Status: working on it.

My Darling

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
“Madison!” I yelled, grabbing my best friend in the world in a tight hug. She was a little short, but her outstanding personality made up for it.
“How was your date?” she asked, pushing me down onto her couch. I practically lived at her house, since I was always trying to escape from my Mom.
“It was fantastic. Another perfect day with her.”
Madison smiled widely. She always loved hearing about how perfect my relationship is, since she didn’t like getting into relationships herself. She didn’t want to deal with all the drama and pain that it always leads to.
“There’s one more thing I want to tell you,” I said, gathering the courage to say what I needed to say.
“What is it?” she said, getting excited. She knew by the look on my face that it was going to be something good.
“I think I’m going to propose to her.”
Madison’s face was pure shock. It was obviously something she wasn’t expecting, so I gave her a minute to let it sink in. I had thought it over for a long time, and I knew that I was sure about it.
“You’re only seventeen,” she said, not giving me the reaction I had expected.
“So? I know that this is real. I just know it.”
She shook her head at me, obviously in disbelief. I was hoping she wouldn’t react this way. She had something against all relationships. She didn’t believe that a person could truly feel this way at our age.
“You don’t believe me?” I asked, knowing the answer.
“Well not really. She’s what, the fifth girl you’ve said this about? Come on, you know this will blow over.”
I shook my head, pleading for her to believe me. “Madison, you know this is different.”
She shrugged her shoulders, telling me that I couldn’t change her mind now. I took this as my cue to leave, so I hugged her goodbye and got up. It had gotten a little colder outside, I noticed as I trudged down the street toward my tiny house. I always dreaded this part of my day when I had to walk home and see my mother. That horrible woman. She completely ruined me growing up. She treated me like I was worthless for no reason. She moved me to a new school every year until I was 15 because she couldn’t afford to stay in one house until we found this poor sad town.
“Hey Mom,” I said reluctantly, pushing the screen door open. The front room reeked of weed and whiskey, her two favorite things.
“Didn’t you get a paycheck today?” she asked, slurring her words.
“No, Mother, that was last week. I already gave you it.”
Without another word, I rushed to my room, slamming down on the bed. I was about to call it a night until I felt my phone vibrate and saw Hailie’s name pop up on the screen. I smiled, but the smile quickly faded as I read the message.
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