Secret Love Affair

Rock Concert VIP

McFLY has been on tour for only a couple days and the tour bus was already messy on a grand scale. They are in Oxford right now, Belfast tomorrow and Hull two days later. Dougie and Danny are chilling out on the tour bus, playing videogames while Tom and Harry are right outside the arena that they'll be playing at, teasing screaming teenage girls as Tom and Harry make brief appearances and then hiding behind a wall again. The two boys didn't need to worry about being tugged, hugged and trampled. There was a tall gate separating the girls from them.
(Now I personally think that theres nothing that can stop girls like these-not even iron gates). Harry would throw used chip bags or something like that and the girls would go crazy, trying to catch it. Tom would laugh and continue signing autographs.

Sounds so mean yet so funny...

WARNING: Don't feed the crazy fans.

Dougie kept arrow hitting Danny in the head with rubber bands as he (Danny not Dougie) played a football (not American) video game.


"Huh?" he said but wasn't really listening. You know- like he'll answer to his name but zone out after that.

"Danny." Dougie said.

"Score!" Danny was wearing a pink bra that a girl flung at him the other night in London. It was over his checkered shirt so it looked really funny.

Tommy smith, the tour manager, walked in and looked at Danny. Danny blinked twice. "I don't want to know." Tommy mumbled and walked back out.


"What Dougie!"

"Do you have Jerry Hall's number?" Jerry was the guy that manages ticket sales.

"I think. Why?" Danny snaps the bra off and massages his chest. Dougie laughs.

"I need to get a bigger size." He mumbles.

"Because I'm getting Jazzie a backstage pass."

"Let's not forget Lara! We'll get her one too."

Dougie shrugs and smiles a tad bit for he knew that is what he would say and Danny goes over to a desk, "Lemme look in me high check filing system." And Danny goes over and starts shuffling through it, looking for numbers on all pieces of scraps of paper.

After requesting two VIP tickets and prank calling Fearne Cotton, Tom came in, "Let's go! Sound check!"

"Tom you have a crisp in your hair."

"Oh. A girl got past the gates and started chasing us so Harry accidently dumped all his chips on me."

What did I say about feeding the animals!

I've been working at the studio nonstop. For the past couple of days, coffee or tea has been my best friend and I miss my bed terribly. I also miss Dougie a lot. We haven't talked in days and if I go on like this I might go crazy. Or I might lose my kissing abilities. I do not know which one is worse.

What should I do tomorrow?

A: sleep. B: Eat and sleep. C: Eat, sleep and watch tv

Hmmm...I like C. I listen to my heels click clack against the pavement as I walk from the taxi all the way up to my flat. I sound like my mom in them. I've been feeling lonely a lot lately with Arabella, Lena and Mina in the states, McFLY on tour and Jazzie always off somewhere. She's like three years younger than me so she must be more lively. I feel old.

I sang 'one of those girls' by Avril Lavigne to myself, calling myself weird in the process. I threw my coat on the sofa, kicked my shoes off and danced into the kitchen. I had picked up my mail and I rifled through them.

Bill, junk, bill, junk, vogue, trash, McFLY, junk, bill- wait what?

I looked back at a white envelope. I had McFLY’s studio address and it was addressed to me. Me. Lara Keating. In Dougie's messy hand writing. Oh I could just melt by just looking at it.

"Finally some contact." I mumble. May not sound excited but I am. Remember I need some sleep. I rip open the envelope and out fall two (very pretty) tickets to McFLY’s concert tomorrow night. I read the words McFLY, Concert, VIP seats, Backstage pass and I completely lost it after the word backstage. I did the happy dance for awhile, trip over myself, and run to my room. I grasp the phone and call Jazzie. I dance on my tippy toes as the phone rings. I smile at a picture of me and Dougie. We took it the morning I left.

God just thinking about him makes me melt.


"Hey it's me Lara."

"Oh hey what's up?"

"Guess what I got in the mail."

"Free perfume samples."

"I- they gives those out?" I squirm around on my bed.

"Yeah. Did you get that?" She asks excitedly. I don't know why she would get excited over perfume samples.

