‹ Prequel: 25 To Life
Status: Complete

When It All Falls Apart


I walked down the street to the park. It has been three days since I seen mum. I spent two days at Jayden’s house. I miss mum, there is no doubt that I do.

I’m on my way to the park to get my shit cleared up. I can not believe I hit mum because she got rid of our baby.

Do you think she would have kept it if I told her I wanted to be a dad? It’s too late now, with her tubes being tied it’s going to be imposable for her to get pregnant again. It was extremely rare for her to get pregnant in the first place.

I heard my cell phone beep, meaning I had a text message. I had enough time to read the text from mum before my phone died.

‘Please come home. I am sorry for what I did.’

Mum dose not type in text message talk and she never will. I feel bad for hitting her then taking off, But I didn’t know what to do.

I turned in the opposite direction and started my my walk home. I can not stay mad at mum for two reasons. One, she is my mum and two, she is my girlfriend.

Mum has a photo shoot today so I have no idea if she is home. She might have texted my from the photo shoot.

I walked up to our house and grasped the door handle. I gently turned it, the door was unlocked meaning mum was home.

I quietly walked into the house to see mum asleep on the couch. She had tear stained cheeks and her nose was red. Probably from blowing her nose a lot.

I closed the door and tip toed over to her. I kneeled down in front of her and wiped a stray tear that was on her cheek.

I leaned over her and kissed her forehead then both her cheeks and then finally her lips. Mum opened her eyes making me pull away. She blinked and then shot up then jumped on me, sending us to the floor.

Her face was in my neck. I felt her tears drip down on my skin.

“‘M sorreh for gettin’ rid of our babeh. Yeh ‘ave teh know tat I did it for yer own good.”

“No, I am sorreh. I should ‘ave never ‘it you.”

“Its OK.”

Just as I was about to kiss her and banging on the front door scared me and mum half to death.
♠ ♠ ♠

OK I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that I found out that I don't have Carpel Tunnel! *YAY!* Hehe
So now you want to know why I didn't update for over a month.
That is because I had massive writers block and kept deleting everything I wrote.
And also my External Hard-drive is broken so I had to re-write chapter 18. *BOOOO!* hehe

Aaaannnndddd now the bad news is I have to start my home schooling like tomorrow.
So I will update when I can.

So who do you think is at the door? Andy?, The police?, Jayden?,
Who ever guesses right will be featured in the next chapter's author's note!

OH and if you have any stories you think I will like please comment with the link or title.