Secret Love Affair

To Fling a Bra

"So how is lovely London?" Arabella asks me on the phone.

"Wonderful! Work is actually kind of fun," I reply, drawing on myself. I've taken a liking to cute little messy hearts lately. The other night, I accidently drew one on the wall while on the phone with Dougie.

"Work is actually kind of fun?! Alright who are you and what have you done to my Lara?" Mina asks. She's down in Miami right now, being a part of our conversation by cell phone. Vogue sent her and her new phone there for a couple days about some fashion show and Arabella's not sure if Mina will come back. Mina loves the male models there. Mina said once, "They don't have to speak English to prove that they're good dancers and flirters."

"I am still the same, Mina!" I laugh, "How is my SpongeBob?"

"He's fine." Lena says. She's in her apartment, too lazy to go to Arabella's and save money. She'd rather use money than leg power. And she complains why her legs aren't toned.

"How would you know?" I ask looking out my window. I see kids playing with that broom I threw out. I knew they'd play Harry Potter.

"Because she kidnapped him." Arabella says. I can just see Arabella now rolling her eyes and flipping the channel on tv.

"How?" I ask. My SpongeBob is in captivity!

"While Arabella had a facemask and cucumbers on, I took him!" Lena has an evil laugh and then coughs.

"So how is your love life?" Mina asks. She just had to ask huh?

"Oh! I totally forgot! Are you dating anyone?" Arabella asks excitedly. This is such a normal conversation.



"What?" I hear Lena, Mina and Arabella say together.

"Well you asked and I said no." I said slowly like an adult talking to a child.

"Ay!" Mina says something in another language.

"Stop swearing at me in Korean!" I pout.

"I wasn't!" Mina says but I know she's smiling.

"Have you gone on any dates at least?" Lena asks.

Sort of.


"Any songfests at a club?" Arabella asks.

Arabella! I never heard her say that before! My word!

"No! Gosh Arabella I'm not a total night clubber!" I laugh.

I decide to change the subject.

"So Lena!" I say happily.

"Oh god..." She says. Arabella laughs.

"Have YOU been dating?" I smirk because I haven't forgotten how she melts in front of Danny.

"Actually I have." She says proudly. I can see her sitting with pride in my mind. Too lazy to stand up. Her answer wiped the smirk off my face.

Is she saying Danny go ByeBye?!

"Oh! Do tell!" I laugh. Arabella is slurping a drink. Mina smacks gum. Lena's silent, then starts babbling like it's a hobby. Well...actually-it kind of is for some.
"Well I met him at work and he's twenty years old! His name is Tyler and blah blah blah- He's so cute!!! We went on a couple dates!" She squeals.

And yes she actually did say "Blah blah blah." She didn't bother to describe him all the way! Danny is still in! Yes!
Go Danny! Woot Woot!

"Wait Lena. Tell Lara what you screamed out loud on the roof." Arabella laughs.

"Oh Jesus..." Mina laughs and mumbles in Korean again, "Here we go again."

Lena squeals a bit and then, "HE IS THE MOST AMAZING KISSER EVER!!!!" and then she squeals again. I had to take the phone away from my ear! OW!

So Danny go bye bye then?!

Danny go bye bye?! I put on a sad puppy dog face.

After producing my own techno version of Hilary Duff, Gwen Steffani and HelloGoodbye together at work, I drove down to some city by the coast to see Dougie. I only had a couple hours with him though because he has a curfew and I have a meeting at a very early time. Like when the hallway still smells like lemon freshener from the custodian cleaning the night before early. And I also must prepare to battle with the evil sourface lady.

McFly wouldn't be in a hotel this time so that why our 'date' is in Dougie's friends house. He told the other guys he has to see an old friend and I told Brooke I have to turn down sexy guy-hunting at a club due to painful tummy cramps. They really do hurt by the way. Try running two miles at the school track while paparazzi laugh at you at a tender age of fifteen. I hated that with a passion.

"I saw that girl cry when she saw you guys getting off the tour bus."

I wasn't stalking them with big sunglasses and a trucker hat on in my car! I was waiting patiently for them to get to the restaurant after their concert.

Dougie sat on the kitchen counter with me at his friend's house. His friend, Ozzy, was out of town and always sticks a key behind a plant that looks like weed.

"Some girls get very emotional." I laugh and Dougie plays with my hand. He slowly traces the lines of my palms.

"Yeah. One time we surprised these two girls at this flat and one of them kind of cried."

"Aw poor girl." I kiss Dougie. I then find myself lying on the counter island with him on top of me. We're still kissing but I feel weird making out on a counter.

Dougie senses my weirdness, "What's wrong?"

