‹ Prequel: Chasing Dragonflies

Pull My Strings

Tears Roll Down My Face

Between us Jeph and I got the living room tidied and most of the kitchen cleaned. After getting showered and dressed I wandered downstairs to Find Bert, Quinn and Dan lounging over the couches.

"Wow, you guys are actually up before the sun's gone down today," I dropped my jaw in mock shock.

"Hey, it's hard work partying like a rockstar," Dan replied, eyes never leaving the television.

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? Well it's even more hard work cleaning up after a rockstar."

"No one told you to do it," Quinn said through a mouthful of dry cereal he was eating from the box in his lap.

"Who else was going to do it?"

"Jepha?" Bert asked.

"Where is Jeph anyway?" Quinn asked.

"He's gone home to get some fresh clothes and collect his mail. And he helped me clean up earlier," I informed them as I moved around the couches and into the kitchen.

"That's cause he's whipped," Quinn scoffed.

I stuck my head into the living room, "He's not whipped, he was just doing what any other decent human being would do. So you, dipshit, are coming grocery shopping with me."

Quinn groaned, "Why can't one of those guys come with you or call Super Jepha, he might enjoy it."

"You're coming with me because you are the co-occupant of this house and you have the last edible foodstuff in your hand," I leaned against the back of the couch my brother was sprawled out on.

He looked up at me with big blue eyes identical to my own and I shook my head at him.

"Fine, I'll come with you," he sighed and stood up slowly and deliberately, making his way upstairs.

"Jesus Quinn, it's not like I'm going to torture you," I rolled my eyes at him as I flopped down beside Bert.

"So Jeph'll be back later?" he asked me.

I glanced over at him, "Yeah. Why, you missing him?"

"No, just figured he spends so much time here he might as well move in."

I raised an eyebrow, "Says you?"

Bert held his hands up in protest, "Technically I don't live in Utah anymore. I only crash here when I'm not in L.A."

"What about Dan?" I asked.

The drummer shifted in his armchair next to the TV, "I go home."

"Yeah, to feed Frankie and George but that's about it," I scoffed, referring to his two dogs.

"And what exactly is Jeph doing right now?" Dan asked.

I wriggled down into the sofa and mumbled, "Picking up some of Zelda's stuff."

Dan grinned triumphantly and I flipped him off.

"Come on kid, move your ass already," Quinn yelled as he appeared in the hallway and walked out the front door.

I stood up and shrugged on my jacket over my hoodie, "Do you guys want anything?"

"Beer," Bert and Dan replied in monotone unison, neither's eyes leaving the TV.