Secret Love Affair

End of the Dark Ages

I woke up to sunlight streaming in through my window. The honking of morning taxis. Unbelievable warmth. A feeling in my chest that rose every second then slowly went back down but only to rise again. And I found myself in Dougie Poynter's arms...

Lets let that sink in...

They were tight around me as he slept and I listened to our steady heart beats. I smiled.
I hadn't smiled truthfully for the longest time. And I missed it. Yes we're in my bed. One moment we're on the roof and the next moment we're here...uh...heh...I blushed. I haven't blushed in months too. Gosh I'm twenty years old and I still blush! And I want to spend the rest of my life with Dougie too. And I didn't have to worry about Arabella walking in on us. She was studying with a friend about some class project.

Heh...class project my ass.

I am the girlfriend of a sexy bass player!

I think I said that once a while back...

Dougie...He makes me aware of every single thing I do. He makes me feel high. He makes me numb. Sometimes I forget to breathe......which is exactly what I'm forgetting right now, I took in a gulp of air after staring at him for what seemed like an eternity.

All in slow motion...

Like the Matrix...

I continue to lay there and Dougie moves around a bit. As he slept, he pulled me in closer like a pillow where I was tight up to his warm chest and his cheek rested by my hair. Hopefully my hair smells good. I smile as I got closer to him. Watching Dougie sleep is a nice past time. You should try it someday.

Like when I was seven, my parents got me a puppy and as it slept, I watched it for the longest time, always smiling because I loved the sweet puppy (who chewed my slipper). Anyways, I watched the puppy for at least half a day. So if Dougie sleeps in until noon or something, then I bet I'm going to be watching him the whole time.

I love Dougie Poynter.

And the whole world knows it. Well...except for my dad...paparazzi...and all of McFLY’s rabid fans. My mom already knows. Mina accidently spilled the beans after she (my mom) found out I was in the hospital. I wouldn't blame Mina though. Mina said it in Korean which is a language that everyone thought my mom couldn't speak.


Never underestimate a fashion designer and her knowledge of other than fashion. Yeah this chick was a brain in high school.

My dad...

I should tell him.



I look at SpongeBob in the corner. He was saying yes. Can't you see his huge smile? I slowly, silently slip out of Dougie's arms and out of the bed. I search the floor for a thicker tank top and throw that on. I throw some shorts on because I do not really feel comfy-able with SpongeBob looking at me...heh...he saw everything!


I giggle because I guess I'm still immature and leave Dougie asleep in the bed and slip off to the kitchen where the phone was. The tiles beneath my bare feet were cold. Everything was cold. But it was warm too. I looked at the clock. Seven AM? That early? So its what- noon? One in the afternoon in London?

I call my dad's cell phone because I was tired of listening to that annoying "please hold" crappy music.

"Why are you up so early?" My dad asks me.

"Hello to you too Dad." I laugh.

"How are you Lara? Something is up because you never call plus it's before noon in New York."

"Well am I that obvious?" I sit on the marble kitchen counter.

"Yes as a matter of fact."

"Fine..." I laugh then put on a straight face quickly, "I haven't been completely honest with you about something." I say in a quiet tone. Do you think he'll get mad? What if he does his "Lara you're so irresponsible!" speech? Or the "fine but don't cry to me when you get your heart broken." speech muttering thing he does?

"Is McFLY in the city?" My dad randomly asks.

"I-yeah." Okay how did he know?

"Just wondering...continue." He seems to be in a jolly-good mood for a man who just got in an argument with Jive Records.

", daddy...please don't freak out...I uh..."

"Are you pregnant?" He asks straightforwardly.

"I-WHAT?! ew no dad! Oh my god - No!"

"Okay okay! Just making sure. So which McFLY boy are you dating?"

He just freaking asked if I had the preggers! For everyone's (whom even cares) information, I use protection everytime thank you very much!


OH MY GOD he said which McFLY boy am I dating!

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Lara which McFLY boy are you dating?" My dad said simply. There was amusement in his voice.

Oh no how did he know?

"I..." But I'm in shock.

"Its Dougie Poynter isn't it?' My Dad laughs.


He laughs!

"Dad," I say in a calm, shocked voice, "How did you know?"

"Oh honey I've know forever! Since I saw you talking to Dougie alone one day in a deserted hallway in one of the studios. Security cameras tell all you know." Oh so he's known since I went on that blind date! ...That’s a long time. "And I know you two had broken up for some reason last August. Lara I'm your father. I know everything." I can sense him smiling.

"So you're not mad?" I ask.

"No. He's actually a good one compared to the other blokes you've dated."

Oh thank heavens he's not mad! He doesn't forbid it! I feel like an adult now!

"But I wish he would stop throwing bananas at the Pap people. They keep on complaining."

And now I'm back to the teen father-daughter relationship. And I'm not even a teenager anymore!

I walk back slowly to my room. Dougie is still sleeping. I lay there for awhile and play with Dougie's necklace chain which is warm against his skin.

