Status: Active

Till The End


Hold onto this lullaby Even when the music's gone.

Vienna walked slowly into the apartment after using the spare key her sister gave her. So far the apartment complex was clear, no movement of any sort of. It was dead quiet though and that's what scared Vienna the most. She slowly closed the door behind her trying not to make any sound. She held the hockey stick in her hand tightly preparing herself for anything to jump out at her. She scanned the living room and noticed the lamps knocked down and the picture frames were crooked on the wall.

Vienna walked into the kitchen and the sight made her cringe and step back. In the middle of the floor was her brother in law. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and the side of his head. She carefully walked around the body and into the bathroom that connected to the main bedroom. However, Vienna lost her breath and tears came to her eyes when she saw her sister laying in the middle of the floor. Blood coated her body from her hair, to her stomach, down to her legs. Vienna quickly wiped away the tears and examined the body noticing the bite in her sisters shoulder and then fixing her gaze on the object sticking out of her sisters chest. Vienna put the pieces together. Her brother in law bit her sister and in order to prevent becoming a monster her sister killed herself.

Vienna's head snapped up when she heard footsteps coming toward the bathroom. She stood straight up, hockey stick in hand. Instead of any kind of monster coming towards her, her god son stood in the middle of the door way. His eyes were red from crying.
"Nina?" Vienna sighed and went over to pick him up.
"Jareth, baby. Are you okay? Did anything bite you?" He shook his head no and buried his face into her shoulder. She realized they were sill in the bathroom where his mother was laying dead. Vienna walked into the bedroom and closed the door.
"Do you know what happened baby?" He shook his head no. Vienna sighed and knew time was ticking. They needed to get moving.
"Alright Jareth, go in your room shove as much clothes as you can into this bag and grab two stuffed animals to take with you, we're leaving." He sniffled, grabbed the bag from her hands and walked to the other room. Vienna looked around the bedroom, it all seemed so different yet the same. The bed she sat on when she would come over and they would just watch tv or complain about little things that didn't matter, it was all gone now.

Vienna grabbed two more duffle bags that had her sisters dance studio logo on it and walked to the kitchen to grab whatever food and drinks she could find. She shoved them all into one of the bags and then went to check on Jareth. She walked down the small hallway and stopped to see a picture of Jareth, her sister and her husband. She grabbed the picture off the wall and shoved it into the other bag knowing that if her and Jareth made it somehow he was going to want to remember his family.

"Baby, we need to get going." She grabbed the bag from him and put it over her shoulder and picked him up. She walked to the front door taking one last look at the apartment. Tears threatened to spill but she had to be strong.

"Okay Jareth when we go outside I need you to be very quiet okay? Just until we get to the car. Can you do that for me?" He nodded but said no words. He seemed to not want to say anything, she didn't blame him after not knowing what happened to his parents.
Vienna walked out of the apartment and to the car quietly, silently cursing the bags as they made noise with every step she took. After what seemed like forever she finally reached the car. She quickly looked around and saw two of the...things across from where she parked. She quickly pulled the door open and put Jareth in the passenger seat along with the bags. She saw them start making their way over to the car and she climbed inside and locked the doors. Jareth was petting Cali not even paying attention. Vienna started the car but had no idea where to go. She checked her phone again. It read one missed call. She pressed open and saw it was from her friend Michael.
She quickly hit the call button. It rang three times until...


He was alive.
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Lyric credit in he beginning of the story goes to Taylor Swift and The Civil wars- Safe and Sound