Secret Love Affair

Story about a Hand

You know- I've always hated French restaurants. Whether five star or not, I've always entered the same kind. When I was fourteen, Arabella, her parents, my parents, Adrien and I all went to this really nice posh French place by the waters right outside of San Francisco. Arabella and I were taking a French class that year (some exceeded more than others coughArabellacough) and I thought speaking French to the waiter would be nice. So I ordered some chicken dish and instead of enjoying chicken, I went through a full plate of something slimy with no good taste that looked like chicken. I don't know what went wrong! I said please and thank you and "oh pretty necklace!" to the waiter. Later on, Arabella said that I actually said ugly instead of pretty. Now I know why I failed the French test! So anyways, that night was full of complete hell-osity because then this restaurant had so many rules about manners! So I forgot that laughing loud and then accidently burping was wrong! So what?! And over the years I've always found myself in a restaurant like the one in San Francisco. But I'm better with the language.

So now here I am in the present, wearing something mom would call 'so last spring' and managing to keep a straight back and no burps.

It is hard.

I'm having a nice lunch with McFLY, Richard and my Dad...who brought sourface with him.

"So I think you guys should go to somewhere in the Caribbean to write out new songs for next year." My dad proposed.

Everyone waited for him to finish. I could hear clatter and taps of nearby dishes. I smiled to myself knowing perfectly well what he was going to say.

I and I alone (besides Arabella) know what my dad wants McFLY to do. Sourface is extremely sour because my dearest daddy/boss wouldn't tell her while she's dressed in professional and 'grownup' work clothes, and tells me instead while I'm fixing him Macaroni n cheese in his house, stumbling over pots and pans and never calling him sir...ever.

I began to slouch which is an insult to sourface.

Oh don't worry-she's just sour because she's so old to an extent that she can't be or try to act young.

"Barbados!!" My dad announces proudly

"Sweet! Fun in the sun!" Danny cheers.

"The land of Rhianna!" Dougie laughs.

"We could get some great influence there." Tom says thinking.

I'm thinking too! I'm thinking that Barbados is a great idea. I'm thinking they should go. I trust Dougie not to mess around. I'm thinking that his said chicken is not the dish i want...

I better not throw up...

As we get into discussion of the plan, Harry jumps up, "Fearne!"

Random are we? Calling out a plant…

"Hey Fearne Cotton!" Danny smiles.

I continue zoning out in a way. I'm poking at my food.

Sounds like a bunny rabbit to me. I bet the chef's rabbit got away from the chopping board.

"Hi everyone!"

The rabbit speaks?

I look up. Oh I am full of stupidity...

A smiling girl with blonde hair comes up, "Pleasant surprise!"

"How are you Fearne?" My dad asks.

"Very well Mr. Keating. How are you?" She smiles and puts a hand on the back of Harry's chair.

"Fine thank you. This is my daughter, Lara."

"Hi!" Fearne shakes my hand.

"Hello." I smile.

"So what are you doing here Fearne?" Harry asked.

"Well I'm waiting for an order I placed...and Dougie-Stop prank calling me all the time!" She laughs.

"What?!" He laughs, "That is not me! That's Danny and Harry!"

He smiles at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"I guess you forgot the McFLY honor code." Harry chuckles. Fearne hits his head.


"Oh you wait Harry Judd!" She laughs. They continue innocently bickering and laughing as the older (over thirty) adults talk amongst themselves.

As I zone back out, slouching and wanting to burp, I feel someone's hand on my leg. I stop fidgeting with my fork and freeze.

Now I'm acting like a rabbit.

I feel soft hands roam my upper left leg. And I'm wearing a mini skirt.

I slowly look at Dougie (on my left) and he's just eating and talking to Danny. I try not smiling but can't help it. Plus it tickled. I lay my hand casually on his hand under the table. He plays with my fingers.

Oh god I want to kiss him!

"They're flirting." Tom whispers to me.

Who? What? I'm not holding hands with person to my left! Huh?

"Harry and Fearne!" Tom says to me (he's on my right) as he sees the confusion on my face.

