Status: Work in progress but active

Prototype Zero

Chapter 11- Models! Models! Models!

Models! Models! Models!-Begin

Takashia: “Well the gate is locked. So, what do we do now that we’re late as ever?”

Shun ponders and thinks of a way to get to class.

Shun: “We can’t even go to class anyway. Zero is completely tired and resting right now. I don’t want anyone to see him stagnant like this and take him away. Plus it’s against Principal Shuichi’s school policy to bring Machina onto school property.”

Takashia: “I know. We’re the reason that we can’t bring Misery or Zero into the school. Even if we did, we could risk expulsion from doing that.”

Shun: “Yeah. You’re right. I guess we have a day off. I bet school is going to be boring today anyway so we should hang out somewhere inconspicuous so we won’t get caught by any security.”

Takashia: “Yeah maybe we can hit up the arcade in the mall for that new fighting game that’s coming out soon.”

Shun: “it’s sad that we can’t bring machine into the school. I’d rather be late for school than to skip but we have to do what’s more important for the sake of our machina. Ever since our prank gone wrong, the Principal banned machine from school grounds during school time.”

Takashia: “So we should get headed to the mall before we get spotted. Shun, text the guys and tell them that we’re not gonna be able to make it to school today and to meet us at the usual spot.”

Shun pulls out his phone and sends a message to Iteza and the group: “Hey this is Shun. Me and Takashia can’t make it to school right now. Headed to the mall. Don’t forget to meet at the usual spot after school.”

The phone beeps as the message is sent.

Shun: “It’s sent!”

Takashia nods and starts walking towards the buildings seen in the background which represent the downtown area of town.


As they walk towards town Iteza, Aione, and Kaida were in class.

Aione: “I wonder what Shun and Takashia are up to.”

Kaida: “Probably something fun like the day of the prank.”

Iteza: “I don’t think they want to attract too much attention to themselves since they’re out of school during school hours. They’re best choice is to find somewhere that they can lay low and think of something to do until school gets out.”

Aione: *sighs* (I wonder how Shun is doing…I hope him and Takashia are doing alright and staying out of trouble.)

*At the same time*

Shun and Takashia have made it to the shopping center and have begun to explore the mall in search of the arcade inside the mall and have stopped momentarily to get some rest and stay outta sight.

Shun: “I have some ideas for the tournament!”

Takashia: “Shush! Keep your voice down! We don’t want to be discovered by the security machine and chased throughout the mall. What is your idea?”

Shun: “Well my idea is the arrangements for the tournament. You, Iteza, and I can be on one team. Daijiro, Daitaro, and Kaida can be on our other team because of Aione’s healing ability which can be a good asset to the recoil damage that their moves can deal.”

Takashia: “Not a bad idea, Shun. But there’s the problem about Ike and Kaida battling alongside each other. They can get along but when it comes to mutual cooperation they get along like a cat and dog.”

Shun and Takashia laugh

Takashia: “Maybe we can pair those two with Hotaru.”

Shun: “Who’s Hotaru?”

Takashia: “The oldest member of Team Generation. He’s out of school now so that’s why you’ve probably never met him. He’ll be at the next meeting.”

Shun: “Ok. I was thinking we could host a little local tournament to scope out new talent for a small subdivision to represent the team.”

Takashia: “We could do that sometime but right now everyone’s training for the tournament and right now we’re not a favorite team on everyone’s list.”

Shun: “I see. Other schools and teams from all over the city will be attending this tournament as well so we’ll have to be on guard until the tournament is over.”

Takashia: “I agree. We should make preparations now and present them to the rest of the team later.”

Shun: “We should find somewhere to go for now I’m tired of sitting around. Let’s go!”

Takashia: “Yeah!”


Aione: “Do you think we can trust them?”

Mirage: “Hmm?”

Aione: “I don’t know if we can fully trust them. I like them a lot. They seem like really great people but I don’t want what happened back in Astoria to happen again.”

Mirage: “I understand your concern Aione, but we should let time tell for itself and reveal what we need to know.”

Aione: “I know but… I still feel guilty because I was a part of it. We were a part of AJ’s scheme along with the rest of Code 12.

Mirage: “We had no choice but to leave Astoria after the acc-“

Aione: “Don’t ever mention that AGAIN!!!”

Aione looks upon Mirage with a fiery anger in her eyes. Mirage eyes widen shocked at Aione’s outburst, looks at Aione, then quietly sighs as Aione calms down and breathes deeply as she opens her mouth to say something.

Aione: “I’m sorry Mirage. It’s just that I don’t want the same mistakes to repeat them and everything turns out as it did before. We have a fresh start with people who accept us for who we are.”

Mirage: “I say we give them a chance and see what the future holds for us.”

Aione: “If things repeat themselves and things turn bad we just run away and never return. I know we can’t keep running forever but it’s the only way to escape.”

Mirage: “We’ll keep going until we can’t progress any further. But something’s troubling me at the same time.”

Aione: “What do you mean?”

Mirage: “Why are you always blushing when we are around the rest of the group?”

Aione: “I…uh…WHAT??!!

Mirage looks slyly at Aione and shifts her eyes in another direction as she looks back at Aione’s blushing red face.

Mirage: “Nothing…I know now.” *giggles*

Aione: “I didn’t say anything like that…”

Mirage: “Uh-huh sure you didn’t.” *laughs*

*Bell rings*

Aione: “Whatever…Lunch is over. See you later. We have to meet up after school today. Meet me here at 3:15.”


Takashia and Shun have evaded the security Robo’s and have managed to buy some time to get them off of their trail.

Shun: “I’m glad we were able to get away.”

Takashia: “Don’t let your guard down just yet. They could find us any second now. We can’t really fight anyone like this. Both of us are too tired and machina-less in our current condition.”

Shun: “Yeah you’re right. Maybe we can get out of here and make it to an exit soon-“

Shun turns to find a security machine floating right behind him and Takashia.

Security Robo A: “Intruder alert! Inutruder alert! Intruder alert!”

Models! Models! Models!-End