I kiss his eyelids softly.

"Do you know how many times I've dreamed of you doing that?" Dougie opens his eyes and looks at me.
I smile, "Good Morning."

He takes my left hand and kisses my fingers, "Good morning."

"I haven't slept that well in a long time." A strand of hair falls in front of my eyes. Dougie tucks it behind my ear.

"I haven't slept at all until last night." He looks into my eyes. I lock my eyes onto him.

Because of me and my stupidity, Dougie was probably a mess and probably heartbroken. Oh my gosh did I just sound cocky and arrogant or what?

"I'm sorry. Its all my fault-" I break our gaze.

"No! Lara no it's not your fault. It was just a misunderstanding." Dougie puts a hand on my chin and makes me look at him again, "alright?" He's so gorgeous! I look at his lips then his eyes.

I nod, "Okay."

"Come here," He says softly and kisses me lightly.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I say and snuggle up in Dougie's arms and we play footsie. You know- where our feet entangle together.

"I missed you too much. Tom said I was ill so he once got me drunk on purpose so I would shut up.

"To shut up?" I giggle as Dougie silently curses Tom.

"Yeah...I kept mumbling about you." He blushes. I smile.

He mumbles about me!


"Wait! So he got you drunk so you could shut up?" Well that doesn't make sense.

"Yeah Tom's stupid sometimes because I only ended up screaming about you while I was in a cowboy hat." Dougie smiles.

I burst out laughing and hug him. He hugs me tightly back.
"I love much Dougie." I whisper.

Dougie kisses my shoulder then my lips, "I love you too Lara."

After a late breakfast and a gazillion make out sessions, Dougie and I sat on the couch together. was more of I laid on top of him as we talked...and kissed. Well actually it was more kissing then talking.

"Do the boys know where you are?" I ask I play thumb war with Dougie.

"Yeah...I told them that I was coming here and that I won't be back until I get you back."

"But what if you never got me back?" I tease.

Dougie stops playing thumb war and moves so he's on top of me. I giggle as he tickles my belly button, "Now we both know that that would never happen." He starts kissing my neck.


I feel Dougie nod as a response as he gives me little love bites, "So what did you do...while we were apart." He mumbles in my neck. It tickled.

I bite my lip so I wouldn't scream out and say, 'you make me go crazy!' and then kiss him, "Nothing really. Just school. you?" I turn so I could kiss his lips.

"Just touring." He kisses me more, "Went to a freaky haunted place with the crazy bird named Evette from Ghosthunters."

"Did you have fun?" I ask as Dougie puts a hand under the backside of my shirt. His touch felt so good.

"No. I ran into a fucking wall." He laughs.

"Aw poor baby!" I laugh and kiss his forehead. He kisses me again then puts on a serious face. He leans his forehead against mine. We're quiet as he looks into my eyes.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"Really?" I whisper back.



He looks into my eyes then kisses me. His actions spoke louder than words.

Dougie and I drank tea and rested our feet on the coffee table as we sat on the couch.

"Night or day?" I ask.


"Love or money?"


"Beer or wine?"


"I love you." I say.

"You love me for beer?" He laughs.

"No! I love you everything about you." I'm snuggled up as I have my knees to much chest and Dougie's arm is around me.

"You're my everything." Dougie kisses my cheek, "Damn that sounded so cheesy.”

I laugh and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Lara."

"I love you too Dougie."

I wonder how many times we can say that to each other.

I felt so happy right now. And my mouth didn't hurt from all that smiling. It's amazing really. At this time yesterday I was crying.

I played with Dougie's silver necklace chain and Dougie traced the lines of my palm. We said nothing and it was just a perfect moment. Just us. Everything is perfect. Except for my hair. My hair is messy.

The door opens and in comes Arabella. She's on the phone and she's juggling about ten shopping bags.

"I see someone had a good project study session." Arabella always goes shopping after she has finished a project. I'm guessing it went well because I see a hickey on her neck but that story is for another time. Her project was a cute German guy.

Arabella spots us in the family room and stops strutting.

"I'll call you back Mina," Arabella hangs up and looks at us.

I smile lightly and Dougie stares at her. Thank goodness we weren't in the "I’m on top of Dougie" position and making out. Glad to be just sitting there with his arm around me!

She sighs and mumbles, "No wonder you didn't answer my ten calls."

"Oops." I whisper and check my cell phone which was on silent and underneath me. Arabella smiles to the ground shyly like she's never seen a couple cuddle before and then walks to her room...still blushing and smiling.

"Grunge, get your feet off the table."

"Yes Poodle."

"Thank you grunge."

Arabella smiles at me. A real smile. Not a fake one. And then she's out of sight.

"oh my god." I say shocked, "Weird."

"What?" Dougie asks.

"You guys are actually okay with each other."

" is kind of weird."

I laugh, "It is not normal!"
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Thanks for reading! Not done yet!