‹ Prequel: 25 To Life
Status: Complete

When It All Falls Apart


“Now Mrs. Sykes you will feel a little discomfort after this procedure.”

I nodded as they hooked an IV in my arm and gave me an anesthesia to put me to sleep. If you are wondering what I am doing, I am getting an abortion.

Thomas stayed home because he was pissed off at me for doing this. I’m doing what is best
for him, he dose not see that but as his mother I have to.

The nurse was telling me that I was doing good and to keep breathing in the oxygen mask. I was going in and out of consciousness. I shut my eyes and let blackness consume me.

“‘Ow can yeh do this?!” I looked up at dad.

“‘M sorreh! I just wanted wha’s best fo’ ‘im!” I fell to the ground as he punched me in the face.

He fell with me and wrapped his arms around my body.

“Where are we?” I asked looking all over the place.

“We’re in yer mind.” I just nodded.

“‘M sorreh I ‘it yeh babeh.” I nodded in response.

I can see the hurt on his face. He was hurting because I wouldn’t talk to him. He was hurting because I wouldn’t look at him. Most of all he was hurting because I was getting rid of the baby.

“Dad I-”

“Las’ time I checked weh where still datin’.” But we are not, he is dead and I am with Thomas now.

“No. No we are no’. Yeh are dead-” I started to cry now. This was the Time to except dad’s death.

“Yer dead! And now ‘m wiff our son.” He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

I had to be at the clinic at 7:15, I got home at 9:30. I walked inside of the house to see Thomas sitting on the couch. His arms were crossed over his chest with a pout on his face.

“Thomas wha’s wrong?” He gave me an evil look that I have never seen before from him.

“Wha’ was tat look fo’?

“Yeh know what tat look was for mum.” Then he stood up. He came over to me and struck me across the face.

I fell to the floor, holding my cheek and then gasped. Why would he hit me, Thomas was never a violent person. I looked up at him with a tear stained face, he looked like he regretted what he did.

“Thomas... Why did yeh... Why did yeh do t-tat?”

“I-I...” He started to speak but then he ran upstairs.

I haven’t seen Thomas all day. It was now 10:35 and I am outside his door. It was open a little bit so I gently knocked on his door, only to have it open even more.

“Thomas?” I called into the room before going into his room.

It was empty and the window was open. I checked his dresser, his iPod and cell phone where gone. Then I checked his closet, nothing was missing.

I sat down on his floor and started to cry.

My fifteen year old son hit me and then ran away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry for the lack of updating!!!!

Hope this chapter is good enough for you guys!!

Comments make my life right now!!