Secret Love Affair

The Eyeliner Race

I sat in a chair in my hotel room with Lena and Arabella. Mina paced back and forth in front of us, hands behind her back. She looked at each of us individually, giving us "the eye". We sat there like school children in trouble with the principle. Mina played the principle. I exchanged quick glances with Lena and Arabella, smirking in the process.

"Tell me who took it." Mina said sounding like my old chemistry teacher.
Mrs. Wolf...ah the good days of pure trouble making. I remember that week long detention...yeah.... back to the story!

I was the trouble maker back in the day at school. Arabella was the good school girl. Totally opposite. But we did have the same sense of fashion when it came to accessorizing for our school uniform. Pulling the skirt more than 3 inches above the knee. Collar not buttoned, black nails (well that was me, Arabella’s was like pink or something), tie messed up, stand out jewelry from hot topic (that was me also. Arabella got her bling bling from Bloomingdales).

Yes...good times good times... Back to reality once again!

"Tell me who took my favorite, expensive, eyeliner!" Mina said.

"Why would you buy expensive eyeliner in the first place?" Arabella asked.

"25 dollar eyeliner actually." Lena added to the question.

"It’s really good eyeliner!" Mina said defending herself."C'mon guys! Where is it?!"

"Do you really need eyeliner?" Arabella asks smiling.

"Yes!" mina said getting more agitated.

"Uh-oh. Watch out. The monkey knows tai-Kwan-do." I said. Mina gave me a fake glare. I smiled and swallowed my gum. "Should we tell her?" I ask Lena and Arabella. I blinked three times, sending her the code. Three blinks= follow my lead.

"Fine." Arabella sighs, sending the three blinks to Lena. She catches on in an instant.

"Where is it?" Mina demands, practically pulling her hair out.

"Dude, calm down okay?" I said starting the story, "We went to try the eyeliner this morning while you were out getting out tea. Arabella took the eyeliner out of your purse." I said letting everything roll off my tongue. "This was in the lobby. And then Arabella saw a really cute guy and she dragged us with her to follow him."

"He was gorgeous!" Arabella said.

"And then we accidently left it in the lobby bathroom. We totally forgot about it until about thirty minute’s ago."

"And I think we lost it." Lena added acting guilty.

"And then-" But Mina cuts me off and runs out of the the room to go to the lobby, cursing in Korean.

"-I lied and put it in my back pocket." I said smiling. We were still sitting in our chairs, silent. I could hear the clock tick. We were waiting for Mina to run back.
"How long do you think she’ll take to check and come back with a butcher knife?" Arabella asks curiously.

"Two. Three minutes tops maybe." Lena said slipping on her shoes.

"Escape via stairs?" I ask calmly, swiping on some lip gloss. I don't know why I was putting on lip gloss. I never really cared for it.

"Yes we shall." Arabella said as we ran out of the room quickly with Mina's eyeliner and down the stairs.

i wonder if mina's wearing high heels again...


"Wake up!!!!! 'MORNING!!!!!" Tom, Danny, and Harry screamed, jolting Dougie awake from his peaceful sleep.

They used a mini drum set and guitars to wake him. Besides, nothing else will work.

"C'mon you old bum! Get up!!!" Tom screamed playing the guitar to surfer babe.
"Go away..." Dougie mumbled pulling his fluffy blue covers over his head.

"Dog Pile!!!" Danny yelled and everyone jumped on Dougie's bed. Dougie was extremely tired.

So what if he went to bed at two in the morning. It was eleven now. Still too early. He just wanted to lay in bed all day with his lizards.

"Argh, Tom take a bath!" Harry said squished between Tom and Danny. Dougie laughed, kicking someone's leg since he was underneath three guys.

"Danny." Dougie said.


"I think your finger is in my bellybutton."

"It is? Oh. Oops. Sorry Doug." He said slithering out of the now calm pile of stinky boys.

"Have fun last night, Tom?" Harry asked smiling.

"Where were you last night?" Dougie asked, having thought Tom stayed at the McFLY mansion while everyone else went to a pub.

"He was at Giovanna’s! Just got back two hours ago!" Danny teased.

"Aw dude! How was it?" Dougie asked sitting up.

"Sorry mates. I don't bang and tell."