"No. I got McFLY tickets!" I laugh.

"Sweet! For tomorrow night?"

"Yeah want to go?"

"Of course! I love VIP tickets! We always get let in first!" Jazzie exclaimed.

After having a chat with Jazzie, I walked back to the living room and my heart nearly jumped up my throat.

Damn after I was beginning to recover...

There was a huge spider on the wall. It looked like the one from that park only weeks ago. I hate spiders. The spider crawled up the wall and fell only to catch itself on the all again and start crawling. I jump and put a hand on my heart. I really really hate spiders. I wish Mina was here to kill it. Mina was my personal bug killer. I took a broom and cautiously walked towards the spider. It moved a bit and I froze.

I feel very stupid
Hey! At least I can try to kill it! Lena would've fainted by now. Its takes me five long dumb minutes to move two feet in front of it. I took one step, one breath, closed my eyes and slapped the wall where the spider was.
I look at the hit wall. There was no spider juice, black small body parts or anything like that. Just a bruised mark from my hitting abilities. I could play good softball back in the day.

Gosh I sound so old.

I look around for the spider. No sign of it. I look at the broom. My eyes go big and

"OH MY GOD!" and I throw the broom out of the window. Yes I actually threw the broom out of the window. I hear a crash and I fly to the window. I prepare myself to duck just in case I hit somebody. Phew. It landed on a bench. A freshly painted bench...crap!

"Well that solved the problem." I said shrugging and closing the window.

And no I'm not going to go and get my broom.

Little kids can play Harry potter and try to fly for all I care.

They were in Belfast now.

"Five minutes people!" Somebody said.

Dougie continued lightly plucking at the strings of his bass as Danny, Tom and Harry finished their beers.

"Come and have a beer dougie." Tom said.

"Nah I get drunk too easily. Afterwards though." Dougie said.

Jazzie had just called an hour ago and said that she and Lara were coming. He felt so nervous after that that he secretly puked. Okay so he loves how the way he feels when he sees her but he hates throwing up too.

(Don't worry- him throwing up because he has the hots for a girl is a good thing)

"Maybe I will grab a beer." He mumbled now that he thought of her. "Might calm me down"

"Ah too late. We go one soon!" Harry said ushering him out.

The guys heard the roaring crowd of people screaming their names.

"Oi don't give me a wedgy!" Danny laughed as Tom pulled on Danny's boxers.

"Its good luck mate!" Tom replied.

"Thirty seconds!" Someone screamed. Dougie laughed as Tom gave him a wedgy.

"Are you wearing my boxers Dougie?" Harry asked.

"No but I bet you're wearing mine!" Dougie laughed.

"We're on, we're on!" Tom said.

The boys walked out and louder screams came like a wave.

Dougie said a never ending crowd for what seemed like miles as he waved at some girls.

Did one faint?

"Hello Belfast!" Danny said happily.

"Are we ready to party!?!" Tom got the crowd wild.

A condom pack hit Dougie in the head, "Thanks for that!" He said to a girl and laughed. He slipped it in his pocket which got everyone laughing.

The stage feels like home
"Five Colours in her hair!" Danny screamed and that's the song that started the party.

The concert was awesome! Jazzie and I had a blast rocking out in the safe part of the arena. You know- where the screaming girls don't get trampled over by other screaming girls just to touch one of the boys skin. We were pretty close but safe away from the trampling.

I had "That Girl" stuck in my head and I was still hysterically laughing after Danny read a poster while singing that song. So instead of singing, "We spoke for hours, took off my trousers." He said, "We spoke for Marry me, took off my trousers." and after he said that, Dougie said, "Yes Danny I will."

We past a huge group of girls waiting to catch a glimpse of one of the guys heading to the dressing room as we walked over to Richard.

"Ah Lara you came! Who is this?" Richard asks looking at Jazzie. Her jaw drops and she takes off her beanie and sunglasses. Jazzie had to wear celebrity attire too (big sunglasses and a hat) because she's a sister of McFLY. Meaning that bunch of girls will chase her too to get the scoop.

