And I fall for her Like snow from the sky Gracefully land in her arms I melted away

Where are you taking me?

Emileigh decided to drop by today. I was eating breakfast when she came tapping on my door. I was still in my PJs.

I opened the door and saw that it was her and said "Isn't it a little early to be making house calls?"

She replied "Its never too early to make house calls."

"So why are you here?"

"Do you not want me to be here?" she said disappointedly

"No, I don't care that you're here. Its just you are here kind of early and I'm kind of wondering why you are here so early?"

"Well you see" she started "I'm not letting you go we are going on a date. You will come with me if I have to force you."

"Hmm kinda of demanding aren't you? and a little bit controling? So, what are you going to do with me if I refuse to go?"

"Well you didn't think I would come with out back up." she said as three guys came in "these guys are here to make sure you do"

"So I'm guessing they are your brothers or your friends" I asked

She laughed and said "They are my brothers and they kind of owe me"

"Fine" I said "Just let me get ready."

She smiled and said "No, we have to leave now if we want to be there on time"

I looked at her and said "So, where are you taking me? or are kidnapped people not allowed to asked their kidnapper that?"

She laughed and said "You'll find out when we get there."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry again for another short chapter