Secret Love Affair

A Day of Henna

"Shhh...You’ll you wake her." I heard a distant voice say.

"I think she's already awake."

"No. If she was she'd be grinning..." I turned my forming grin into a frown.

What time is it? Early? No. Based on Mina's talkative side, It's most likely near noon.

"Whats that on her neck?" Lena asked. I felt someone prod me with a pen on my neck.

"She mumbled something like a burn from a curling iron."


"Goooooooood day ladies n ladies!" A loud Arabella said, sounding like she just ran into the door. I wouldn't know- I was 'asleep'.


"shhhh..." Lena and Mina said together. I guess they were trying to be quiet but if you put both of their shhhh's together it ends up being loud full of spit.

"Oh my Gawd! she's still snoozing!?"

"Yes." Lena said. I felt her sit at the foot of my bed. I heard her turn the cam cord on.

"Well I'm just going to put some makeup on her to make her look pretty then-" Arabella said walking into the bathroom.

"No you are not!" I yawned, twisting around in my bed.

"AHHHHH! The dragon awakens!" Lena said falling off the bed. Everyone laughed at me and I felt a soft shade of pink climb up to my cheeks.

"Shut up!" I said throwing the covers back over my head.

"Nuh-uh! We're going to explore today Lara!"

"Lemme sleep for another thirty minutes! I was having a good dream..."

"But we were planning on getting hennas!" Mina whined. She whines a lot. I don’t know how that doesn’t annoy me because when I was 13, I punched this cheerleader for whining too much when our class went on a camping trip. Ha-ha...I didn’t get in trouble either. The teachers thought that she fell or something and they wouldn’t believe her when she just stuttered and pointed at me who was just resting a log, playing with a lizard. Hehehe....uh yeah back to the story. My eyes flicked open.

*Hennas? Yay!*

Our day consisted of London's eye, cool hennas on our ankles, sharing a big bucket of salty fries, exploring, and Lena videotaping our every move.

"Lena, do you have to record our every move?" Arabella asked, looking at a cute bracelet while we were traveling down a lane of vendors.

"Yes, actually. I'm making a movie so we can remember these three weeks." she said not taking her eyes off the small camera screen. "Keep shopping." Lena commanded me.

I turned back around pulled out a cute black bracelet from a pile of necklaces, scarves, and other bracelets.

"Good choice." A man said with a thick British accent, "Would you like to purchase it?"

" thanks. I'm just browsing." I said putting the bracelet back. I walked away, knowing that the man will try another way to convince me to buy it.

"Ow! That pinches!" Lena said behind a gypsy-like curtain.

"C'mon Lena! You can do it." I said trying to boost her confidence. We forced Lena to give me her camera while she goes and gets a henna.

"Hold still." the girl who was giving the tattoo mumbled. She was about 22 years old with thick dark eyeliner, black hair and clothes, pale face and piercings everywhere. She reminded me of myself sometimes when I was 16. But Arabella seemed absolutely disgusted by it. I don't know why. That’s just her I guess. Arabella was decked out in Burberry stuff. Put us side by side and you'll think that we never seen each other before.

Lena comes out from behind the curtain twenty minutes later. We expected her to have a look of obnoxious hurt on her face but it was just an obnoxious smile instead.

I propped the camera in front of my eyes and zoomed in on her cool design on her ankle. Very mythological I must say.

"Coolio! New we all have one!" Mina said.

"Coolio?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and getting up in Mina's face with the camera.

"Yes!" she said pushing the camera away, "shut up." she said before I could throw back a smart-alec comment. She didn’t have to worry for I wasn’t going to throw back a comment. I had none up my sleeve.

I sat on one of those double-decker buses, allowing the dusty air particles fly in front my face. Ugh I could feel them clogging my pores! Mental note to self: Wash face big time.

"Anyone hungry?" Arabella asks looking through her Gucci wallet.

"Yeah. Let’s go eat." Lena said switching video tapes and putting in a new one in the camera. I wonder if I should sneak one out of her purse and throw it overboard...

"Where to?" Arabella asks me. She's too late. I just took off to lala land about ten minutes ago so I didn’t hear her.

"Lara?" Arabella grabs my attention by shaking me.

"What? Uh...sure?" I said thinking she had asked me if I was hungry.

"No. Where to?" she said.

"What do you mean?" I ask shaking my thoughts of Dougie partially out of my mind.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Oh! How about that cool restaurant that had a 70's vibe to it?" I ask jumping into hungry mode.

"Yeah! Let’s try that one!" Mina said.

Once that problem was settled and we walked along a street heading to dinner, I zone back into LaLa land. Lately, my lala world consisted of Dougie Poynter and regret and confusion. Well not exactly confusion. I wasn't confused about the situation. I knew exactly what I was doing and that’s why I regret kissing Dougie in the first place because I knew this just wasn’t going to fade away. I wanted to date him so much! I've only know him for a couple days and he already drives me crazy! In a good way. I get that weird, foreign butterfly, flying thing everytime I think about him. And he won't leave my mind! Maybe he's supposed to be in my mind... no! And I had a dream about him last night! It was very weird because in the dream, I wanted to be really close to him. Very close! Like heat close...

oh my gawd!

Light bulb moment! Click! If Lena, Arabella, and mina hadn't wakened me up, I would've had sex with him in my dream!!!


............ .......... .....
Well that explains that old familiar feeling I felt in the dream which I last felt when I was fifteen. Erm...ahem... I mentally slapped myself.

The loyal me know I must stop this little thing with Dougie. But the other side of me doesn't care and wants him. Now. Right here.

*Okay. When I count to three, I'm going to tell myself that its over...and I'll mean it.*


I saw an image of Dougie looking into my eyes.


I know that was stupid, but that’s the only way to make it official. The next time I see him, I'm going to end our little relationship. If that is what you call it.

Were we even in a relationship?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks everyone for reading!