Secret Love Affair

Tour of the Recording Studio

"So how about you come on over and I'll give you a tour of the studio." My dad asked me as he was getting out of his seat, ready to leave for some late night meeting. Hem hem.

"Yeah. Sure- if that's okay with you guys." I asked looking at my friends. They nodded.

"We planned on sleeping in for half the day anyway." Lena said playing with her swirly pink straw.

"Well that's set then." My dad said cheerfully as he was about to walk away.

I got out of my seat and walked with him to his taxi. "We miss you, daddy." I said hugging him. I inhaled his fatherly cologne I've known all my life.


"Adrien and I. We only see you twice a year. It’s really hard on Adrien." I said casually, sticking one hand in my jacket pocket and waving a taxi down with the other.

"Maybe he can visit during his spring break." He said looking at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes. (that = guilty!)

I nodded, "That's like in one week."

"Sooner the better then eh? I'll notify your mother." He said getting in a taxi. I gave him a kiss on the cheek for the road and let the taxi driver take him away. I waved goodbye and walked back in the pub.

I could see my table from the front of the pub. Dougie wasn't there. I saw him a little ways away going out a back door. He made eye contact with me. I slightly smiled and he softly motioned for me to meet him on the side of the outside building. I knew what he meant but I had doubts because it would look suspicious if both Dougie and I were missing for a while.

I slightly nodded making brief contact with him and walked over to the others.

"Um...I'm going to take a taxi back to the hotel." I said looking at Arabella.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"I'm really tired and I don't want to ruin everyone's fun so I'm just going to leave."

"You sure?" Mina asked getting up.

"Yeah. Stay here. We'll have plenty of time to have fun." I said looking at everyone.

"Where's Dougie?" I asked uninterested.

"He went out to get Harry some headache killers 'cos Harry's too damn lazy!" Tom said.

"Am not! He offered!" Harry said defending himself.

"Aw how nice. We'll I'm going to take off." I said grabbing my purse and forcing a yawn. I was actually kind of tired. "Have fun!" I called over my shoulder as they said goodbye to me.

Instead of waving down a taxi, I took a left down the sidewalk and turned down an alleyway, which led to a half full parking lot. As I looked around, someone whistled to get my attention. I looked to my right and a couple cars away was Dougie, smiling, leaning on his car.

"Lost?" he asked.

"Maybe." I replied smiling, slowly walking over to him. I stopped three feet away from him.

"Maybe I could help you." He said.

"Hmmm...Not sure. I'm not supposed to talk to hot strangers. Arabella forbids it." I said looking straight into his eyes. That same invisible force began pulling me to him.

*I can't*

As I came really close to him, I stopped. Once again, my best friend was nagging at that back of my head.

Dougie read my mind and sighed. "Forget Arabella."

"She's my best friend." I said not looking at him. Instead I looked at the cool paint job of his car.

"If she was your best friend, she'd let you kiss whomever you want." He was right and I was itching to kiss him. But that would mean that I'm not being a good best friend either.

"Maybe...Just this once..." I said letting Dougie kiss me. I kissed back, body, heart and mind wanting more.

This boy made me want more! More more more!


He tightened his grip around my waist, letting his tongue in my mouth without permission. Permission? This dude didn't need permission. I was his.

I felt for the back door handle, opening it while still kissing Dougie. And with one swift move, he was on top of me. I closed the door with my foot (pulling the handle) as he worked his way down my neck.

"What happens if we get caught?” I asked during our kiss, moving a seat belt buckle out of the way so I could rest my head.

"Then we do." he said at the same time kissing me. He bit my lip which told me to shut up. I obeyed happily. With one twist I was on top. His hand worked its way up my shirt. I was craving more but I didn't go further. I wanted to but just not yet. Gawd I sound like a slut...

Thirty minutes later, I was in a taxi redoing my hair as the driver took me back to the hotel. I haven't even been in this country for five hours and I'm already making out with boys in cars.

"Dude! What took you so long?" Danny asked as Dougie got out of the car.

"Long line." Dougie said throwing Harry a bottle of pills. They were in his car the whole time. He was just getting out of his car when everyone came outside.

"Why are your windows foggy?" Danny asked. Dougie shrugged, hiding Lara's jacket underneath the driver’s seat.

"Ah it’s bloody hot in here!" Danny complained in the back seat next to Harry. Tom laughed at Danny.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, mate." He said sticking his head out the window.

"Why is it hot in here?" He asked again.

