‹ Prequel: Chasing Dragonflies

Pull My Strings

How This World Turns

Jeph was awoken by his little dog, Zelda, licking his face. It was her way of letting him know she wanted to go for a walk.

"I'll be there in a second Zelds," he grumbled, lifting her off his chest and setting her on the floor.

Rolling onto his side he smiled lazily. Macy lay on her stomach next to him, the white sheet crumpled around her hips exposing her bare back. He reached out and brushed the soft, dark curls away from her peaceful face, bare from make-up and the only piercing she wore was the little silver ring that hugged her nose. It felt like she got more beautiful everyday. All the shit that had gone down between himself and Quinn when he and Macy first got together was worth it.

Zelda's yapping brought him out of his daydream and he pulled the sheet up around Macy's shoulders to keep out the early morning chill. Squirming into his well worn jeans and twisting into the green shirt dangling off of Macy's bedpost he ushered the little dog out of the room.

Downstairs he shoved on his shoes, jacket and obligatory hat before grabbing a banana and Zelda's leash and heading out the door. This, he decided as he crunched his way across the frozen grass, was his second favourite thing to do in the morning. First was hanging out in bed with Macy but second was definitely chilling with his little dog.


He looked up from Zelda and almost choked on his mouthful of fruit, "Sadie?"

"Yeah, oh my God. How have you been?" she asked, tucking some of her platinum hair behind her ear.

"Um," Jeph blinked, "Busy. You?"

"Same, though not traveling the world being a rockstar."

He nodded, still a little blindsided by the sudden appearance of the girl who basically tore out his best friend's heart and ripped it to shreds.

"So what have you been up to?" he asked.

Her eyes darted to the ground, "Oh, well, I was working for a law firm in New York."

"Sounds great. A lot more exciting than little Provo, huh?" Jeph smiled politely.

"Something like that, yeah," Sadie smiled weakly and moved her hair behind her ear again.

The early morning sun hit the ring on the important finger on her left hand, making it sparkle.

"Are congratulations in order?" he motioned to the jewellery.

She looked down at her hand and he caught a flicker of something across her face. Disappointment? Regret perhaps. It may just have been wishful thinking.

"Well I got married if that's what you mean. I'm not sure if congratulations are necessary though," she sighed.


She shook her head and smiled again, "Just a rough patch. Jeremy, my husband, works away a lot so its difficult. What about you, anyone special?"

Jeph couldn't help but grin, "Uh yeah, actually. Macy and I've been together a little over a year now."

"Macy, Macy? Allman Macy?" Sadie asked, obviously shocked.

"Yeah. Took us long enough but... we're happy," he shrugged.

"What about Quinn?" her voice was so quiet he wasn't sure at first if she had spoken.

"He's good. Enjoying life as always."

A wistful smile graced her pretty features, "Good, I'm glad."

They stood in awkward silence for a minute until Zelda's yapping rang through cold air.

"I guess I should get her home," Jeph motioned to the small dog, "She's not had breakfast yet."

Sadie nodded with a smile, "Well, it was good seeing you Jeph and it's really great that everything's worked out for you, for all of you."

"Thanks, you too. I'm sure we'll see you around," he smiled.