‹ Prequel: 25 To Life
Status: Complete

When It All Falls Apart


“Dude can I come to your house after school?” My best friend Jayden asked while we sat in math class.

“Yeh just want ta see my mum.” I said laughing a bit earning a glare from the teacher. I had a voice like my mom but mine was half British and half American.
I was mostly British but being in America for fifteen years kind of gave me a bit of an American accent.

“Your mom if fucking hot I mean she is only thirty.” He whispered/yelled. I just rolled my eyes.

“How is your dad?” That got me mad because the guy who plays the father roll in my life is not my dad. Hell he is not even married to my mum; she refuses to take a gift from him let alone a ring.

“Andeh is not my fuckin’ dad, but ‘e is on tour. ‘E is on tour more than ‘e is at ‘ome.” You must be wondering who I am talking about, well I’m talking about Andy Biersack or better known as Andy Six.

Apparently he was in my mum’s life when my real dad died of lung cancer. Mum always showed me photos of my dad. I know he was Oliver Sykes and I found out that mum was his daughter. She didn’t tell me, I pieced things together.

His last name was Sykes and so was hers but she didn’t have a wedding ring on her finger. When she showed me photos of them together they had some similar features.

Mum was shocked when I told her I knew she was dad’s daughter, but she just told me not to tell anyone else I knew.

“Tommy?” I looked over at Jayden.

“It’s time to go home dude.” We get up and walk to our lockers, which are right next to each other. I looked at Jayden who was bouncing on the heels of his feet. He got like this every time he wanted to come over.

“A’righ’ chill le’ me call my mum ta see if I‘s OK.” I said taking the book I needed and putting them in my bag. We walked outside of the building and whipped out my phone and scrolled over people to my mum then I pressed call.

“‘Ello Thomas wha’ do yeh need?” My mum said in her beautiful half British half Swedish voice came through the speaker. Did I really just say my mum’s voice is beautiful?

“‘Ey mum Jayden wants ta know if ‘e can come over?” I asked hoping she would say yes, because Bully Beatdown was on to night and Jayden and I usually watch that together.

“Yeah sure I don’ see why no’.” She said making me jump up and down.

“Thank yeh mum! I’ll be ‘ome in a few! Love yeh buy!” I hung up after I heard her say ‘buy’.

“I’m assuming she said yes?” Jayden asked, I nodded, he smiled, and we walked to my house.

‘Welcome back to Bully BeatDown’

Jayden and I jumped back up to the voice of Mayhem Miller. The bully just got tapped out five times and now it’s time for the boxing round.

“Hey dude where is your mom?” Jayden asked looking at me.

“In the kitchen.” I said cringing when the fighter had the bully in a leg lock.

“I will be righ’ back.” I said before getting up and going into the kitchen to see mum bent over in the fridge. I found myself looking at her ass… wait what? I looked away before she caught me looking.

She came up when she heard me come in and smiled. Oh my God that smile, wait what am I saying? Mum went back to getting something in the fridge.

“‘Ey ‘oneh wha’ do yeh want for dinner?” Mum asked walking over to the eating table and sitting in a chair then crossing her toned legs at the knee. Did I just really say my mum’s legs were toned?

“Um ‘ow ‘bout tofu chicken wiff rice and green beans?” I asked.

“‘M goin ta ‘ave ta go ta the store.” Just then mum’s phone went off, it was Andy’s ringtone.

“Wha’ yeh mean yer moving out?” Was he really moving out? Were my dreams coming true?

“I will be fine.” Mum said then hung up.

“What’s goin’ on mum?”

“Is everything OK Ms. S?” I turned my head to look at Jayden.

“Loo’s like yeh won’t be seein’ Andeh aneh more.” Mum said looking at me. Yes I have her all to myself! Did I just say that?

“Why?” I asked sitting next to her.

“‘E said ‘e moved out.”

Fuck yeah now I really had mum all to myself!

Oh my God what has gotten into me?
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think is in Thomas's mind?


OH Here is a photo of Thomas and Jayden!!
