Secret Love Affair

I Look in your Eyes

It is July 17. I met Dougie around late march early April. And if my math is correct, it would have been three and half months of seeing Dougie. Don't worry, I checked with Brooke to do the math. But I didn't tell her why I wanted to know.
Three and half months…that is so short. But it seems like it has been years.

"Are you sure it's safe to go out on a date in broad daylight?" I ask nervously as we walked the streets. We both wore sunglasses and beanies. Sunglasses and hats are not just fashion pieces now. They are 'Trying to avoid cameras!' fashion pieces.

"No." Dougie laughs, "It's not safe but I want to take you out like what a proper boyfriend would do."

"You don't have to take me out to be a proper boyfriend. I don't mind being behind doors." I say. Dougie smiles at me and puts an arm around my waste as we walk.

"Where to eat?" He asks.

"I don't care." I say, "Honestly!" I add quickly before Dougie could object, "I actually don't mind where you take me. It's the fact that you're with the person that counts." I smile.

Dougie kisses my lips softly and we continue walking.

You know, I love dates having to do with music. And Dougie apparently knew this because he took me somewhere that would be hard to get into.

Abbey Road Studios!

Squeels again.

What? Were you thinking a gig?

"I've always wanted to go here!" I said amazed. Dougie smiled proudly.

I remember when I was ten, I came here to London and my dad took me by Abbey Road studios. He wouldn't let me go in because he said the people in there were making music history. I got excited and ran towards the door. I wanted to see Gene Simmons from KISS!! But my dad grabbed me by the waist, told the guard on duty I had ADD, and carried me all the way back to our car. I was kicking and screaming like the brat I was but then I calmed down because I was amazed that my dad could carry me like that. The night before he was complaining about back problems so he wouldn't give me a piggy back ride.

The man lied....

Early morning before the date:

"Oh my god! Tom! Quick! Get Harry!" Danny screamed.

"What for?" Tom asked coming up next to Danny. Tom looked in the room. His eyes got big.


"Oi! Do you and Dougie have anything besides junk food?" Harry asked. He looks into the room like Tom and Danny.

"Dear God..." Harry mumbled.

There was Dougie, dressed and up and ready for the day. Listening to some music and throwing his beloved stash of porn magazines into a box. At 8:30 in the morning.

Dougie looks up and smiles, "Hey guys." He tossed a magazine in the box. Harry went after it.

"Dude. This is like history in the making!" Danny says.

I look out a window and spot some children messing around with another boy. He looked sort of grungish but not with oily hair. He had blonde hair and I couldn't see his eyes.

Dougie came over to me and I smile at him.

"What?" He asked kissing me.

"Nothing. Just cold." I smile. I was cold but it wasn't on my mind. And Dougie wasn't on my mind either.

Shocking I know!

Dougie slips his jacket on me and I continue to stare at the bullied boy. I didn't frown or anything.
Just interested.

Then it clicked!

Light bulb moment!

"Hey Dougie?" I ask while we played with music mixers and sound effects.


"Did you ever come by here when you were around the age of ten in late winter?" I ask, excitement building up.

"Yeah on a field trip once. It was boring though. But I did get a laugh out of a girl trying to break through the studio doors one time. Really cute but her dad said she had ADD." He laughs

I burn my tongue with my hot coffee, "I did not have ADD!" I laugh.

"What? Huh?" Dougie asked confused.

"Did you run into the same girl at a McDonalds an hour later and did she call you cute?" I ask nervously.

"That was you?" Dougie laughs.

I nod, "We've met before but didn't at the same time."

Wow this is weird.

"I couldn't stop thinking of the ADD girl for the rest of the day." Dougie comes close to me.

I kiss him, "I don't have ADD!"

Dougie and I walked around outside. Which is very dangerous by the way. If I had radar on paparazzi people, the whole screen would be covered with them! I wore sunglasses and my beanie. Dougie was bold and didn't wear those items.

It was a perfect scene for me actually. Dougie and I had stopped walking and we looked at each other. His arms around my waist and mine around his neck. We were just talking and laughing. Sometimes kissing in between words.

"I'm actually surprised that you got up before 10." I giggle as Dougie told me he woke up at 7, unable to sleep.

"Yeah I decided to clean out all the junk in my room." Dougie said.

"Junk?" I ask

"Junk." and he kisses me so I wouldn't ask anymore questions.

I feel like I am in a hallmark card moment or some romantic French movie on the WE (Women's Entertainment. ei: chick flicks galore!) network but set in England instead.

Once our mouths are separated from a long kiss, I hear a wolf whistle. I thought it was a guy whistling at the girl in a miniskirt and leggings walking by so I didn't look. But Dougie did.

And the alarm on his face made me look.

"What are you looking at?" I smile and turn to where Dougie looked. My smile turned to a frown and I immediately thought of Arabella and what I was doing.

"Shit." Dougie mumbles. I had put my sunglasses back on and slipped on my hoodie over my head.

The weather was nice enough to not require a jacket but based on my situation...

"Who is your pretty friend Dougie?" The paparazzi screamed from across the street. We ignore them and walk away to Dougie's car.

