Secret Love Affair

Pizza in the Courtyard and Snogs in the Kitchen

"Come on boys. A little bit more effort." Jazzie smiles while sitting on a couch. It was a moving couch and Jazzie and I needed help rearranging a couple things. So while Jazzie lies on the couch, McFLY carries it so it made her look like a queen and the boys her slaves (hot slaves at that. some hotter than others...). I watch in amusement as the four boys (who call themselves men) struggle to carry the couch.

I know you're wondering why they can't just push and drag it.

I don't want to ruin the pretty carpet!

"Doug! You said with our combined strength, we could lift Tom's mini cooper." Danny mumbled while trying to pick up my couch.

"I did. But either the couch is really heavy for some odd reason or Jazzie here gained a shit load of weight." Dougie says. I look at his strong arms. Dougie doesn't need tag body spray to make me melt. He IS tag.

"And I don't think it is the couch that is heavy." Dougie adds.

Jazzie's jaw drops and I choke on my water. "Douglas Lee Poynter!" She throws her water bottle at him which causes him to drop his part of the couch which makes Danny, Tom and Harry lose control of their parts. "Ah Dougie you ass!" Jazzie keeps hitting her brother. He covers his face and I could hear muffled "ow"'s and "stop it's coming from him.

"Oi! Would you two cut it out?" Harry says falling on the couch, exhausted.

What? It wasn't that hard of a work out!

"Okay okay! I like the couch here. Perfect." I said laughing and throwing the pillows on the couch.

"I'm starving!" Tom says going to the kitchen. Danny and I unpack my mini tower records by the television while Jazzie rifles through one of my unpacked luggages.

"Oh cool teeshirt!" She smiles. She lays it flat against her upper body to see how it looks.

"I know! You can borrow it." I say organizing my CDs. First by genre then put into alphabetical order. Danny keeps scratching his head because he doesn't understand why I'm so organized with the albums and not so organized with my clothes which were practically thrown in the luggages. I know it’s weird but I've been doing since the age of five.

Ah yes. Five years old. The year of mayhem at the office.

It was summer and I was at a fashion show. I was brought backstage and since I was five, the adults thought they could just ignore me. Oh how they wished they knew what a monster I was...

Well anyway, I was left alone by the music booth and all the CDs that were going to be played during the show rested right in front of my moving little hands.

Hands that had caused destruction in grandma's kitchen two days earlier.

And I had decided to help the DJ man from Puerto Rico get a little organized. Little did I know that the music was already in specific order and not memorized.

"Hey Lara the fridge is empty!" Tom says in the kitchen.

"No its not." I say finishing the tower records and sitting next to Dougie.

Sweet vibes of 'I want to touch you' were sent from him and I was eager to find out a way to get alone time with him.

"There's no food." Harry said looking the fridge too. They both stuck their heads in it and I got a good view of both boxers.

I roll my eyes, "There's drinks in there. Duh!"

"Yeah buts there's no food." Tom said again.

Oh really I haven't noticed thanks for pointing that out Tom.

"Well that doesn't mean that its empty." I reply.

Danny sighs, "I'll order some food."

"Pizza and cheese burgers!" The boys chant.

I'm head banging to Sum41. The stereo in Tom's car is turned up on maximum loud and Jazzie is drawing all over herself and talking the MySpace or Facebook picture that everyone takes. You know- arm outstretched at a cool angle, small pout and peace sign.

The usual.

We were in the courtyard that is hidden from the rest of the world. Well, hidden from cameras at least.

Jazzie began an ink fight with Harry when the pizza guy came.

"Food's here- Ow! Jazzie you cheated!" Harry said blocking his face from blue ink.

"You never established the rules!" She laughs. She looks at me as I payed the boy for our food. He eyed Jazzie in the "oh your sexy" way and Dougie didn't like this. He gave the boy the finger, had the look of "Don't touch my sister you fag" and let him on his way.


Anyways! Back to food!