"Sorry mate, I had the heater on." Dougie replied.

"Crap." I mumbled to myself as I looked in the bathroom mirror. There was hickey on my upper neck. Dougie's fault. And I had no cream.

*Maybe if I use concealer...* I got out my makeup bag and rummaged through its contents, looking for concealer.

"Ah crap!" I said. I don't wear concealer. Sometimes, but not all the time. I ran out of the bathroom and got Arabella's concealer. I'll just use hers for now.

As I threw the concealer tube back in Arabella's luggage, the crew burst in laughing. I ran to the bed, lying down.

"Hey guys!" I said a little too cheerful, breathing a little too heavy for the norm.

"Hello!" they said.

"Did we wake you?" Mina asked kicking off her heels.

"No. I didn't go to sleep. I ended up reading a magazine instead." I said.

"So you're going to see the recording studio?" Arabella asked.

"Yeah." I said partially excited to see Dougie if he was there. The other part of me wanted to stay away from him because I knew what would happen and I'm already in enough trouble.


As I was in the Elevator going up to my dad's office, I couldn't help but feel nervous. And every minute for 12 hours now, I kept thinking about all the reasons to not date him: 1) Arabella made me promise. 2) I think dating a celebrity would be hard. Being hated by hundreds of girls is a possibility. Alot of girls at school already hated me because I'm going to own most of a fashion empire one day. 3) Can he date his boss's daughter? I tried coming up with ten but that’s impossible when it comes to secretly wanting to date him.

"Hey dad." I said running into him. He was just coming out of his big office.

"Oh hi Lara. Come on, I want to show you the recording studio." He said walking fast. I ran to catch up with him.

"Are you going to show me all the cool gadgets?" I asked like a small excited girl.

My dad smiled, "I'll try. But I have to attend a meeting in twenty minutes so I'll have the band show you around when I leave."

I stopped, "The band?"


"Yes, honey. The band. They're here hanging out. They're just doing some last minutes stuff before they start the tour next month."

I followed dad into a big spacious room that had black walls with legendary musicians' pictures on them. A couple sofas were around and two men were at the recording table. McFly was in another room that had a large window separating us.

They were singing "Friday Night."

"Sit here, darling." my dad whispered pointing to a couch.

"Watch how the magic happens!" I nodded and sat down on a soft leather couch.

I watched Danny and Tom play guitar and sing, Harry play the drums and Dougie do some backup vocals and play bass. They are so talented and cool to hang with. Gosh I sound like some little girl! Ten minutes later, one of the guys who were sitting and playing with all the buttons spoke to McFly through a mike.

"Alright lads, that’s enough for today."

"Hey it’s Lara!" Danny pointed out. I waved at them, trying to not look at Dougie. The band came in the room and greeted me with hugs. My hug with Dougie lingered for two seconds longer than the other guys.

"You guys are wonderful." I said sitting down.

"Thanks!" They said together.

"Oh! Lara, this is Richard Rashman-McFly's manager. Richard, this is my daughter, Lara. She'll be taking part of the business in the future." My dad said.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said, shaking my hand as I nodded in agreement.

"Oh lord, look at the time. Richard, its best that we get going. Erm, lads- give Lara a tour of the studio." My dad said, briefly kissing my cheek and grabbing his jacket, "be good, Lara!" and then he left.

"So how do you like London so far?" Tom asked handing me a red bull.

"I like it. I've been here a dozen times or so before so it’s not as shocking as it used to be." I said.

"What’s that?" Danny asked.


"That." he said pointing at my neck.

"oh, uh...I burned myself this morning with a curling iron." I said briefly looking at Dougie. I saw him slightly smile as he played with a guitar.

"Oh. I thought it was a hickey." Danny laughed.

"No not a hickey. If it was then I probably wouldn't be here. Arabella would've put me in time out." I smiled.

"She controls you a lot." Dougie said.

"Only when it comes to dating. She doesn’t want me to get hurt because I always end up getting hurt in the end based on previous relationships." I said rolling my eyes like it wasn’t a big deal. It actually really was a big deal but that story is for another time.

I changed the subject by asking them to show me around. For two hours, I played with pitch and vocal sounds with the push of a button and got to put on the cool big headphones.

"Ah look at the time! I got to meet Giovanna in ten minutes! Later!" Tom said running out.

"Uh...I got to run as well. Dentist appointment." Harry said acting weird and running out the room.

" too. I uh...miss my mum? Doug, show Lara the rest of the stuff."

