Status: Brand new.

I've Waited Here for You Everlong

I Can't Wait To See You Again

“Oh hot damn! You’re a total babe!” Melissa cat called once Bailey finally came out of her room. “If I was batting for the other team, I’d totally be all over you.” She laughed causing Bailey to roll her eyes.

“You’re an idiot.” Bailey joked. She went into Melissa’s room to find a pair of heels that would go with the dark blue dress she was currently wearing. Finally finding a pair that matched, she slipped them on and took one last look in the mirror. She heard a loud knock at the door, which signaled the boys were here. This was the first date Bailey’s been on since the whole Jack/Caleb situation and to say she was nervous would be an understatement.

“Oh, hey guys! Right on time!” She heard Melissa greet their new guests. “Bailey! Come on! We’re heading out!”

Looking at her reflection one last time she headed out to see both guy dressed in black suits. Scott had his usually brown messy hair slicked back with a light blue tie. Bailey was shocked to see how classy and handsome he looked rather then the laid back, casual, style he typically sported. Jimmy was just as equally tall and good looking as his cousin. The only differences being he was blonde with a pink tie.

“You boys look nice.” Bailey complimented. “It’s nice to see you again Scott.” She leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.

“It’s nice to see you again too and might I add how incredibly stunning you look, but you always look gorgeous.” Scott replied smoothly. “Jimmy, I want you to meet Bailey Johnson.” He said to his cousin without removing his eyes from Bailey. Bailey looked over to Jimmy and offered out her hand. Instead of shaking it like Bailey had intended to do, Jimmy brought his hand up to his lips and gingerly pecked her knuckles.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from my cousin over here.” He bumped shoulders with Scott. “All good things of course.” He winked.

“Well, aren’t you both just charming.” Melissa teased. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve been dying for a night out since forever.”

The four left the apartment and climbed into Jimmy’s Mercedes. It was only a short drive to the venue, which was located in downtown Seattle. The car ride was filled with mindless chatter about where Jimmy worked and what he does in his spare time. Both Melissa and Bailey were impressed when they found out Jimmy was a successful lawyer who just opened up a practice not to far away from the diner both girls worked at. Jimmy pulled up to the valet and handed the kid his keys and grabbing Melissa’s hand. Scott wasn’t as smooth as Jimmy was and instead walked a little behind Bailey into the venue. They were quickly led to their table and ordered a few drinks. Jimmy and Melissa seemed to be hitting it off well. The two wouldn’t shut up. They talked about Taryn, work, traveling, basically everything under the sun. Scott tried to keep a conversation going with Bailey, but failed miserably every time.

“So, Bailey. What’s your story?” Jimmy finally stopped talking to Melissa and brought the conversation over to a very bored looking Bailey.

“Um, well, I was born and raised in Baltimore. I lived there most of my life before moving to Texas, where I lived for only a short time. I ended up in Seattle by chance and Melissa basically rescued me. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life, so school’s kind of on hold and that’s about it.” Bailey finished by taking a sip of her vodka and cranberry.

“Why did you leave Baltimore?” Scott asked.

“Eh, I just needed a change of scenery I guess.” Bailey shrugged not wanting to give the real answer.

“I think I’m a pretty good looking thing to look at.” A voice from behind Bailey and Scott spoke. Bailey turned around to see none other than Zack Merrick standing in all his glory.

“Oh my God! Zack!” Bailey squealed. She almost knocked the chair over when she jumped up to hug her long lost friend.

“Well, hello to you too.” Zack laughed hugging her back just as tightly. A loud cough broke the two apart. Bailey turned to see a glaring Scott and a confused looking Melissa and Jimmy.

“Um, Melissa, this is Zack, one of my hometown friends. Ya know, the people I’ve told you about.” Bailey hinted so Melissa would catch on. “And this is Jimmy and my date Scott.” Bailey finished pointing to each of the other guys.

“It’s nice to meet all of you.” Zack said cordially. “Do you guys mind if I steal her for a few minutes. I haven’t seen her in a long time and just want to catch up real fast.” Zack waited for no response before grabbing Bailey and making their way towards the hall just outside the room where the awards would be taking place.

“What are you doing here?” Bailey asked once they reached their destination.

“We’re nominated.” Zack stated simply. “The real question is what are you doing here.”

“Well, I live here now. In Seattle.” Bailey shrugged like it was no big deal.

Zack rolled his eyes. “I’m going to need more of an explanation than that.”

“Ugh, okay. I traveled all over the place looking for a job and ended up here. I’m a waitress at some local diner. It’s not a bad job. That girl Melissa is my roommate. She’s pretty cool. I’m doing fine and I’m starting to be happy again.” Bailey explained.

“And who’s the guy?” Zack asked.

“Scott. This is our first date and it’s not going well. He’s boring, so don’t get all over protective on me.” Bailey laughed.

“It’s good to see you again, Bailes. I’ve missed you. We all have.” Zack smiled sadly.

“I miss you guys too. How are the guys?” Bailey asked, but one guy in particular she was slightly more curious about.

“They’re good. He’s good. Well, as good as can be.” Zack answered honestly. “They’re all here. You should come say hi.”

Bailey choked on her drink when he said those words. “All of you guys are here?”
Zack merely nodded.

“Oh, um, I don’t think it’s such a good idea. Not now at least.” Bailey’s voice wavered from the nerves that now over took her body.

“Zack! There you are! Come on! Our award’s next.” A familiar voice shouted. Bailey’s breath hitched in her throat once she saw who was coming their way. “Oh who’s the babe? You macking it bro?” He laughed. That is until he saw whom Zack was talking to.

“Hi Jack.” Bailey squeaked.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Jack spat, the shock immediately wearing off.

“I was, uh, I was invited.” Bailey’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“You invited her, Merrick!?” Jack yelled at his friend and band mate.

“No! I just saw her. Calm down, bro. You’re making a scene.” Zack pointed to the people around them who were now looking at the three.

“Fuck them. Let’s go. I hear them starting.” Jack seethed. He took one last disgusted look towards Bailey before storming off.

“I’m sorry, Bailes. Are you going to be okay?” Zack searched her face for a clear answer, but couldn’t read her look.

“I’ll be fine. Go. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” Bailey said with no emotion to her tone.

“Okay. Tomorrow.” Zack gave her one last look before running back into the show. Bailey took a deep breath before finally making her way back towards her table.

“You’re finally back.” Scott stated. Clearly he was not happy about her leaving with Zack.

“Um, yeah. I’ve got to go. I’ll see you at home.” Bailey stuttered before taking off out of the venue. She barely hailed a cab before letting the tears fall down her cheeks. Obviously Jack hadn’t moved on from anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Super long one because I had lots of new subscribers and a few comments. =) Oh, and the Jets won. YAY! And the intro of Jack. Not a nice Jack, but Jack never the less.

If you like snowboarding/snowboarders you should check my other story Her Diamonds Falling Down or you should just check it if you need something new to read.

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