"They fancy each other but both deny it. It is funny though." He adds by the look of my confused face.

As I'm in a good conversation with tom, Dougie is talking to Danny and Harry and Fearne are flirting. Who cares about the old people...

Dougie's hand roams my upper leg again. I feel him draw with his finger a heart on the tingling skin of my leg.

Boys...why can't they keep their hands to themselves!

Then this sudden urge comes and I'm all in my head, "Oh my god! I have kiss him!"

See! My lips are pouty and puckering up! Oh no! I get the butterflies and, so I don't just pull Dougie in for a kiss, I stand up and then run to the bathroom laughing.

"Sorry...uh...yeah..." and I giggle away to the ladies room.

I bet they think I'm high.

After lunch, Richard had the boys personally reload the tour bus and then they went off to an interview and guest appearance. I got to tag along too.


Its quiet backstage. I'm quiet because Richard is quiet...on his phone. Dougie is in his quiet state out there in front of the whole of England...looking hot and sexy and gorgeous in his wrinkled polo. I hear the audience laugh and clap as Danny says something funny.

I'm bored, yet not bored.

Picking at the "DO NOT PULL" lever had long ago interested me for a while, but I felt lame so I quit.

Richard is a smart and wise man. Although he looked funny on one side because there was still glue on his skin from what Dougie did.

"And that is why I don't want any of the boys publically dating." He said to me.

I don't know how we got to the deathly dating subject. And I forgot what he had said before I was too busy picturing Dougie without a shirt on.

Yes yes! I know!! I'm an overly-charged hormone battery running on high speed faster than Justin Timberlake can give his nice mega-wat smile!

"So Dougie, we have asked Tom, Danny, and Harry about their flirting stories. You are next!" The hostess smiled.

Dougie smiled, "Okay." I hear girls sigh at the sound of his voice.

"Dougie - have you ever put your hand on a girls leg without permission?"

Oh how surprising...

"uh..."Dougie chuckles. Tom laughs. I hear the teenage girls in the audience listen intently.

"Actually yeah." Dougie laughs.

"What? You didn't tell us this!" Harry says shocked.

"Oh! Something new to learn!" The hostess claps.

"Yeah um...I was sitting next to this fit girl and my hand just roamed her leg! I couldn't stop it!"

Oh Lord of Pantyhose...

"And what did she do?" Danny and the hostess asked at the same time. Danny leans in to listen.

Oh no! He's telling the whole UK what he did only two hours ago!

"Well she sort of laughed and ran to the ladies room!" Dougie laughs. Everyone laughs too including Richard. I'm paralyzed in shock with my jaw dropped. Tom randomly and quickly smiles at me, twinkles in his eyes.

"Did it work out?"

"Erm...I was too shy to talk to her again."

I hear everyone go "awww" and I roll my eyes.

"The fit girl didn't just run to the ladies room! She got lost in the kitchen and then ran into the men's room!" I slouch in my chair dramatically.
As I hug Danny goodbye, along with Tom, Harry and Dougie, I say to him, "By the way, you better go after Lena soon. She nearly blew my ear drum screaming on the phone, saying that she's seeing some American dude."

"Oh she's seeing someone?" Harry asked hugging me. I mess up his perfect hair.

"Yeah. Sorry." I say to Danny.

"Nah I don't care." He smiles shyly, blowing it away with his hand

"Yes and I am a whore."

"Well..." Dougie says as I hug him. I laugh and flick him on the ear. I really want to kiss (or snog as Jazzie says) him. We're so good at acting like friends that I should be an actress!

"Don't get into any trouble now." Tom hugs me, "See you very soon." He smiles.

As I ruffle up Dougie's hair because he's messed up mine, I give Tom a small quick look of suspicion mixed in with a smile.

Okay does he mean see you soon as in soon or see you soon as in 'I know you're going to waste fuel to see Dougie late at night in Liverpool?'

I'm just going to ignore that and act like he does not know a thing!

"Bye guys! Be good now and don't get in trouble! Especially you Danny!"
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