Extra cheesy pizza. Yum!

"Hey Dougie!" Jazzie calls out. I'm observing the pizza, mentally licking my lips because I knew it would look weird if I really did.

"Yeah?" He responds, playing around on a skateboard.

I could just take a bite of the pizza right now...

"Help Lara get paper plates and drinks."

I pause counting the change I got back and look up, "Oh no, thats okay. I got it." Of course I didn't get it. I could get it if I tried but I don't want to get it.

Dougie comes up on his skateboard and smiles friendly, "No I'll help." He smiles, "Last time I refused to help Jazzie's friends she jumped me while going down the stairs. I don't fancy a sprained ankle again." He looks into my eyes for a brief second.

Yay! Make out time! Where shall it be this time? Kitchen? Couch? The usual closet?

"Oh so Dougie IS a gentleman." Tom laughs.

He rolls his eyes and we walk up to my flat. We're quiet like complete strangers on the way to the flat. And I'm itching to kiss him.

Take deep breaths Lara...time will come...

Only twenty more feet to go...

Dougie keeps playing eye tag with me.

Ten feet...

His hand brushes against my arm.

"God I can't take it anymore." I mumble, pull Dougie's arm and run to the door.

I bump into the hard counter, feeling a bruise form, still kissing him.

"Impatient are we?" Dougie asks in the kiss.

"Very." I say letting him wrap his arms around my waste. What happens if everybody comes barging in on our little scene? I ran out of excuses. Well...I never really had a good excuse to use. And I'm not going to use the 'oh there was something on my mouth."

"How many plates and cans of soda?" I ask. Dougie comes up behind me, puts his hands on my waist and kisses my neck softly.

I Shiver as I feel his body press against mine.

"Six plates; a lot of soda and maybe a towel because we can make big messes."

"I'm not surprised." I smile.

"Yeah. Richard was disgusted on our last tour bus. The whole back part looked like a bomb hit it and Tom had a box of old pizza under his pillow.

I laugh as I carry the plates and towels while Dougie carries the drinks.

As we're about to enter the courtyard, Dougie pulls me back and kisses me one more time.

"Not sure when the next kiss will come," He whispers. I giggle and let him kiss me.

"Lets go. We've been gone long enough." ugh. I'm tired of keeping track of time!

"Oh and Lara?" Dougie adds.

"Yes?" I ask smiling.

He looks at me.

You know, usually when someone calls you and they reply yes, It would be your turn to answer back.

" more kiss," He laughs. I smile and give him a kiss.

"Dougie don't eat it all!" Jazzie complains with her one slice of pizza.

"Let him eat. He's a growing little boy." Tom laughs lightly. Dougie puffs out his chest proudly.

Danny's cell phone rang, "Oh crap. Come on lads we got to go. Interview in an hour," he says getting up.

"With who?" I ask chugging my soda.

I feel a burp coming on. Just as I'm about to belch out the song to "Hey Mickey!" Dougie beats me with long, loud one that Tom would want to name.

Most likely the name Jerry, Stan, bob... or the infamous Jeff JR.

"We're not sure who will interview us. Not until we arrive at the building." Tom says cleaning up his mess.

How responsible.

"Hopefully Fearn will!" Harry says excitedly, "We haven't prank called her in weeks!"

I shrug and get up, snatch Dougie's board and roll over to a garbage can, "Have fun then!"

"Hey give me back my board!" Dougie laughs.

"If you want it that bad then come get it!" I reply smiling with a twinkle in my eyes.

I walk into the building complex. I'm wanting and expecting Dougie to follow me.

Giving me more kissing time behind scenes and innocent flirting in front of everyone isn't an obvious giveaway to the object of my affection.

I know that Tom has a 'feeling' and if he wants some excitement that he's not just imagining things and not going mad, then he can have some. It’s not going to hurt anyone. Right?
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Thanks for Reading! I know that I've been taking my sweet time with all this...