Status: Working on it. =)


Chapter 2

“What the fuck? I didn’t kill your brother. I don’t even know your brother!!!” Billie Joe screamed out.

“Oh yes you do!!!! You called him an asshole …. Uhhh!!! I don’t have to say this to you. You have to pay for what you did!”

I was about to punch him again, when I was grabbed by Tre Cool. I couldn’t believe it! I finally get a chance to beat the shit out of this guy, and I’m stopped by Tre Cool himself. This turned out to be the worse day of my life. I mean, I come to Starbucks to bring a letter to his ex-girlfriend, find Billie Joe, punch him in the face and get fucking pulled aside? This is so not my day.

But looking into the ice blue shades of Tre’s eyes, I realize that there is no way that I will get another hit in. So, I walk away. Yes, I walked away. I didn’t know what to do, so I wandered around. I walked by this palm reading place. It was a nice little shop. I guess I unconsciously wanted to have a palm reading, because I found myself inside the small shop.

“May I help you?” asked the woman behind the counter.

“Um, I guess I want a palm reading?”

“Okay, follow me.”

I follow her back. There’s this cool little space where everything is lit up with candles. There’s an overflowing arrangement of maroon colors in the room. When I look at the person sitting in the center of the room, in front of a little table, I jump. I swear, I saw this woman at my brother’s funeral. When we walk in, she looks up.

“Ah, I see you have come to see your destiny.” The woman says.

“Yeah, I guess.” She takes my hand.

“Your journey starts at an unexpected time. You will lose what you value most and find anew what is most important, revenge or happiness. The choice rests on you and you alone.”

“Well, that was helpful. Thanks… for that.” I start to dig in my purse.

“Oh, this one’s on me. I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Uh… okay. Well, bye.”

I leave the shop and head back home. When I reach it, I head straight to my room. I sit there wondering what the lady meant. I valued Aaron, but I already lost him, so what could she mean? I checked my email to find an email from a “Mr. Tre Cool”.


Hello, this is Tre Cool. I’m writing to you to apologize for whatever you think Billie Joe has done to you. I assure you, Billie Joe is not a murderer. And hopefully, we could go out sometime? Think about it.

Tre Cool.

I laughed at how weird this guy was. So, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I noticed something: I have a penis!!!!!