And with that, Danny left, winking at Dougie. He thought I didn't see but I did.

I sat in a spin chair and spun around, "Too bad, I was having fun." I said ignoring Dougie's stares.

"They think something is going on between us. But I told them there wasn't." He said taking a seat next to me. I could feel his body heat even though he was like 3 1/2 feet from me.

"So are you going to give me the rest of the tour?" I asked ignoring his last statement and playing "Star girl" on the stereo.

"Sure. That button is play. That blue one is stop. And the yellow one is mix. There. Tour over." Dougie said smiling.

I looked at him and smirked, "How funny."

"You said you wanted to finish the tour." he said smiling. I looked into his blue eyes.

"So a curling iron eh?" he asked laughing.

"Yes. That’s the only thing I could come up with that made sense."

"I would've believed it if I didn't know about last night." he smirked.

I looked down, "You know I'm always going to try and stop this. The more I'm with you; the more I’m going to get in trouble."

"Live alittle." he said, seeming closer to me.

"I do live." I said trying really hard to resist him.

"Prove it." he said, lightly touching my hand. I looked at his hand and kept silent for a couple minutes. I wanted to kiss him but I promised Arabella! And I already broke that promise a long time ago... So I'm going to ignore my happiness for Arabella?




Dougie seemed different from any other guy. He just was. Take away the fame and music and he'd still be different. I didn't know why but everytime I saw him, my heart skipped a beat and I was worried if I had something in my teeth. It was too hard to turn him down. My cell phone rang as I was about to give in and kiss him.


"Hello?" I asked looking at Dougie sigh and lean back in his chair.

"Lara?" it was my brother.

"Yes Adrien?"

"You're in London right?"

"Yeah. why?"

I asked as I watched Dougie lightly play the guitar in his lap.
"Moms making me go for spring break."

"Okay. Problem?" I asked knowing him too well.

"I was going to try and ask this girl out! I had this plan and everything!"

"Adrien, how old is this girl?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"My age."

"Then it shouldn't be that hard to ask her out!" I said.

Dougie came over and took the phone from me.

"Hello? This is Dougie. You’re sisters friend. Listen dude, don't use a pickup line. They don't work."

"Hey! Give it back!" I said trying to get my phone back. He moved out of the way so I couldn't get it.

He laughed. "Really now? A popular one? I suggest you just wing it and ask her out. I mean, if you really fancy her, then you'll do it." Dougie said.

I sat on the floor and crossed my arms. He took my cell phone! And- he's talking to my little brother!

"True true. But it’s worth the shot. So tell me Adrien, what’s your sister like at home?"

"Hey! Give the phone back! Dougie! C'mon!" I pleaded practically jumping on his back.

"Wild eh? Oh! She sneaks out! Oh really...I see... well thanks buddy. Alright then. Bye." Dougie hung up and gave the phone back to me.

"I hear you're quite the bad girl." he said laughing.

"Don't do that!" I said punching his arm.

"Ow! Okay okay. You just seem so hesitant about everything but deep down, you just want to live life on full speed." he said stuffing his hands in his pockets. I stopped hitting him and looked into his eyes. He read me like a book. He could see my inner self like no one else could before. (We're not including Arabella here) Freaky. "Just be yourself." he said running a hand down my arm. It sent shivers down my spine.

I got close to his ear and whispered, "Fine. You want the real me?" He nodded, turning his head to look at me. "The real me wants to kiss you." I said kissing him. I know it sounds cheesy. He kissed me back, holding me in his arms. I bit his lip.

"Why do you always bite my lip?" he said in the kiss.

"Because...I know you like it."

"Smart..." I heard someone opening the door two minutes later.

"Shit." I whispered, stopped kissing him and ran to the recording table. "So this is the mix button?" I asked loudly.

"Erm...yeah- mix button." Dougie said coming over and showing me all this other cool stuff.

I looked up. "Hey dad."

"Hey, let’s go grab a bite to eat and I'll drop you off at your hotel. Dougie, Danny wants to talk to you. He's in the lobby. Something about lizards and mating. I couldn't understand him. He was talking to fast." my dad said leading me out of the room.

I looked back at Dougie and smiled. Dougie was the first guy to get me out of my shell- like totally out of my shell. I was only partially out of my shell at 15. And no matter how hard I tried, I was never going to stop Dougie from kissing me or me kissing Dougie. I already broke my promise before I was even on English soil, which I still feel very guilty about by the way. So what more damage could I do?