Dougie doesn't respond but leads me to the car. He holds my hand tight. Not comforting tight. But nervous tight. I quickly get in the passengers seat.

I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead!

I cover my face so they couldn't get a picture for they surrounded the car.

"Hang on we're almost out of here." Dougie says softly. Calmly.

I was just shocked and quiet before. I looked at Dougie as we drove.

"Oh crap I'm dead! We're going to get in trouble!" I started to ramble on. I knew they got the back side of me. I also knew they got Dougie's full appearance. His arms around an "unknown" girl...

More nervousness came upon me.

"Oh no! You're going to get in trouble! Arabella's going to murder the hell out of me with her perfume-lotioned hand!" I cupped my cheeks, digging my nails into the skin. Dougie remained calmed but smiled at my remark on Arabella.

"Why are you so calm and relaxed about this!" I said exasperated.

Dougie pulls over on the side of the road. We were halfway back to my flat, clear of cameras by now.
I had totally forgotten about the French movie scene I was creating.

"Do you want to date me?" He asked.

"I - of course!" I say. And why is he being random?

"Good because I want to date you too. And paparazzi are just a road block along with the record company and Arabella." He takes my hand. "Lara you're worth it. All of those road blocks. I'm willing to go through that to be with you."

I smile, calming down a bit. My French movie scene is coming back.

I'm in my nice fluffy bed, in my pajamas and a tank top, eating gummy worms. Its 3:32 pm. Hours after my date with Dougie. It's my day off and I want to comfy!

"Why are you picking out the red worms?" Dougie laughs at me. He's sitting on my be too, watching tv. I smile and throw a worm at his head.

"I just don't." and I chew on a yellow and green one. We were in the safety of my own flat so we can be as close as we want. Dougie can kiss me all he wants! I can dance around all I want! I can laugh at the kids in the street all I want! I can be naked all I want!


Dougie throws a gummy worm back at me. I catch it with my mouth and lay back down on my bed. It felt so comfy. I close my eyes and focus on sound instead of sight. I liked doing that. I don't know why.

I heard Dougie turn the television off and lay next to me. It was quiet. I could feel my steady heartbeat. My soft breathing.

If I concentrate hard enough, I could read Dougie's thoughts.

But I don't want to hurt myself so why bother?

I felt Dougie stare at me.

"Yes Dougie?" I ask, eyes still closed. I'm gifted at sensing people’s stares!

"Why I first looked into your eyes, I thought…wow. " Dougie said. I opened my eyes and turned to him. My side head resting on my palm, body turned to him. He faced me too. Dougie took my free hand and played with it.

I blushed and kissed him lightly.

"What do you think now?" I ask.

"If I answer correctly will you kiss me like that again?" He asks. I giggle and nod.

"When I look in your eyes I see life and smiles. Your eyes smile." He says bringing me closer to him.
I kiss him again. We were less than three inches apart. He looked into my eyes.

"You're making me blush!" I giggle softly.

"And when I look in your eyes I see..Lara you're so beautiful." He blurted out.

I stop playing with his hands and looked at him. He looked at me, waiting. I smile and kiss him softly.

There were less articles of clothing on us and our kisses never stopped, slowly getting more passionate.

I slipped off Dougie's shirt as he rolled on top of me, kissing my deeper.

This was it...I wanted him now...

As he kissed my neck, a picture of Arabella, lena and mina looked at me. I flipped it face down on the bedside table.

"Lara?" he said.

" Yeah?" I asked as he kissed me again. He slipped my tanktop off.

"You're beautiful and...perfect. I think I-"

"Dougie shutup!" I laugh and he kissed me more.

The clock on my bedside table said 8:45 pm. I was snuggled up in Dougie's arms under my fluffy blankets. I moved a bit and Dougie's arms tightened around my waste. I smiled as I thought of the event from that day. I even giggled and blushed a bit.

I looked up at Dougie who was sleeping peacefully. I was tempted to take a picture of his sleeping face but advised against it.

My stomach growled. I lifted the blankets to look at my tummy as it made noises. Then I put them back down and blushed more. I forgot that I'm not wearing clothes...uh...................

I looked around the room. Dougie's shirt layed limp on a lamp shade.

I was laughing quietly now.

I'm so immature right?

I remember when I first lost my virginity. Arabella was at a party. I decided not to go and I hung out with my then-boyfriend instead. It was at his house. His parents were out. And I remember I felt uncomfortable after the experience.

But this time. This time I feel light and warm.

No regrets.

I kissed Dougie's eyelids. He woke up moments later smiling.

"I love it when someone does that." He kissed me.

I smile, "Hungry?"

"For you or food?" He laughs.

"Food." I giggle. I feel very happy and kind of peaceful right now.


I kiss him once more and roll out of the bed. I slip on some clothes.

"Alright no more clothing!" Dougie says pulling my close to him.

I laugh and kiss him, "Fine."

Dougie gives me a piggyback ride to the kitchen and thats where I cook us some food, while Dougie calls Danny and tells him he's at Jazzie's house while silently kissing my shoulders at the same time.
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