Status: Work in progress but active

Prototype Zero

Chapter 27: Justice Vs Destiny

A bright light envelops both Shun and Zero as they combine into one being. Zero’s body breaks down and attaches its individual pieces to Shun’s pieces as if it were armor. The pieces of Zero’s body fully fit around Shun and it looks as if Shun was wearing Zero completely. Shun’s hair falls behind his back in a mix of black with blonde streaks throughout. Shun stands amazed at his appearance. Takashia, Iteza, Misery and Tri-Blaze stood shocked as well. Shun cannot contain his excitement at his new transformation.

Shun: “I can’t believe it! We actually combined and became one through bio-synchronization!"

???: “Yeah we actually did it.”

Shun: “Who said that?!”

???: “It’s me, Zero.”

Shun: “Oh! I didn’t realize that our minds are links or something like that.”

Zero: “Yeah we are. And we are one total being as well. My thoughts are your thoughts and vice-versa. We are in complete sync.”

Shun: “That’s awesome! So does that mean that I’m fighting as well?”

Zero: “Not only you but me as well. We fight as well so my attacks are your attacks and the like. But whatever damage we take is given to us both so you’ve gotta be able to take some pain if we’re gonna withstand this fight.”

Shun nods his head in agreement with a serious expression on his face.

Zero: “You ready, Shun?”

Shun: “You bet. Let’s go Zero! Let’s show them our teamwork.”

Back on the outside, Takashia and the rest of the group were staring in amazement at the change in Shun and Zero. Genesis and Kosuke watched from a distance to see how the events would unfold. Iteza parted his lips and decided to speak.

Iteza: “Shun? Zero? Are you guys in there? Are you guys fine?”

Shun’s voice spoke through and responded to Iteza.

Shun: “We’re both in here and doing just fine. We’re in complete synchronization and everything’s running smoothly. I’ve never felt so great in my life! This is incredible! Let’s go Zero!”

Zero: “Yeah! Let’s finish this!”

Takashia: “Good Luck out there with him you two! Give him hell!”

The synchronized Shun and Zero nodded his head and stepped forward into the open to confront Genesis and face him head on. Genesis steps forward with a smirk on his face.

Genesis: “It doesn’t matter if you two did synchronize. Your combined weakness still isn’t enough to stop me in any way. I’ll still stop you both and put an end to you both and everyone else.”

Shun: “Why do you want to eradicate humanity? What have humans done to you to hate us so much?”

Genesis: “Humanity since the beginning of time has been selfish, uncaring, and callous. All people care about is themselves and their own improvements and status. People have been using underhanded tricks and dirty moves to put others down. Corruption and greed is the bane of existence. People only created me to abuse the power I wield and Now that I have a free will of my own, I’ve decided to use this power I have to take over the human race and put us all Machina in a position of Godliness above the human race.”

Zero: “Genesis! Don’t you realize what you’re saying is a mistake? Our ability wasn’t created to destroy, but to create. Create a link between man and machine and bring us together and to be able to cohabitate as two different species. You’re the missing link that can bring us all into a new order than can bring flesh and metal even closer together. It’s your destiny!”

Genesis: “Destiny? Do you really think that it is our destiny to be used forever and ever? I call what I’m doing justice. I’m justifying the mistakes of mankind by taking the reins of history into my own hands and steering us to a secure future where we reign supreme for all time afterward.”

Zero clenches his fist and charges headfirst towards Genesis with a burst of speed and power flowing forth from him.

Zero: “I can’t let you do that! I refuse to live in a controlled world. I can’t let you destroy humanity or take it over. I want to live into a future where we have free control as to which future we bring upon ourselves!”

Zero and Genesis meet in a stalemate and start to exchange blows to each other. For each punch throw from one, it was blocked and countered by the other. Neither side was giving in or allowing themselves to be hit by their opponent.

Shun: “I can’t sit back and allow you to hurt innocent people and destroy millions of lives in the name of justifying our mistakes. You’re not a God! Who the hell do you think you are?!”

Shun’s attacks speed up and Genesis can’t keep up with his speed. Shun’s attacks speed up and eventually surpasses his own and lands a clean hit across Genesis’s face, sending him flying and landing on his back on the ground. Genesis picks himself up on the ground with a look of confusion and disbelief.

Genesis: (Where is this power coming from?! How can he be catching up to my speed let alone passing it?! No matter. I’ll still come out victorious.) You can’t stop your fate! It is the destiny of all Machina to rule over those that have created us. They created us to watch over them as their protectors and saviors. Why do you think they’re constantly depending on us in their daily lives?”

Zero: “Machina weren’t created to be worshipped by the humans; we were created to be of assistance to humans. We were made to be partners to humans. Our purpose is to cooperate with humans and live together as one. Our destiny is to be as one and make this world a better place. But we can’t keep fighting each other like this. All we need to do if end the fighting and work together to build a better future for those to come.”

Shun: “What have us humans done for you to hate us so much?”

Genesis clenches his fists and his expression grows angry as he grit his teeth.

Genesis: “Why?! Why?! These humans are selfish! They care about their own power! They never once considered us Machina as equals. They use us as playthings they can customize and fight off like street dogs. The rest of the world is no different. The military uses us and discards us like toys to fight in their wars. They need us more than we need them. Why not take our place at the top and establish ourselves as the dominant life form on this planet?! Why not grab hold of your place atop the throne Zero?! Reach forth and take hold of the destiny that you were meant to have?! Take your future back!”

Genesis stood with his hand stretched out towards Zero and Shun’s combined body as if waiting for them to ally.

Genesis: “Come on, Zero. Join with the dominant species. Take the reins of your destiny and let’s bring about a better future for all us Machina with you and I at the head of our revolution taking full control!”

Zero starts walking towards Genesis as if he was hypnotized by Genesis’s words. Internally, Shun seemed confused and almost couldn’t believe what was going on.

Shun: “Zero! You can’t possibly believe this?! Do you know exactly what you’re doing?!”

Zero continues walking and doesn’t say anything and is finally standing in front of Genesis. Then he finally breaks the silence and replies in a cold voice.

Zero: “I know exactly what I’m doing.”

Shun’s inner expression was surprised and shocked. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. The expressions on Takashia, Iteza, and their Machina were frozen on their faces.

Zero: “So harming all those people and destroying countless lives were all in the name of a revolution between Machina and human just to claim our destiny and take hold of a future where we reign supreme over all beings on this planets?”

Genesis: “Exactly! Our revolution is more important that any life on this planet. They are all but stepping stones towards our destiny, but we have to take that first step. Join me Zero!”

Zero: “If that’s what you call destiny and our future-“

In an instant, a flash cuts across Genesis’s left shoulder. Shun and the rest of the group all wear the same expression of shock and awe as Shun watches from inside through their combined sight.

Shun & Zero: “If that’s the future that you have planned for us, then we’ll cut our own path straight through it!”

Justice Vs Destiny-End
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Sorry for the long awaited fight between Genesis and Zero and Shun's combined form. Been working on this chapter for a short time but had to fix my computer so it was a long time coming