The 4 boys roared with obnoxious laughter.

"Hurry Arabella!" I said running at an equal pace with Lena who had a video camera in her hands. She was filming the whole thing. We had run all the way down the stairs to the lobby, Lena and I had normal shoes on (converse and etnies), Arabella had on a pair of Steve madden flats that cost a lot of green paper.

"Give me back my eyeliner!" Mina screamed from afar.

"Shit!" I burst into a fit of giggles.

Mina looked like some little girl out of an anime comic book. You know with the big eyes, wild look on her face. She's talking but you don't see the mouth moving.

"Arabella, throw the eyeliner to me!" I said. We were outside now, running past people, saying sorry everytime we cut through. A stitch was forming on my side. Lena leads us. She was, after all, the most athletic one besides Mina. Lena turned in a park and I followed. I ran backwards and opened my arms to catch the eyeliner. Arabella threw it to me. I kept giggling and I caught it, even if I tripped. I took off with full speed, knowing how fast Mina could get.

"Hurry Lara!" Lena said.

"Where do we go?" Arabella asked out of breath, catching up to us.

"Not sure. Hide?" I ask

"Good idea." She said. We ran to a playground full of germ-infected kids on a fieldtrip. We ran past them and onto a play structure.
I felt so tall while on one of those platforms that makes the big playstructure seem like a castle. I haven't been on a playground in two years.

"Hide in the tunnel slide!" I said.

"We won’t fit." Lena protested.

"We'll make us fit." Arabella said climbing in first.

"Hey no cutting!" A small boy says.

"Move it kid." Lena says in a snooty way.

The boy took an intake of breath and ran off, "Mum!" he screamed, running to his mother.

I laughed. "Shhh...I hear her..." I whispered moments later.

It’s a funny little scene. Picture a medium length sized tunnel slide. Not that wide. Dark, germ-infected. Arabella was near the end of the slide, trying to hide her ridiculously long legs. I was in the middle, squished. My legs rested on Arabella's shoulders. My body was sort of twisted in an unknown way. And Lena's foot was resting my chest area. Yeah where it hurts if a girl was punched there. If she put any more pressure on it with her heel I might've screamed. My right hand held onto Lena's pant leg. My other hand was someone else clinging to some little gap in the slide.

"Hey Lara, Smile at the camera. It’s on night vision." Lena whispered. I could tell she was grinning broadly.

"Hi!" I whispered to the camera.

"Ow!" Arabella said, "Lara, you kicked my ear!"

"Oops. Sorry Arabella. Phew is it getting hot in here?" I asked giggling.

I take out my cell phone, stretching in an unknown way to achieve it and open it up to get light.

"That’s better." Arabella said looking up at me.

Lena looked around, "F.uck there’s a huge spider by my hand!"


"You know how many fit girls were at the pub?" Danny asked tom.

"How many Danny?" Tom asks making himself a turkey sandwich.

"A lot! There were these three fit chicks sitting nearby anD Harry and I wanted to talk to them." Danny continues, drinking a soda.

"But no, Dougie doesn't want to! He doesn't even acknowledge them! I know you're shy Doug but you always acknowledge them!"

"And they were wearing these tiny shirts! Like the girls we saw in Orange County!" Harry said happily.

"And Dougie just sat there, zoning out!"

"Wow. What’s up with that?" Tom asks Dougie, mouth full of food. Dougie didn’t feel like telling them what was going on in his head last night.

Oh so he's willing to tell every single detail about his banging parties but he's not willing to tell them about his 'feelings'?! Omg! Eye roll!

Dougie shrugged, "Just wasn't into it that much I guess."

"Going gay?" Harry asks simply.

"No! Dude, I was tired okay? They seemed like slags to me anyway." Dougie said, letting an image of those two girls pop into his mind. He had to admit to himself that those two chicks were pretty hot but he thought Lara was hotter, even if she was gonna wear an outfit that covered every inch of her fit body... uhh.... okay...

He couldn't stop thinking about Lara. He won't look at other girls now. Well he would just because he's a boy but those girls didn't have that much of an effect on him. Like everytime he sees her, he just wants her then and there. Every inch of her turned him on... okay I guess we are getting a little too personal!!!!
Back to the story: Dougie sighed. He didn't tell the others because Lara told him not to.

