‹ Prequel: Chasing Dragonflies

Pull My Strings

I've Figured Out

"I told you Jepha would be here," Quinn smirked as the two of us toppled through the front door, arms full of groceries.

"Huh?" Jeph glanced up from the TV.

"I said that these two would have wrecked the place," I motioned to Bert and Dan, "Hi, by the way. Come help me in the kitchen?" I bent down to peck him on his stubbly cheek.

Quinn grinned as he transfered the bags from his arms to Jeph's, "Here you go sucker."

The boys exchanged playful jeers as we moved into the kitchen.

"She was at the grocery store," I informed Jeph quietly.

"Who?" he asked as he tipped his bags out onto the counter.

"Her," I firmly stated, looking at him pointedly.

Realization flushed his handsome face, "Sadie?"

I pressed my fingers to his lips to shush him, "I managed to stop them from seeing each other."

"They're going to meet eventually," Jeph took my hand from his mouth.

I looked down and shrugged, "Not if I can help it."

Jeph lifted my head up, "You're a good little sister but you can't protect him front everything."

"I don't want to protect him from everything, just her," I argued.

Jeph smiled, his snakebites shining in the mid-afternoon sunlight, "I think he can handle it this time around."

I sighed and shook my head, "I hate drama."

"Well, this past year's been pretty drama free so I guess karma's just trying to balance out the universe," Jeph reasoned.

"I guess," I looked up into his dark eyes and smiled weakly.

He pushed his tattooed fingers through my hair, sending a tingle across my scalp, "Don't worry so much Mace."

"I'll try," I smiled genuinely this time and stood on my tip toes to kiss his lips.

"Good," he smiled against my lips, his hands on my hips pulling me into him.

"Jesus guys, do you have to screw in the kitchen?"

I glanced over at my brother standing in the doorway, "Fuck you Quinn."

He waved his index finger of his left hand at me, "Now, now Macy. We all know that that would be both disgusting and illegal."

I rolled my eyes as he returned to the living room, "You know, it's getting easier not to worry about him and Sadie?"

"Really?" Jeph laughed, "What happened to the concerned little sister?"

I shrugged, "She's gone back to being her repressed little self."