Secret Love Affair

I am the Girlfriend of a Sexy Bass Player

"Blue or red?" I ask Brooke. She looks at me like the answer is obvious.

Its not.

"It is a monkey." She says waiting for a very important call from Scott Matthews. Hugh had told her to sit and wait for the call. This was at nine. So Brooke stayed glued to her seat at her desk, never getting up. Its 5:30 now.

"It is not just a monkey, my dear Brooke. It is a STUFFED fake monkey with a cute smile." I had to pick between the blue or red monkey for Lena. It was her birthday in a couple days.

"What is so special about the monkey anyway?" Brook asks painting her nails blue.

"Well Lena wanted one from that boutique down the road but it was too expensive. So I got it for her." I took a seat in Jay's seat and rested my feet on his desk, "Besides, Danny personally kissed and hugged it." I smile. Brooke laughs.

"The blue one is pretty."

"The blue one it is then!" I say stuffing the monkeys on my bag. I'll keep the red for myself. "Well I'm off to wrap it up then. See you tomorrow." I left the office just as the ohsoimportant Scott phoned. Gosh he said he was going to call at ten AM! Not 5:30 PM! If he says he'll call at ten then he better call at ten (oh goodness I sound like my mother) and I don't care if he's so famous that he could just do whatever he wants.

I waved down a taxi and I went home to change my clothes and redo some makeup. Exchange the heels for my lovely converse and exchange work attitude for "I'm going to make out with Dougie Poynter" attitude and I'm all set to go. Okay so I wasn't going to wrap up Lena's present yet. I have a secret after show date with Dougie all the way up in some city about two hours away.

And here's the fun sneaky part: Tom, Danny, nor Harry will NOT know that I'm there. The boys will be staying at a hotel tonight and the hotel managers daughter is a huge fan so she (in a spoiled way) made sure they each got their own grand rooms for free.

I'll mentally thank her.

So once all the guys are in their rooms, I have to sneak in without Richard or Tommy seeing me, run up to Dougie's room and then....well we'll see what happens.

I look at the blue monkey as it stares back at me. The monkey is set on my kitchen counter right next to a box full of other goodies that Lena will shriek in excitement over (photos of London, some albums of legendary musicians thought to be sold out therefore worth hundreds of US dollars, and a card signed and kissed with dorky love by McFLY.)

"I need to leave now or I'll never get there in time." I said to myself but I stayed put. The monkey had a look that said, "Lena is one of your best friends. Friends before sexy bass players."

But I could wrap it up later! But if I don't send it off now, then it will get to her AFTER her birthday. And if I wrap it up now and send it, then I'll hit traffic. You know how in cartoons there’s the guy trying to do the right things but doing the wrong thing sounds better? And there is the two miniature guys on his shoulders that resembles him, one in a red devil suit and another in an angel suit with cute wings and a high voice?

Yeah- there's a devil on my left and an angel on my right.

Call me crazy.

Devil: "Leave the stupid monkey. You can do it later."

Angel: "Don't leave it! A best friend is worth the traffic.

Devil: "You'll be late to see Dougie McHot.

Angel: "Shut up! She's not even supposed to be seeing McHot- I mean Dougie!"

Great way to make me feel guilty guys...

I walk to the monkey, put it in the box and shut the lid. As I begin to wrap it in neon pink paper, the invisible devil on my left screams

"What the hell are you doing Lara you dumdum! You'll be-"

"Put a cork in it two-horns!" The angel pouts.

Right...enough of my crazy thoughts. I finished wrapping, grabbed my purse and went off to the post office. Then I'll head off to see Dougie.

It'll be a piece of cake.

"The things I do for a friendship." I mumble, sitting in a company car that I'm borrowing for awhile. I'm sitting in traffic, wasting precious gasoline and causing air pollution.

Great way to be green Lara

I usually would beat the traffic with my sometimes speedy driving but while in line waiting to send my package, an old lady dropped her cane which hit a guy with a broken leg which then caused the man to fall in pain. And then the man’s crutches hit a little girl holding a jar of marbles. The marbles fell, one hit a prim donna and bounced onto her small mirror which broke it right in front of her and then one hit me right in the forehead. Then I fell.

Good lord almighty it was like dominoes. Now I'm sitting in traffic, only half way to my destination and there's some dude blasting his stereo way up high to a disgusting form of rap in the Ferrari next to me.

Damn mini car. I'm hunched up like Bob from "The Incredibles" in his car.

Yes! I finally make it to the hotel that Dougie is at THREE hours after I left the post office. The concert should be over by now because I saw anxious rabid fan girls trying to get the doorman or the body guard outside to tell them what room McFLY is in.

As I found a parking space, dearest Dougie called.

"Hey." I smile turning the engine off.

"Don't get out of the car." Dougie says.

Great way to say hi.

"Uh why not?" I ask.

"Because Richard and Tommy are about fifty feet from you talking by Richards’s car."

Wonderful. I haven't even unbuckled my seat belt and I already hit trouble.

"How do you know?" I ask spotting Richard and Tommy having a laugh over something a little ways away.

"Because I got the room with a beautiful view of the parking lot. And it was easy to spot a speeding car." He laughs.

