Status: sorry life has been crazy, new chapter soon I hope

Romeo Save Me...


Romia Montague has always been confused on what kind of business her father is really into. Not to mention the weird dream she has every night of a little boy that she can't remember.

Now her father is merging his "business" with the Capulet's and Julian Capulet is back in Romia's life even though she can't understand why the little boy in her dream is Julian or what really happened between the two families.

Now Ro is stuck with a cocky Julian around always and who she can't help but find cute even with his annoying personality.
  1. Chapter 1
    fairytale? Umm no.
  2. Chapter 2
    Do I know you?
  3. Chapter 3
    Dinner and an ass
  4. Chapter 4
    city lights
  5. Chapter 5
    Pictures of the past
  6. Chapter 6
    Who will be my prince tonight?
  7. Chapter 7
    Don't princesses get kisses?
  8. Chapter 8
    Knight in armor? or Loser in tin foil?
  9. Chapter 9
    city equals love
  10. Chapter 10
    Boys like you are a dime a dozen
  11. Chapter 11
    Keep your head high gorgeous
  12. Chapter 12
    Always there when you fall
  13. Chapter 13
    Sometimes life seems like a fairytale
  14. chapter 14
    I believed in you
  15. Chapter 15
  16. Chapter 16
    Your taste left on my lips
  17. Chapter 17
    Can't love with out hate
  18. Chapter 18
    Stuck in a tower like Rapunzle? Kind of
  19. Chapter 19
    He's like the evil hot bad guy
  20. Chapter 20
    Your my morning sun