Knight's Bane

Chapter One

The sun hung over the cloudless skies and heated the fields. The herd of cattle grazed and rested on the lavish green grasses.

It was a perfect day for Lucus to enjoy his brief moment of tranquility. He leaned lazily against a tall shady tree which stood on a small hill directly in front of the forest, but, in its enormity, separating the village from this amazing field. He, as a loner-knight, was always enchanted by this type of peace; because his previous life which brought images of despair and resentment, and even now he still had his trials. So, taking each available moment he would come to these fields and view this balance of peace.

He stood still and listened to an unusual rustling in the nearby bushes. The mixture of voices and metal troubled him deeply. The atmosphere became eerie, a cloud of insecurity unleashed itself upon him, and so he held his scabbard. In an instant, an arrow dug in the trunk of the oak tree, a thick piece of bark ripped apart in front of his eyes. He quickly crouched and took cover behind t it. Without his armor, he was quick on his feet but, these silk robes where hardly any effective protection against any weapon. Two more arrows ripped at the trunk of the tree and plowed into the field. Lucus breathed deeply, his heart pounded at a now rapid rate, ideas flashed in his mind. Already, he was plotting a way to escape from his ambush. He knew someone was trying to keep him behind this tree. Could it be more than one, or could it be more? He thought about it, but now he knew he had to move from this thorny area.

He slowly stood up and took one quick glance in the bushes, nearly meeting eye to eye with another one of those wooden iron capped devil. He spotted a bronze armor among those bushes, he was certain it was a knight, no one else could be so skilled with an bow-, though it would be rare to find such a person-, outside of the noble ranks.

Lucus pulled his silver blade from his scabbard and exhaled heavily. He was frightened, not that he was being hunted but, by the skills of this mysterious archer. He was always being hunted for his betrayal of the king. He was once a prince, crown prince, who rebelled against the king and took cover by night to make his escape from the castle. Tired of been unheard, tired of being unseen, tired of being mistreated and tempted he abandoned wealth and respect for his freedom and pleasure. But did he get it? Or did he sign a dead warrant?

Guarded by the tree he took another swift glance. But, strangely, no arrow launched at him. He stood up and surveyed the area. There was no sign of the mysterious knight. Where could he be? Lucus thought to himself. He couldn’t disappear in the thin air. Cautiously, Lucus moved, back against the tree, he held the sword firmly.

He stopped when a beast-like shout ripped through his eardrums. He quickly ducked to avoid a slash a knight made at him. The weapon savaged the tree. Lucus glared at the knight, who was armed to the teeth, his face was masked completely. Lucus couldn’t identify him. The man growled and pulled at his sword furiously. Stuck in the tree, the sword budged slightly at the first tug until it was finally free. Lucus rolled and got on his feet in a flash. The knight slashed furiously again at Lucus; Lucus dashed and returned the same amount of brutality in a defensive hack. The blades rang loudly. Fury was in both battlers’ eyes.

They clashed again and each struggled, thrusting the blade at each others neck. Lucus stood firmly with his left foot behind him; preventing him from getting imbalanced. Foolishly, the knight exerted all his energy in his swift blows. The armor was heavy, the plates were strong but moving fast was tiring in such armor. Lucus dodged each blow calmly, studying his attacker. He then slashed and stopped his final swing.

Grabbing his wrist, Lucus bent it behind him and used his sword to pry the knight’s weapon from his grip. He then dug his heel in the weaponless fiend’s joint; he fell to his knees with a groan.

Lucus grabbed the knight in a strangle hold and held his sword at his neck. Then he asked harshly.

“What do you want from me fiend?”

The knight struggled to be released. He kicked and pulled on Lucus’s jet black hair but, due to Lucus’s determination and the knight’s lack of lack of stamina, his efforts were futile. So he answered.

“I was sent to kill you.”

“By who,” Lucus asked rashly.

The knight resisted to answer. He only exhaled and smirked under his dark, heavy helmet. Moments passed and the knight was sure of his resistance. He never budged, nor did he utter any words. Lucus was patient, held him still and abruptly pushed him on the tree. The knight crashed face first in the trunk. But, alas, he was protected by the visor of his helmet. He quickly turned around to make his escape but Lucus was on top of him. Lucus grabbed his neck and pushed the sword a bit in his neck. Crimson blood ran down the blade like a stream of water unto the floor of the forest, being directed by the rock and leaves on the living forest floor.

“I’ll ask one more time… Who sent you?” Lucus asked, stern and demandingly. Now his blood was gushing from his body. His heart fought his chest plate, beating like an early morning drum, but now his bloodlust maybe kicking in. The infamous reputation he had caused him to be ruthless, due to, being hunted daily. For a seventeen year old, it had grown to be apart of him, abnormally, he was kindhearted but deadly.

“I’ll never sell my lord.” said the knight, gulping.

Thrusting the sword deeper, Lucus detached the helmet and said.

“You’re willing to die for your lord, but is he willing to die for you? Your life is worth more than being a hunter of a simple loner. I’m just trying to live my life freely but I can’t because you knights are a nuisance in my life. Do your family, friends and yourself favor and go home.”
Lucus stood and slipped the sword into his scabbard. The sweat drenched knight was, now, slowly being covered in his own blood.

“Tell them you didn’t find who you were looking for but you came under ambush.”
Lucus turned towards the forest’s exit and walked away.

The leaves crushed under his feet and he paced gradually through the clustered forest. He had to force himself through the closely spaced trees. The hard barks tore his robe leaving trails for anyone to follow. The sun’s rays, which seeped through the thick covering of leaves over head, hardly lit the forest floors. Lucus had to extend his hands to get through his obstacles.

Finally he stepped slowly in a clean, infertile part of the forest. The area, which seemed to be a small desert, was only circle surrounded by vast flourishing grasses. In the dead center was an extinguished fire. Lucus walked over to inspect it. It had been extinguished alright but with a deeper investigation Lucus’s eyes squinted at the sight of a small fire trickling at the base of the packed twigs. With further examinations he noticed that footsteps lead away from the site. They seemed fresh. He pondered if the maker of the foot prints was still in the area. He held his head high and soon, again… got lost in thought.
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If you have any questions please feel free to ask and note briefly. This story doesn't have a specific era, I made the era myself.