"The counter," I giggle, "It feels weird."

"Well we can-" Dougie is cut off by him falling down on the kitchen floor.


I laugh, "Are you okay?" I lean over the counter.


I scream as I fall down too, "OW!" I laugh rubbing my elbow, "My funny bone!"

That was the only thing that hurt because I landed on Dougie.

"Wow you are light!" Dougie says, "And I'm okay now that we're like this."

"Like what?" I ask.

I now declare myself Queen of Dumbness!

Dougie kisses my hand and I feel like I'm in a romantic hallmark card moment.

"Like that?" I giggle in a dorky way. Dougie nods and kisses me again.

"Lara." Dougie says in the kiss.

"What?" I reply still managing to keep the kiss going.

"I should tell-" and at that moment, Tom calls. I get off of Dougie and sit down on the tiled floor, folding my legs. I shouldn't because I'm wearing extra tight low risers and I'm scared they might rip in the bottom area.

Dougie talks with Tom about how Ozzy is in the bathroom and has a bad tummy ache.

I continue thinking about my jeans.

At least it's not like Mina's. They looked like they were painted on her.

"Alright I'll be there in 15 minutes." Dougie said. By now I was sitting straight up in fear if I slouch, my pants might show my underwear. But with one smile from Dougie, I slouched uncontrollably and I felt the undie tag slip out.


And don't say I'm overreacting with the tag slip because I know you all would like to hide the tag too! Don't deny!!!

"Sorry I have to leave early." Dougie pulls me closer to him.

"No its all good. It was worth it." I smile.

"See you at lunch with everyone else in the first week of July?" He asked kissing my cheek.

"Yeah of course!"

We walk out cautiously together because it's not safe.

Dougie plus me plus alone in a house plus without house owner plus brand new love bite plus chance of the annoying paparazzi equals NOT SAFE!

I kiss Dougie goodbye for now and I'm off back to London.

Not safe but full of adventurosity.

Dougie arrives back at the tour bus. After brief CSI-like questioning by the always suspicious but never admits it Tom, they were back on the road.

They were teasing the driver with beer. Videogames. Food. More food. Tiny bathroom decorating with toilet paper. And bra flinging.


I said bra flinging.

"How did you get the bras?" Dougie asked which reminded him of Lara's bra. Her bra was visible through the tank top when she had the bubble fiasco. He smiled. Not because Harry tied one to his head like a hat but because Lara's blue bra looked quite nice.

What hormonal-charged boy!.
Stop thinking about blue bras!
Yes Danny and Harry were having a bra fight. First it started out as who would have a bigger female chest then that conversation got quite personal and Danny started the bra flinging after Harry said that if Danny was a girl, he'd be flat-chested and Danny didn't like that which was just stupid but funny.

Dougie and Tom sat back and enjoyed the bra flinging show.

As Harry is dancing around with a pretty pink bra strapped to his head and teasing Danny, Danny took a size D cup and flung it at Harry. It hit him square in the face.

"Naninaninana! Danny can't fit the A cup! Ha ha ha! Poor Dan-OW!"

"You should know it's not just an A I can fit! I can fit A38 perfectly! See!" Danny puffs out his chest with the bra on top of his checkered shirt. Dougie and Tom roar with laughter as Danny struts around proudly for his bra size while Harry gets tangled up trying to get his bra off.

That is why girls are not allowed...

Danny and Harry attack each other again with bras and this time Danny loses with another bra flung at him. It hangs off his ear like a swing.

"That is it! No more bra wars!" Tommy says not able to concentrate while reading the paper. It was a tabloid so who cares really.

Danny and Harry blink at Tommy. The bra still hangs on Danny's ear. Harry still has a bra tied to his head like a bonnet. It was pink too.

"Oh come on Tommy!" Dougie laughs helping Harry take the "bonnet" off.

Tommy takes all the bras away, taking them to the upfront part of the bus. Tommy drops one and Danny silently hides it.

"Those were gifts from our fans!" Tom laughed.

"Yeah! Twenty bras within your reach of the male hand is rare unless you're Hugh Heffner!" Danny says.

Tommy ignores them.

"So much for decorating the bus with bras." Harry mumbled. Dougie smiles, now in his daily quiet state.

His thoughts: food, sleep, lara, food, lara, blah, sleep mixed with lara.

What a loverboy

Anyways, nothing else entertained the guys so they went to their last resort.

"Strip Dougie Game!!!"

"Oh God help me." Dougie mumbles, "Ah! No not me!! Ow Tommy they're molesting me!!!" Dougie screams louder.

"OUCH!" Danny laughs, "Watch out he bites now!"

"Hide his clothes and take a picture!"
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Thanks for reading!