Secret Love Affair


I remember on high school graduation day in San Francisco, I said to Arabella, "these four years have gone by fast!" then we gave each other a stupid cheesy high five.

Four years go by quickly for me and my friends and family too this time around.

During the period of four years this is what happened:

Two months after Dougie and I got back together, McFly broke into the music scene and swept America off its feet and had a huge tour all across the United States. From New York to Hollywood.

Tom is still with Giovanna. Mina and I predict that they're going to tie the knot. Probably not soon but they will. Arabella thinks they're going to elope in Las Vegas because when McFLY had a concert in Las Vegas, Tom fell in love with the casinos. But that is just Arabella speaking of her weird fantasies I think.

Harry is with a girl names Izzy. Not sure though because he had just recently told Jazzie who told Arabella who gossiped it to me. But I hear she's a real beauty. Two years after McFLY got big in America, Harry also became the new face of my mom's male fashion line. She said he has those sharp model features. Danny laughed at this at Christmas because he said, "Ha! They only model thing about him is that he can pout!"

Danny is still with Lena. He told her he loved her while in a closet. LMAO-osity I know. He wrote a song about Lena two and a half years after they got together. The song quickly jumped to number one on the UK and US charts.

Dougie didn't by an island for Zukie. But he did organize a huge room all for that one lizard alone and had a statue sculpted in dedication to Zukie right after one of their up close and personal tours. The statue now sits in our flat. He was also nominated for cutest musician at the MTV choice awards a year ago. And he won! Well I mean-of course!

I love him so much.

Like I said, Lena is still with Danny. She still makes videos and does photography. She submitted one of her films in the Sundance film festival two years ago and won best special effects and original script. She is currently working on her first major production with Jack Black and Kate Hudson. Lena also now lives in my old flat. Yeah my dad gladly gave it to her as her twenty-second birthday gift. Now she can be with Danny and film at the same time.

Right after Dougie and I got back together when we were twenty, Mina teamed up with my mom and launched a London Fashion-based clothing line. It is the DKNY of London. So it’s like DKUK? Mina's expected to make a big impression and statement at the Paris Fashion week in a couple months. So yes she resides in London too.

What to say about Arabella? Two years ago, she was quickly accepted into this prestigious ballet company in-yes, say it with me- London. Once professionals and dance directors started noticing Arabella's talent, they urged her to move to London and start training immediately AGAIN. She gladly accepted and she now lives in this very cool (expensive) flat in the heart of London. And she's touring with the company right now around Italy. She'll be back in three months. I'm going to visit her!

Me. Lara Keating. Lara Poynter? No- not yet. Soon enough though. One year after attending NYU, I couldn't stand being apart from Dougie and spending all that money just to see him for a weekend. I need to be WITH him. So I did what any girl (like me) would do. I moved to London. I didn't finish college/university. Yes I know, for you university freaks out there- I'm sorry. But I ended it because my mom AND dad AND their lawyers AND all their other peoples high up on the star chain advised me not to go. Why? Because once you're famous and practically an adult, you're set for life with money rolling in every minute. Heck yes baby! I'm in London! And I'm officially owning part of Universal-Island records at the moment. I just released a collection (supported by DKNY) of surf/skate apparel and I have a contract to sell this line in the wonder store of PACSUN. Next year, I am hosting the MTV music awards in Los Angeles! wow...yes and plus I'm on the cover of this month’s Teen Vogue magazine.

Dreams do come true!!!

wow that sounded cheesy.

Anyways, I live with Dougie in London. I love every moment of my life with him and my friends. And guess what- we're engaged...secretly. We're like engaged to BE engaged. Get it? We want to wait a couple of years though and live a young life together and have fun without the complications of marriage and discussions of kids and then dealing with the media. Speaking of them, the whole world found out about "us" about one year after we got back together in New York City. Yes the Paparazzi had a field day when they saw us in a restaurant in Los Angeles. And everything's still okay. But NO ONE knows we're engaged-engaged. Hey! It's a SECRET LOVE ENGAGEMENT!

And as all Fairy Tales say:

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THANKS FOR READING! Now I am officially finished. Applaud Applaud. And I decided that I'm not going to delete this account. Just thought you should know.