Status: working on it.

My Darling

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
I kept walking along the dark pavement until the sun came up. I was starting to feel a little tired, so I decided to stop at a motel I found. When I got to the front desk I realized that I had no money on me, and turned around to walk out.
“Hey kid,” a woman standing against a wall a few feet away called out to me, making me jump a little.
“What?” I replied, sounding angrier than I should have.
“There have been some shootings in the area. Be careful out there.”
I nodded to her, and without a word kept walking towards the exit. Hearing about the shootings scared me a little, and I felt the weight of the pistol in my pocket against my leg. It couldn’t have been me, I thought, I would’ve remembered something like that.
The women must’ve seen the worried look on my face, because she grabbed my shoulder when I got outside.
“If you want to stay somewhere so you aren’t on the streets, I know a place you can go.”
I was very hesitant to trust her, but the curiosity got the best of me. “Where would that be?”
She grinned a devilish smile, which made my palms start to sweat.
“There’s a party in the city tonight. It’s supposed to be insane,” she explained, pointing downtown. I was surprised that there would be an insane party in a town like this.
“Sure I’ll go,” I said quickly, sounding anxious. Anything to distract me from everything that’s happened.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the hotel. She had a room there that I had to wait in while she got ready for the night. I sat uncomfortably on the bed, looking around the room expecting something bad to happen.
“Alright I’m ready to go.” She walked out of the small bathroom and stood directly in front of me. It hadn’t occurred to me until now just how gorgeous this girl was. She had long dark hair and big bright eyes. She wore a lot of makeup and had a very short black skirt on. All of my worries suddenly disappeared.
“Wow,” was all I could get out. I was speechless at how amazing she looked. “What was your name again?”
She smiled again. “Megan.”
Megan, I repeated in my head, that’s a hot name. “Then let’s go?” I reached my hand out to her. She took it and we walked out together. This is going to be a great night, I assured myself, but deep down I knew I had a sense of doubt.
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Would like some comments from people I don't see daily.
I love you guys!