Status: Active

Till The End

Sunday Dinner

Ever think things can't just change over night? Ever believe that zombies weren't real? Well you were wrong.

Vienna woke up in the middle of the night to hear her mother screaming. She quickly shot out of bed and ran to her parents room running into walls and slipping on a dog toy. What she saw there, there were no words for it. Her cousin Rebeca chomping down on her dead mothers neck as if it was Sunday's dinner. Vienna didn't know what to do. She was too shocked to move. The monster in front of her snarled and turned it's attention to her. Vienna snapped back to reality or what felt like a nightmare. Her cousin looked at her for a second and then lunged. Vienna screamed and ran down the hallway to her room slamming the door, feeling the monster slam it's body against the door snarling and pushing. Vienna didn't know what to do, she closed her eyes and counted to ten hoping it was nothing but a dream, but when she opened her eyes again the thing was still banging against the door. Vienna needed a way out and the only way was through the door. She looked around the room looking for anything to defend herself with. Her eyes quickly spotted the hockey stick she use to use to play street hockey with her friends with. Her friends...they were probably all dead. She shook the thought from her mind and focused on trying to get out.

She quickly stepped away from the door and ran to pick up the hockey stick. As soon as her hand reached the stick the door slammed open and there stood the monster that use to be her cousin. It walked toward her slowly and then lunged forward. Vienna held out the hockey stick and jammed it into it's head. Her cousin slid to the floor hockey stick right in the middle of her forehead. Vienna wiped the tears from her eyes and grabbed her phone, phone charger and anything else she could think of as quickly as possible. She left the bloody corpse on the floor but too the hockey stick still drenched in the monsters blood. She grabbed the car keys from on top of the coffee table and headed toward the back yard to the garage. As she passed by the wash room she heard whimpering. She slowly opened the door hockey stick at ready. She waited for the attack but instead her pit bull Cali came running out. Vienna sighed in relief and quickly picked the dog up and ran for the car. She put Cali in the back and quickly got in and started up the engine. She pulled out of the driveway and screamed when she almost hit her neighbor who was currently being chowed down by the mail man. Vienna's eyes stung from the tears but she continued to pull out.

The neighborhood was a mess, bodies of people, dogs and there was the ones who were still half alive walking around looking for another meal. Vienna tried to ignore it and continued to drive as fast as she could. She pulled her phone from her bag and dialed as many numbers and she knew, none answered. She called her sister, who lived on the other side of town. She had a three year old and Vienna was his godmother. But her sister didn't answer. Vienna could feel the knot in her chest tighten, she needed to see if she was OK, she needed to know if there was still some hope left in this nightmare of a world.
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If it sucked sorry guys, next chapter people will be introduced. I needed an intro and this was how I pictured it.
Give it a shot guys.