We smile and float past the begging girls who are seething with jealousy. I kept smiling and fidgeting around, too excited because I'd get to see Dougie again. My cheekbones were probably glowing red and Jazzie said, "Calm down doggie!"

Richard directs us to the dressing rooms and leaves us alone. I pause before the door and calm down. I sooth out my shirt.

I feel like a rabid fan girl

Is there anything in my teeth? Is my hair a birds nest? I should've brushed my hair...

"Jazzie stop laughing at me!"

"Sorry! I'm not the fidgety one." She pokes me.

I poke her back, "Poke"





"Ay Jazzie don't punch Lara!" Tom laughs. He's standing in the doorway, towel around his neck. Great! Tom saw us being losers.

"Hey Tom." I smile.

"Hey guys, Jazzie and Lara are here!" He lets us in and we are covered with sweaty hugs. Dougie hugs me last and he's shirtless...and dry. It felt nice being in his arms. We let go of each other quickly and I smile at all of them.
"I had a great time." Jazzie says plopping on the sofa.

"Yeah it was awesome!" I say sitting on a counter.

"Thanks!" They all say. They've probably said that a thousand times already and I'm now the 1001th person they said thanks too. Richard and Tommy brings us all food and we chow and talk at the same time.

"So Dougie." I say crossing my legs.

"Yes Lara." He says throwing on a shirt. How I wished he would take it back off...

"When's the wedding? Danny can I be a bridesmaid?"

Harry laughs on the floor and Dougie throws a sandwich end at him. He catches it with his mouth. I smile at Dougie, run a hand through my hair because I knew that's what guys like and help Danny feed Harry via throw and catch with mouth style.

"I missed you." Dougie mumbles kissing my neck. I smile. A: Because I like what we're doing. and B: Because his kisses are nice against my skin.

"I missed you too." and I direct him to my lips.

Where were we exactly? Dougie seems to be attached by the lips to my neck so while I get sweet chills down my spine, I look around.

I'm up against a wall with Dougie's body pressed against mine. Yummy...

So anyway- enough of my hormones. The rest of McFLY and everyone else is having a second dinner right across the street (the diner is closed to everybody else. Another present of fame) and Jazzie and I were supposed to be chatting up boys a couple stores down. Jazzie covered for me so it's really her alone chatting up boys. Dougie has "lost his lucky plectrum" in the dressing room so he's supposed to be looking for it-skipping out on a good meal (which is rare). We continued kissing for a while longer in this deserted hallway and then I find myself messing with the doorknob of the McFLY dressing room.

"More private place..." Dougie says in the kiss. I nod and let him lead me as we open the door.

We burst in and

"Ay!" A short plump lady with a vacuum cleaner and duster in her hands.

We had run into the cleaning lady. Great! Wonderful! Brilliant! Just fantastic! She's looking at me practically wrapped around Dougie.

"Sorry!" I say and close the door.

"Can we get any private place in this vicinity?" Dougie mumbles running his hands along my waste.

"This is private enough." I say and kiss him again. Less talk more kiss!

The bathroom was our next target.

"Sorry!" Dougie says and pushes me out as we ran into another cleaning lady in there.

"Really now!" I say getting impatient.

"At least we get to see each other tonight." Dougie wrapped an arm around me as we walked.

"Yeah but what a shame about the 'no girls aloud on bus' rule." I laugh.

"Oh you wanted to go on the bus? That's the perfect place for-you know..." Dougie smirks and raises and eyebrow.

I laugh and kiss him. "Not tonight."

Sheesh I'm such a tease! Saying no to sex but practically wrap my legs around him and twisting tongues!
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! many of you know that I have been currently writing something else (for this is just copy and paste from my old site). But I'm not going to put it on this site. I'm going to publish it. Or at least try. It's very different from what you all are used to but hopefully it will be a success. So...once I'm done copying and pasting SLA, I'm going to delete my quizilla site (been meaning to actually) and I won't be on here much. By the end of the school year in 2010, I'm going to be deleting my mibba site. So read! I have the original manuscript to these stories so I'm not worried. If you have any questions, you know where to type.