"I think Doug has a girl in mind." Danny said throwing a marshmallow at Dougie's face.

"It’s not Lara Keating if that what you think." Dougie said knowing that one of the guys knew something was going on. Most likely Tom.

"butwe know you think she's fit. And we know she fancy's you." Harry said.
"She doesn't fancy me." Dougie said. He knew he couldn't lie to himself. To the guys- yes. Dougie likes Lara a bunch and Lara felt the same way about him. But let’s not get cocky or anything.


"Oh my effin God! There's an effin spider the size of my thumb by my hand!" Lena screamed.

Arabella and I looked the tunnel at Lena. There indeed was a humungous spider.

We screamed so loud and high-pitched that it scared all the children complaining about the blocked-up slide.

Ah here’s a gross metaphor: The tunnel slide is the toilet. And we are its 'contents'. The spider is the plunger that helps flush us down the toilet! hahahaha just thought I should say that because I was reading Dougie's most embarrassing moment on a website and the whole side scene just reminded me of it so yeah... hehehe back to the story:




Lena started frantically kicking me to go down the slide and get out.
"OW OW OW- ARABELLA GO! OW STOP KICKING ME!" I screamed, kicking Arabella.

"Fucking go!" Lena screamed.

"Oi no cursing!" A little girl said.

"Shut the f.uck up!" I said urging Arabella to get out.

"I'm going! I'm bloody going!" Arabella shouted. She slid out the tunnel. I scrambled out, taking a big intake of fresh air. Lena scrambled out and started doing to spider dance. She was spinning around and slapping herself trying to get the spider off. She was screaming and panicking. She hated spiders. With a passion. It was kind of funny. One time, last November, we went to the zoo and one of the zoo's tarantulas escaped. It found Lena's leg as a ride and when she saw it, she fainted. It took 2 cute zoo keepers and a bowl of ice cream to calm her down.

I started laughing really hard as Mina came along. She walked past the freaking out Lean and came to me. There was a glint of laughter in her eyes.

"My eyeliner." she said trying really hard not to laugh. I sighed and took the eyeliner out of my pocket. She snatched it and put it in her pocket. I knew she wouldn't be mad at me for more than two minutes.

Mina looked at Lean and barked at her, "The spider isn’t on you!"

Lena stopped dancing, "Oh."

"You know you love us!" I said kissing Mina's cheek, smiling.

"Of course I do. And the spiders on you by the way." She said laughing.

I looked down and saw the spider on my shirt. "F.uck!!!" I screamed doing the spider dance.

"And did you see that bird who was extremely drunk?!" Harry asked laughing off his chair.

"Ah dude, she tried kissing Dougie!" Danny said to Tom.

"Yeah. And I politely declined her lovely offer." Dougie said walking out of the kitchen. The boys roared with laughter.

"Oi! Dougie- you going to Steve's party tomorrow? Arabella and her friends are going to be there." Tom said.

Dougie stopped walking and ran back to the kitchen. "what?"

"Yeah. Arabella's friends with Steve remember. They're going. And we weren't sure if you wanted to go cos of her."

"No. I'll go. I'm not going to let some poodle stop me from partying." Dougie said walking back out. "That’s the spirit!" Danny said.

Dougie smiled to himself. He'll get to see Lara.

** Tomorrow, I'll tell Lara how much I want to be with her. No matter what Arabella says.**

Yeah so Dougie's going to ask Lara to be his girlfriend and he felt nothing could stop him.


"Hey are you guys coming with me to Steve's party?" Arabella asks as we walk around the city.

"Yeah! I love parties!" I squealed with Mina. She was a big partier herself.
"McFly's going to be there." Arabella said clearly talking about Dougie Poynter.
I felt like I just got slapping the face with a frying pan while Lena smiled in excitement and clinged to my arm.

Over the days of being here, she developed a Massive Crush on Danny Jones. Of course, Arabella didn't mind! But one mention of the DP word and she'll go ballistic! So not fair. I felt very nervous now.

I had to stop everything with Dougie. I didn't want to but I must.

**Okay. Calm down Lara. Call it quits tomorrow. Call it quits.**
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Thanks for reading! Sorry I didn't update sooner.