"I wasn't speeding!" I laugh and watch Richard and Tommy get in the car and drive away. I duck as they drove by. I was still on the phone with Dougie as I got out of the car.

"Wow who is that gorgeous girl over there?" Dougie says. It sounds like he's checking someone out.

"What?!" I say, "What girl!? You're checking out some chick while I'm risking my life to see you?"

Honestly I can be so dumb...

"Well she's wearing a very nice blue blouse in 60 degree weather and her jeans look sexy on her even if there's a soda stain on it."

I look down at myself.

I smile, "Oh." and giggle. I slipped on my jacket to cover my shirt.

"No don't put the jacket on!"

"I'll see you in a few Dougie." I smile, hang up and wave at him. He's on the 7th floor smiling at me.

"701, 702, 703, 70-" I mumble to myself.

"Oi! Harry I'm getting a pizza. Want one?" It was Tom banging on a door.

"Oh crap." I mumble and run behind another wall.

I can't even sneak up to Dougie's room in peace!?

"Yeah sure I'm heading to the pool." Harry said. I hear him and tom walk.

Walking towards me.

The things I do for a relationship.

Then as all hope is lost, I hear a door open and out comes Dougie.

"I knew you'd get in trouble!" He whispers and pulled me into his room. Dougie shuts the door quickly and greets me with a nice, long kiss.

"What took you so long?" Dougie asks taking off my jacket and we sit on a bed.

"Almost ran into Danny in the lobby."

"Well I'm glad you're here." He kisses me again.

After enjoying some nice kissing for about an hour or two...or three, we had a nice in depth conversation. No we weren't talking about our "feelings". We were just talking.
I, Lara Keating, find that having a good, long-lasting conversation with a hot sexy guy is a good thing.

"Blue or green?"

"Mixed" I say kissing him. Okay so we were talking and kissing at the same time. We can multitask! Our bodies were entwined and Dougie kept tracing little shapes on my tummy area. His hand touching my bare skin on my arms or tummy sent shivers.

I giggled as he played with my naval ring. It tickled.

"Hamburger or Pizza?"

"both." I say.

"No pick one." Dougie says.

"Fine. Pizza."

"Best snog."

I look at him like it’s obvious, "On a plane with a very good-looking guy who is an amazingly good kisser." Dougie laughs and kisses me.

"Okay uh...if you had to pick between Orlando Bloom and that bloke from Narnia. If you HAD to pick."

"Dougie..." I whine.

"No it doesn’t matter if you're seeing me. You got to pick." Dougie laughs, "I'm not bothered by it."

"Fine..." Orlando seems nice. So does that William dude. "Uh...Orlando." I say.

Dougie smiles, "you like men in tights I see." I laugh and hit his arm.

I shouldn't ask but I can't help it.

"Who would you choose-"

"Between Orlando or William?!"

"No! Between two girls." I get comfy on the bed, "Choose between Avril or that girl you think it REALLY good-looking from S club 8 and that group called The Sundays or something."

"Who? Frankie Sandford?" Dougie asked. I nod. I've been wanting to ask just because I'm a girl and I need to know these things. I knew Dougie had a massive crush on that S club 8 girl a couple years ago because Danny told me while we made fun of Dougie a couple weeks ago. Dougie thought about it for awhile. I pretended that I wasn't really interested. Now I'm usually not interested but I had recently saw the S club 8 girl at a clothing store and she looked really pretty. Prettier than Arabella and that’s saying something.

I shouldn't be worrying. I'm just being I'm I girl. I will be worrying.

Dougie sighed, "Frankie."

I nod in 'approval' and continue playing with his hoodie string. Of course- I only nod in approval to show that I don't care because I don't care.

I don't care. I don't care. I don't

Dougie's mobile phone rang and it was Danny wondering if Dougie wanted food. I got up to get my jacket on. I really wanted to stay but we both have to get up early. I kissed Dougie on the neck as he talked on the phone. Dougie tried ignoring my kisses but he kept holding on to my waist whenever I tried walking away.

"Danny I got to go! The toilets calling me!" Then he hung up, threw the phone on the floor and kissed me. "Don't leave! Stay here tonight!"

"But we have to get up early." I laugh as Dougie directs me to the bed.

"Please?!" He whines, pinning me to the bed so I couldn't get up. He begs a bit more and I finally give in because I actually really am tired.

"Okay." I laugh.

"Yes!" he says.

I lay in Dougie's arms, letting him kiss my shoulder softly. "I feel like I'm the luckiest guy on earth."

Why of course you are! In a famous band, lots of money, great music! Duh!

"Why is that?" I ask.

"Because my girlfriend is the most amazing person ever." He kisses me on the lips, "You are the most amazing person ever."

He called me his girlfriend!

squeal!! Shriek!!! Sigh!

I'm sighing inside, heart being whisked away to the land of romance.

"More amazing than Tom DeLonge?" I whisper dreamily. What? The most gorgeous guy on earth just called me his girlfriend.

Dougie lightly laughs and kisses me, "Yes. You beat Tom DeLonge."

Now this is usually where I would sleep (not snore nighty night sleep but "sleep") with him but it never came. It never entered my mind actually. But I bet it entered his mind!

Oh forget about sex right now! I am THEE GIRLFRIEND of the most gorgeous guy ever!
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Thanks for reading!