an arm around me.

I'm doomed

"Uh....hi?" I say.

"You still haven't really gotten with a cute guy yet huh?" she smiles.

Actually, I've already gotten with a guy.

"No?" I say, knowing Arabella already.

"I have this friend-"

"Trying to play cupid now? First you're a poodle in disguise dressed as a witch every day. Now you're a poodle, acting as cupid?" Dougie interrupted. Everyone looked at him.

Arabella ignored him. I understand why he would want to intervene. I so did not want this conversation with Arabella. Although I WAS expecting it.

"So I have this friend, and I think you'll like him." She continued.

Oh God! She's trying to hook me up again!

Before I could give my opinion, Arabella does her little speech that confuses my brain.

"And I think it would be great that you went on a date with someone, especially someone I know, before you left England so that your mother [and I] would be satisfied that her daughter is dating again after almost a year of non dating and we all know non-dating is really boring so your mum came to me and said that my good friend Thomas, not Thomas from school, but Thomas is my mum's best friend's son would be absolutely perfect for you so I think you should go on this date tonight, yeah?"

I blink twice.

I didn't get anyone of it except the words: England, friend, Thomas, tonight.

"Lara? What do you say?" Arabella asks.

I see Dougie shift uncomfortably in his seat. I didn't know why.

It seemed like everyone else got it but me.

"Yeah?" I say confused. What did I agree to?

"Perfect. Let’s get ready for your date then!"

"Wait what?" I ask.

Gosh I got to stop talking in questions!

"You're date tonight," Lena said slowly.

"I have a date?" I ask looking around for Punk'd cameras.

"Yeah. You agreed." Mina said.

"I did?" Stop questioning!

"Yes. You did." Arabella nodded. Now please imagine some amusing, mischief music.

I saw Dougie shifting around uncomfortably more. And then I saw Tom look at Dougie.

"Wait!" I just caught up with life, "I'm not going on some date!"

No duh I'm not!

I usually would but based on certain situations, I don't want to.

"Why not?" Mina asks.

"Because...I just don't want to." I play with my cell phone.

It gets quiet. Lena looks at me weird too. Instead of her eye quivering, she cocks her head to the left.

What's up with them and weird looks? Gosh!

Have a crook in your neck?

"What's going on Lara? Why would you want to turn down the Robert Pattinson look alike?

I look at Lena. She stares back, suddenly getting curious about my love life when she really wasn't before.


"I just don't feel like it." I stutter out. Dougie and I are in the same room. If we get caught it's going to get really awkward.

I get really uncomfortable. The room feels hot and stuffy. I needed some air. As I suddenly get up to leave, Lena speaks more.

"I think you already have an object of your affection." she smiles.

Suddenly, everybody wants to be close to me and know who I like. I think about it as my hands rests on the knob.

"You're right Lena. The object of my affection right now is a pillow, blanket, and a sleeping mask." I say as I walk out.

"Wait, Lara just one date! Please?" Arabella begs me. "Just one. He's a really good guy."

I don't know why she always wants ME to have a boyfriend. Why can't she pick on mina or Lena?

What's so good about me?

And besides, her version of good is different from mine.

I once went on a blind date because of Arabella. She said the dude was really nice and funny. But during the date, he kept looking at every place of my body but my face. He always seemed to be looking at a place that was south of the neck and north of the stomach.

That date only last 30 minutes.

Since I'm a good friend and I needed to prove that I'm not interested in any particular lad, I give in and say, "Yes." In front of everybody...including Dougie.

I saw Dougie and he looked very...very...I don't know. It's hard to explain it. He just looked quiet, bored...a tad bit low…

I excuse myself to the bathroom and head five floors down and hang by the bathrooms there.

I call Dougie.

"Hello?" He said. I heard Danny in the background talking to Lena.

I still think it's not fair that they can flirt but I can't.

"Meet me 5 floors down." And I hang up.

I waited for ten minutes, not sure if he'd come. He kind of looked upset and hurt back there in the room. I would be too if I saw myself say yes!

I was relieved when I saw Dougie come towards me. I smile a little. He only looked away.


"Dougie, you know I didn't have a choice." I said.

"Yes you did." he said not looking at me but at some picture of a guitar.

Okay I know you (dougie) liked guitars way longer than you have me but come on now!

I turn to face him.

"I'm sorry. But people are getting suspicious."

"I know that. Tom is catching on quickly." He said casually putting his hand in his pocket. I grab it and lock his hand in mine.

"Dougie you know how I feel about you." I said, "And one date with some guy that's really Arabella's type won't change my mind."

And don't you dare tell me to describe my feelings because words can't describe it.

Dougie still wouldn't look at me. This was when I realized that I wouldn't care if I'm beheaded by my best friend, Dougie Poynter is worth it.

"Okay. I won't go on the date if you don't want me to. It's your call." I said softly.

I wait patiently for Dougie to respond as let go of his hand.

I'll just tell that others that I wasn't feeling good. That would shut them up about my absence from the recording room for a while.

Dougie sighs and grabs my hand, "I may not like Arabella but I have to respect that she's your best friend and you need to be a best friend."

"What are you saying?" I ask. Dougie squeezed my hand.

"You can go on that...'date'." he says looking at me.

I smile and kiss him, "You know I don't want to." I say kissing him more.

"I know. I'll have time alone with you afterwards?"

"Of course." I smile.

Dougie nods and hugs me. I hug him back. His cologne made me melt. His hugs kept me warm in the AC'd room and I loved every moment of it.
Dougie laid in his bed at the flat he shared with Tom.

McFLY had just recently sold the McFLY mansion and now they live in these private, mansionated (haha) flats.
Harry and Danny live right next door.

Dougie didn't like this whole blind date thing.

"Well of course I don't like it. A high-end rich dude taking my girl to some posh place in his fancy car. Ugh"

Dougie looked at the clock.


Lara would be getting ready now.

He was half-tempted to go to her and tell her that he actually didn't really want her to go at all. That he would call himself greedy and he wouldn't care. He wanted her all to himself. But then that would blow up in everyone's faces and Arabella's devil within would roam the land.

"Arabella...ugh...I forgot how we even began to despise each other... "

Dougie grabbed a beer from the fridge, went to the couch and watched some TV. It began to rain outside. Dougie then ended up sulking around as he watched MTV cribs.

"Stupid-arse Thomas"

"Hey don't change it! Cribs is on," I said sitting on the bed in the hotel room. It was around 7:40ish and Thomas should be here soon.

I was wearing a nice cocktail dress, heels and my hair actually had no flyaway’s. My hands hurt because Mina and Arabella forcefully took off my black nail polish.

Someone knocked on the door. I didn't bother to get up.

I felt stubborn and bitchy. I was doing this to get rid of suspicion and be a good friend. So having to go on a date to solve the problem makes me a tad bit annoyed.

Especially if the date is not the guy I'm seeing.

"Lara, get the door!" Arabella whispers. I sigh and mumble that I don't want to get the door. I throw the remote on the floor and walk to the door.

I notice how plain my fingers were.

Gosh Mina, you could've put on some clear polish at least.

As I try to unlock the door, I think of Dougie.

"Other way." Lena smiles.

"Oh." I say unlocking the door the right way.
Right-tighty. Lefty-Loosy!

Once the door is correctly unlocked, I opened the door to see...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! Comment as usual and note that I have put up an important journal entry for EVERYONE (friends and nonfriends alike) to see if they are curious about my future story. You must read it. It's titled "MY NEW STORY."